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The Peaks@Valleys of going to Roxy HotBod Beach Party

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From a non-promoters standpoint:Sit back, take a load off, this might take some time:tongue:

Well I got there at 11:30 PM, and it took 20 minutes to get in on the line. I was like cool, now I don't have to pay. While others are getting frisked from head to toe, security just looks at me for a few secs, noticed I had a camera. and just lets me through. I'm like"Oh yeah,( relief)!!!"

I call them before to check on the dress code to ask if it was ok if I wear shorts and sneaks. The girl says"Aha, sure, we are tryin to encourage people to come in shorts and beach wear." But I get in there, and see most people have the usual shoes and pants on. That's all good, since I stand out more in my black shorts, checkered shirt and sneaks.

Looking around I see, the dance floor surrounded by white tents covering the seats so you could chill under em and look out at the dance floor and stage; I see blow up plastic beach toys(balls, fish, small pool (on the stage), etc) hanging from the ceiling, and on the floor. Ehhh, interesting, but not as spectacular as I expected.

I need a drink so I head to the bar.....Ordered a bloody mary....Girl says they're outta tomato juice, so I get a margarita. A second later, this white guidoesque dude (about 18) by the side of me starts throwin a fit with the bartender, pointin the finger, jumpin up and down from side to side, bawlin somethin like"YO!!! I DON'T WANT MY F#%KIN DRINK NO MORE:eek: , over and over, like he was doin this sh*t on purpose to make things interesting . It was an intense scene, 'cause this went on for like 5 min. and two black security dudes had to come and restrain him and he still kept goin. Hope they escorted his behind out the club. Well-well-well... the nite must go on....

I head to the dance floor, cruised around looked at people relaxin under these tents, at candlelit tables, greet the known-- unknown, not much happenin on the dance floor yet,... basically searchin for good pic ops. There was a lotta people there, but not as much as at the reopening...... Makes sense in that it's a comp. nite as the reopening was too( Well for CP at least).

.....Was about 45 min. later the dance floor started gettin life and I took my chance to get down, feel the vibe, get into the grooove.....and it felt gooood. After 20 min of non-stop boogiing to a beat I was feelin, I took a rest by the edge of the stage. Now the exotic dancers started to ascend the platforms, god, they were all hotttt. I said I got to get me some pix of these which I did. :idea:

Then this guy next to me looks at me and asks :Are you taking ecstasy or something ? I'm like "No, I'm partyin sober" He's like"REALLY" like he's surprised and doesn't believe me, then all sweaty and redfaced, he tells me" he's all high on drinks" and we shake hands.

Then I made my way though the dance floor, crowd, looked at all the good dancers and attractive people( and there were a lot) and I even saw a popular straight male porn star cruising up and down the floor and tried to get a good shot of him.

On the dance floor I look and noticed some longhaired dude tryin to sneak a pic of me.... go ahead, I don't mind... just don't put me on a porn site on the web.

About 3am, everyone clears the stage, and the KTU people come on, so the special guest singer could perform( Dee Roberts). She comes out in this tacky pleatherlike S&M outfit. I don't know who this is, and I here whispers from the crowd "like who the hell is that." I thought her performance was not bad, and was "very" pleased with her two talented sexy female asian dancers. And I'm surprised at such an apathetic Roxy audience with signs of no life and excitement with the performance. Zombies, I tell you.

After all that was over I get up on the empty stage and got down to that beat with the lyrics" I---Don't---Want---You--- Co--ming-Back--No--More!!!" Have to say DJ Rizzo did a good job. Then this girl comes up on the stage to dance by me, and it gets more and more crowded. Then this videographer whose been taping the event from the beginning comes over and tapes my every move from head to toe. Hmmmm, I wonder what shes goin to use that for.

The announcer for the nite comes over and says we have to clear the stage again. It was time for the hot body beach contest with the winner to get two tickets to Cancun. Yeahhh.... Contest guys and girls, from the scrawny to the well-buffed and developed, were rounded up to show us what they've got.

I thought it was so hilariously disorganised: the announcer had to yell at the guys a few times to get them motivated to show their stuff. Then halfheartedly, things got a move on: Some of the guys were attractive, well-muscled, flashed a but cheek here and there to gain the edge, and some skinny with no clue as to how to dance and show their stuff (it was funnie).

The girls all came on the stage at once competing for attention, some taking their skirt off to reveal the g-string they were wearin. While this was happenin, I heard some comments like "EEEEwww,' "iillll" behind me(LOL). Then two black girls-one tall-one short- came to the fore, and boldly pulled off there tops to reveal their bare breasts. And I had to get some pics of this. And as I snapped it, this guy next to me was like "great shot man, take some more....:-)." Finally the time came when the short black girl pulled EVERYTHING off, to reveal full frontal nudity to everyone. And I'm like-OOOOO-KAAAAAAAY....What else is going to happen now???? Then she lays on the floor doin some kind of humpty sexual dance, as the announcer hovers over her wide-eyed in pleasant amazement. Shortly, after that, the announcer says, "We have a winner, and who was it but this short black girl(the least attractive to me) who won because she took it all off.

The last highlight of the evening for me was this other guy who looked like he had to be about 17 or 18: he comes up to me on the dance floor like he recognised me for somewhere and asked"What's your name?" Taken by suprise, I'm like "Max. "He's like, "No it's not, it's Lucifer!!!,(dizzying drunken stupor pause).... and I don't want you. " He shakes my hand and walks past me. I stand there dumbfounded, like WTF wuz that all about??? I guess in a place like this you meet alll kinds.....

At 5:30am security motioned for people to clear out, as they made comments like"WTF, it's only 5:30 and not even light out yet." A wacky nite to remember as I made myself scarce.

:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by BobG

max could you pm me.. your pm is full. appreciated your review.


Hey, thanks Bob, glad you appreciated my full review. Turns out your pm got into my mailbox( just checked it and cleared up some space, so I will call you soon. ;):aright:

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hey roninumbus, I have no clue what you're talking about. Bugout and Dan wilson are two different people. Speaking of different people, can u believe that all those dj's beat of Jonathan Peters? He is the best dj around. He packs 3000 people into the Sound Factory every saturday. And no, I am not stalking roninostradamus, I am just following his every move. :tongue:

{the following was my best DW impression}

Mike Bugout

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

the song u were feeling was

"I dont want you" (widelife mix) by Widelife....

Mike Bugout

Well thank you for that info Mista Bugout. :aright: Listenin 2 KTU, most of the time, doesn't help at all with finding out the title of these mixes and artists(here that KTU if ur readin?) :confused::rolleyes:

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Originally posted by max3

About 3am, everyone clears the stage, and the KTU people come on, so the special guest singer could perform( Dee Roberts). She comes out in this tacky pleatherlike S&M outfit. I don't know who this is, and I here whispers from the crowd "like who the hell is that." I thought her performance was not bad, and was "very" pleased with her two talented sexy female asian dancers. And I'm surprised at such an apathetic Roxy audience with signs of no life and excitement with the performance. Zombies, I tell you.

Man, you wrote an eyefull!!!!

I got one of those T-shirts KTU was throwin out to the crowd around this time:D

On the front there's a logo of a cuala bear with a title"Australian Gold. Never heard of it, but I guess it's some kind of alcoholic beverage brand.

On the back it has a silouette map of australia with the saying" Australian Gold:

"I'm Even Tan.....DOWN UNDER!"

...Kinda cool, might wear it to go work out, run, etc:cool:

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Originally posted by enviable1

Man, you wrote an eyefull!!!!

I got one of those T-shirts KTU was throwin out to the crowd around this time:D

On the front there's a logo of a cuala bear with a title"Australian Gold. Never heard of it, but I guess it's some kind of alcoholic beverage brand.

On the back it has a silouette map of australia with the saying" Australian Gold:

"I'm Even Tan.....DOWN UNDER!"

...Kinda cool, might wear it to go work out, run, etc:cool:

Yeah, I got one of those shirts(size XL). For some reason some strange person threw(couldn't see who it was) one at my feet while I was in the middle of the dance floor. I was like "Thanks, I'm keepin this:D :aright:

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Originally posted by legend38


Hey, I don't think I met you, but I saw some pic with you in em on the site. And there is someone in the contest that looks a lot like you, or wuz that you?:confused:

I'm lookin at this pic rite now that I took and this person is in the picture.....[correction]

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Originally posted by max3

Hey, I don't think I met you, but I saw some pic with you in em on the site. And there is someone in the contest that looks a lot like you, or wuz that you?:confused:

I'm lookin at this pic rite now that I took and this person is in the picture.....[correction]

:eek::laugh: Excuse my hasteee unintelligibilitie-correction made;)

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Originally posted by danwilson

Bob G is the man. The people at Exit should learn from him.

Hey Mr. Dan Wilson, I've been tryin to figure this out for some weeks now, but I have a good :idea: now whose alter ego you embody. I think the appearance of him fits the name Dan Wilson well(no insult intended).

But, anyway, I might be going to see JV at the Roxy this weekend, could you refer me to a good bio of JV? Werds out that you are the JV authority.


Fact: there are over 150 DW's in NY says Verizon. So Generic! NO?

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