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Off Topic:450lb Bear mauls a 5 month old girl to death


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Originally posted by barvybe

btw...that's a big ass black bear

Well, the bear was 2 yrs old and 150 pounds, so she was still a baby...

But what i don't get from all this is how the mom went to save her 2 older kids b4 the infant?? WHy wouldn't she rescue the infant 1st, knowing that the other 2 children could at least walk:confused:

Not in 34 years has there been a report of a bear killing someone, and now it has to happen to a baby :(

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ahhh...150 lbs makes more sense

i didn't read the article...but i know a bit about bears. its likely that the bear went after the smallest kid thinking that it was a smaller animal. bears don't attack full sized peeps unless provoked, sick, or you come between one and her cubs.

and, if a bear was mauling your infant, there isn't much you can actually do...i mean you can try to scare it away but if it doesn't want to go there's not shit you can do about it. A 150lb bear could fuck up the most buff guy out there and they run way faster than humans do...

all in all way sucky situation

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Here is the full article...a life lost is upsetting but imo the woman was a moron and i think the killing of the bear unnecessary...just my nickel...

FALLSBURG, N.Y. -- A 155-pound, black bear killed a 5-month-old girl Monday in the Catskills region, knocking her out of a stroller and carrying her into nearby woods, authorities said.

The baby was sleeping in her carriage by the porch of a bungalow, near her mother and two siblings at around 2 p.m., said Fallsburg Police Chief Brent Lawrence.

Witnesses told police someone yelled, "Bear, bear, bear," he said. The mother shuttled her 4- and 2-year-old children inside, Lawrence said. Moments later, when she came outside again, the infant was gone.

Witnesses reported seeing the young bear with the baby, Ester Schwimmer, in its mouth as it ambled into dense woods 20 feet from the bungalow.

"It may be the first season that it may have been on its own, and it may very well have perceived this infant as a food source," Lawrence said. "I wouldn't categorize it as an attack -- as far as a running, snarling attack."

Summer residents of the Machne Ohel Feige colony tried to scare the bear off.

Isaac Abraham, a community leader from Williamsburg in Brooklyn, said people desperately tried to save the girl. "People started chasing the bear, throwing rocks at it," he said.

The bear dropped the infant, but she had severe injuries to her head and neck, and was pronounced dead at Ellenville Hospital, Lawrence said.

Department of Environmental Conservation and police officers pursued the young black bear into the woods, Lawrence said. Fallsburg officer David Decker shot it once.

"It was just standing there. It wasn't scared," Decker said. "As I walked toward the bear, the bear climbed up a tree. And that's when I shot the bear."

The bear had first appeared on the other side of the colony, and several men chased it away. It circled to the other side and approached the bungalow near the woods, said a man standing outside the gate Monday evening with several others. The man, who said he was a rabbi staying at a nearby camp but declined to be identified, said bears were common in the area, but this was the first time one had been seen in Machne Ohel Feige.

The child's parents had left the camp Monday evening to make funeral arrangements, he said.

"Everybody's paranoid," camper Toby Tessler said Monday night. A second bear had been seen, she said. "The whole camp packed up."

Ward Stone, state wildlife pathologist, said it was the first time he could remember a black bear killing a human. Initial test results showed the young adult male wasn't rabid. Its stomach had ants, seeds, vegetation and small plastic bags and fruit labels, showing it was familiar with people and their garbage, he said.

"In all my many years, 34 summers, we've had them eat birdseed, get into trouble eating dog food in people's yards, but black bears are just not noted for attacking humans," Stone said.

Tests also revealed that the bear had enlarged lymphnodes, but its organs appeared normal, he said.

Four bullets were retrieved from the bear, two each from its head and neck. One bullet passed through his right forelimb, Stone said.

Black bears are common in that area of the Catskills region, Lawrence said. Fallsburg police get up to a dozen reports weekly of bears pawing through garbage cans or bird feeders, he said.

The attack happened about 70 miles northwest of New York City, in the heart of what is known as the Borscht Belt. Big hotels and bungalows attracted thousands of visitors each summer, many of them Jewish families from New York City. Scattered bungalow colonies still remain.

The town swells from a year-round population of about 13,000 to 60,000 in the summer, Lawrence said.

The Williamsburg community in Brooklyn, where many of the campers are from, was in shock Monday, Abraham said. He said later the child's father is Shmaya Schwimmer, he said. The funeral and burial was held Monday night in New Brunswick, N.J., in accordance with Jewish tradition, he said.

Many campers were cutting short their stays and heading home.

The baby's grandfather is Mendel Schwimmer, who is active in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community of Kiryas Joel.

"The governor knows the man," said Michael McKeon, Gov. George Pataki's chief spokesman. "At the appropriate moment, the governor will be reaching out to call him to express his condolences."

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well, yeah it is.

ok, after reading it the woman definitely should have taken the baby first. the bear probably didn't recognize the baby as human as its used to seeing adult and adolescent people.

the big problem here was that the bear obviously associated the habitat of people with food sources and had no fear of people. That's likely cause people fed it or something in the past.

unfortunately, they have to kill bears that do this as they are likely to attack humans again. if it was just troubling the community, they could relocate it, but once bears attack people they often attack again.

hikers who are cutting their trips short are idiots though since the bear is gone and its very unlikely for another bear to act that way. i've been camping and had to deal with bears numerous times...all they want is your food.

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