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Who beleives we should nuke Afghanistan?

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and all the surrounding area?

Those people where bread to hate us and this game where playing is not getting us anywhere. I know it wont happen but I truly wish we would kill them all. Men,Women,Kids. Just annihilate the whole fucking continent. You may mock me now but when they strike again and your mom is under a slab of fallen concrete crying from the pain wishing to die you may think in your head.. Hmm notallthere was rite....

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Originally posted by stonedcl

I just posted my opinion on this in the current events forum.

We dont have to NUKE them for them to stop FUcking with us..






uhm they all hate us. They are a cancer. What is the best way to survie cancer? Cut it out get rid of as much of it as you can.


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Originally posted by notallthere






uhm they all hate us. They are a cancer. What is the best way to survie cancer? Cut it out get rid of as much of it as you can.


They dont hate us, They hate ISrial cuz Isrial Stole LAnd from them..

They are doing this to us cuz we support Isreal.

Did they ever bother us before we started giving them problems?

Saleen how you gonna get around in that Saleen of yours with no Oil?

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just nuke that whole section...start all over...start fresh..theyre never gonna learn...

hey you FUCKIN SAND NIGGAZ :bigfinge: ...you ever heard of hiroshema...now theyre our freinds...they dont fuck with us anymore:D

youll get yours osama...look at you...a millionare and living in caves and riding camels...if i were him id be livin it up like ja rule..."slinging thangs, fuckin hoes, smokin weed"

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countries and worry about the USA first. we should leave those countries to their own devices, close our borders, police our immigrant population, and worry about our own homeland security, we ain't never gonna win on their turf, wait for them and Saddam to come this way, just like the RedCoats in the revolutionary war, and then when we see the turbins, fuck them up.

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I agree that we should nuke them, but its not really pracital. But what is, we should stop giving them all this food(wheat,water,etc). Instead we should give them live food to do what they need. Pigs would be the best animal to suite those animals. Second we have alot of left over vietnam and cold war weapons taking up alot of storage space. We should just drop in all in Afrgastain and Iraq. Kind of like spring cleaning. Third since they need to transport all these things, we should give them all those empty storage containers that sit off the side of the NJ turnpike to HELP them move what ever they like. Finally since we like to help this country so much, we should send over a few hundred thousand people to help with all the aid work that is needed to rebuild this country. I think our prison and insane wards have the caliber of people that would fit right in this country.:blown:

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No they do hate us! They hate are life style and they have been terrorizing us for years! Anyone see those videos last night on cnn? They where videos that we discovered of them testing al kinds of nerve gas on animals. Trust me they are planning something supper fucked up and where going to all feel it this time. Mark my words we need to get rid of them NOW WHILE WE HAVE THE CHANCE!!!!

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Originally posted by vitotheguido

I agree that we should nuke them, but its not really pracital. But what is, we should stop giving them all this food(wheat,water,etc). Instead we should give them live food to do what they need. Pigs would be the best animal to suite those animals.

Pig would be good but they would starv being they are muslim and dont eat pork...but i get what ur saying.....fuk that lets cut off borders like the pulse said//

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Originally posted by notallthere

No they do hate us! They hate are life style and they have been terrorizing us for years! Anyone see those videos last night on cnn? They where videos that we discovered of them testing al kinds of nerve gas on animals. Trust me they are planning something supper fucked up and where going to all feel it this time. Mark my words we need to get rid of them NOW WHILE WE HAVE THE CHANCE!!!!

my question is this???? what can we do a citizins to about this???...WE are suppose to have power as citizins we dont have any power....

Put a ballot up for all of the USA and ask if we should nuke them? and we all have to vote....thats power to the people....

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Originally posted by stonedcl

They dont hate us, They hate ISrial cuz Isrial Stole LAnd from them..

They are doing this to us cuz we support Isreal.

Did they ever bother us before we started giving them problems?

Saleen how you gonna get around in that Saleen of yours with no Oil?

They do hate us, not only for supporting Isreal, but for our ideals and culture....................

We should go back to old school world domination.......

as far as the oil, once we take over there country, we'll own the oil.....

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