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why are women so screwed up

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yes, she might not be the right one even though she's a good person and ez on the eyes/ he might not be the one for her even though he's a hardbody with a soft heart...the more complex we are the more we want from another person and settling just doesn't cut it.

even when walking away from that nice person is the best thing for both involved, it's good to recall why you chose each other in the first place. From there you can see the beginnings of why things may not have worked starting from the beginning of the relationship. Using what you find can help you choose differently the next time around.

used to be like lounging in my own living room back in the day at SF when people were into long talks and getting to know each other..actually made friends then that I still have today. now it seems many are out looking for the quick and dirty hookup. half the time they're not even dressed, looking all scabby and trying to talk to you, yak

half the fun is putting together a slammin outfit, feeling the music and the people you're with. enjoying the vibe of being out and dancing.

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See I dont worry about those things. I have a fleet of guardian angels watching me. I truely believe that.

One day ill meet that hot clubby chick who will realize i am a nice guy ( although i wish i could be an ass they always have the hottest chicks lol ) then they will kiss me and turn me from a frog to a prince lol

( at least i got a kiss from perns today lol )

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

See I dont worry about those things. I have a fleet of guardian angels watching me. I truely believe that.

One day ill meet that hot clubby chick who will realize i am a nice guy ( although i wish i could be an ass they always have the hottest chicks lol ) then they will kiss me and turn me from a frog to a prince lol

( at least i got a kiss from perns today lol )

I work two jobs myself...so when the weekend comes I love to do whatever comes along...(LIKE BISTRO AND AC, LOL) But some people just wanna party everyday(to each their own) but you have to be able to maintain a normal daytime life(in my opinion).

You can find the perfect girl anywhere...you just have to keep open mind and don't get discouraged!:D

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Originally posted by destiny779

LOL that is the problem, theyre hard to find nowadays

and drama you're right...No woman needs a man to buy her drinks. This girl I know gets a drink from a guy, and then she'll take it, not so much as a thank you, and walk off. That aggrevated me to no end. Needless to say, I wont hang around with her because what she does just annoys me.

If I want something I'm goin to try and get it myself. I cant expect people to be standing there doing everything I need for the rest of my life.

If someone buys me a drink, be ita friend(guy/girl), I will return the favor. If someone I don't know buys me a drink, I will say thank you and have a conversation for a minute or two. There is no point in being openly rude, especially if you go to the same places and see the same people........

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

If someone buys me a drink, be ita friend(guy/girl), I will return the favor. If someone I don't know buys me a drink, I will say thank you and have a conversation for a minute or two. There is no point in being openly rude, especially if you go to the same places and see the same people........

Do you always return the favor or only when it comes to buying drinks:laugh:

Sorry I couldnt resist:tongue:

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

jp how did everything go i court yesterday ???

ok back to work lunch is over in a minute uggghh is it almsot friday yet

Court went well...Actually the ride in the car with my father to and from court on 3 hrs sleep (DAMN TEMPTS) was more painfull then court...Basically I plead not guilty and have to go back with my lawyer...Bottomline is i just want to get my reckless, failure to maintain lanes and seatbelt dropped....I am prepared to deal with the DWI....I MESSED UP TIME TO PAY THE PRICE..I better start working legs real hard, cuase Im going to need them for 6months

Thanks for asking.

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

. some i know even make sure they find a way to get th money they pay for a cover back and even go home with money

Theyre called prostitutes stay away from em!!

BTW I saw a bumper sticker once that said

"Never trust a creature that bleeds for 7 days and does not die"

Just some words of wisdom!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by jp18

Court went well...Actually the ride in the car with my father to and from court on 3 hrs sleep (DAMN TEMPTS) was more painfull then court...Basically I plead not guilty and have to go back with my lawyer...Bottomline is i just want to get my reckless, failure to maintain lanes and seatbelt dropped....I am prepared to deal with the DWI....I MESSED UP TIME TO PAY THE PRICE..I better start working legs real hard, cuase Im going to need them for 6months

Thanks for asking.

Awwww.......Poor JP....:(

Where'd you have to go to court at? I hope you get the other three charges dropped, they are more painfull(points & fines wise) then the DWI.........

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