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. . . Odd people at the Mall . . .

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. . my office building is located inside of Cross County Shopping Center in Yonkers . . . Now, this isn't your normal mall (as anyone from Yonkers or surrounding area will tell you . . ). . It's not spotless clean and 'mall' feeling . . It's like a 50's strip mall on roids. . . It comes complete with it's own knightstick weilding security force and colorful cast of characters . . .one of whom is an older mentally handicapped lady named 'mary' . . . Now, mary pushes around a baby stroller with a doll in it all day long . . Every day as I come barrelling down the entry hill to the complex she's pushing that stroller towards the CVS . . . By the time I get upstairs, get settled and then promptly skip out to buy cigarettes and my beloved power bar she's already inside CVS walking around . . . Same situation every morning: She goes in . . I'm on line for cigarettes and then she promptly begins to heist shit from the store (usually baby clothes, and YES they do sell them at this CVS) . . NOw, the clerks don't stop her usually . .(well, they do, but only if she goes over like 30 dollars worth of merchandise) . . .

. . Here's my question to you, the audience: Figuring that good old mary here houses about 25 dollas worth of shit a day from this place, 7 days a week (peeps tell me she's there on the weekends too) . . and figuring that they don't stop her 80 percent of the time , the grand total price tag on her theiving comes to about $7300 of merchandise a year . . . That's well into the Grand Theft arena, punishable by 1-5 years in prison . . . Is it right to give gim. . . er. . handicapped people (and the elderly, considering that they're guilty of this sorta thing at this particular CVS as well . . ) a pass because they are the way they are? . . Or should we smack them with the book like the rest of the degenerates? . . .

**..This was satire.

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Im sorry to detract from the question, but i couldn't help but harken back to Tom Greene's jaunt in the local mall, scuba diving in the fountain and barreling down the mall in a big rolley instrument.

and of course, fucking with mall security, :laugh: :laugh:

Umm, i'd say to stop that snatcher, phuture! Tell the security to start using those clubs for proper reasons. Just cause she's handicapt doesn't allow her to steal shit :nono:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Umm, i'd say to stop that snatcher, phuture! Tell the security to start using those clubs for proper reasons. Just cause she's handicapt doesn't allow her to steal shit :nono:

. . . Yeah, I can see your point George, but she's not your typical "I like to steal shit from the mall" type . . She's like a fixture of the place, so I guess she gets more 'cred' to do stuff like that . . .

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Originally posted by somebitch

fuck that. you should rip the doll out of the stroler and stomp on its head.

. :laugh: (I think I've been trumped on this thread . . but we'll see. .) . . but then what would she do with all the baby clothes that she heists? . . I mean, please now, this doll is probably the core of her universe . . . I really wouldn't want to see what her reaction would be if I actually did that . . She'd probably go ballistic and pick up my car and throw it at me . . . You ever heard of people doing that in the news? . . Like those stories about how a mother ripped the door off of a car after a crash to save her child? . . Imagine what this woman's response would be!! . . I'd lose a limb!! . .or several! . . .

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Originally posted by gothzane

I say dollnap the little rubber bastid then give it back but without the head.


. . . you people are horrible! . . I truly am shocked at the depths to which you'd sink . . . Stealing and mangling dolls that belong to a special person!! . . the horror!! . . .

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Your the one contemplating on delivering the disturbed into reality throughg prosecution...I just want to expand on the subjects sense of chaotic imagination...push her to the other side if you will.


Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . you people are horrible! . . I truly am shocked at the depths to which you'd sink . . . Stealing and mangling dolls that belong to a special person!! . . the horror!! . . .

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Originally posted by gothzane

Your the one contemplating on delivering the disturbed into reality throughg prosecution...I just want to expand on the subjects sense of chaotic imagination...push her to the other side if you will.


. . . I was arguing the greater moral point of whether or not we should allow Special Eds to heist shit from the CVS . . She's just a specific example . . .

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Originally posted by gothzane

WEll considering the fact that she "mentally" fuctions outside our "moral" boundries...is it proper to judge her by our perceptions on how things should be?

and if not...how would we judge her by her own standards?


oh no! gothzane is getting philosophical!!!!

head for the hills!!!!


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Hey no comments from the peanut gallery...(my mother used to say that..and I am on target when i say that she makes your CVS clepto look like the founder for moral order) ....anyways..unless you wish to debate on such nonesense ....stfu!.....

btw...we having dinner tonight or what?


Originally posted by bigpoppanils

oh no! gothzane is getting philosophical!!!!

head for the hills!!!!


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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . .No dinner talk!!! . . . quit hijacking my thread you plebian! . . .

ple·be·ian Pronunciation Key (pl-bn)


- Of or relating to the common people of ancient Rome: a plebeian magistrate.

- Of, belonging to, or characteristic of commoners.

- Unrefined or coarse in nature or manner; common or vulgar: plebeian tastes.

I hardly think a man who starts threads about blocked toilets has any place calling others plebeians!

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Originally posted by hoke

I hardly think a man who starts threads about blocked toilets has any place calling others plebeians!

. . . And I didn't ask for commentary Plebian . . Since I am of the ruling caste, anything I say can be considered refined and sophisticated . . . Now get back to cleaning that bathroom damnit! . . .

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So let us continue...before that londonite high-heel shoe-wearing man-whore interrupted us...now then...what was i blabbering about?....oh yes....I was wondering along the lines if anyone knew any past law grievances relating towards the mentally ill and how they were judged by our "normal" laws....then again...they were probably simply claimed incompetent and thrown in the loony bin with all the other over-imaginative whack jobs.


Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . .No dinner talk!!! . . . quit hijacking my thread you plebian! . . .

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Originally posted by gothzane

So let us continue...before that londonite high-heel shoe-wearing man-whore interrupted us...now then...what was i blabbering about?....oh yes....I was wondering along the lines if anyone knew any past law grievances relating towards the mentally ill and how they were judged by our "normal" laws....then again...they were probably simply claimed incompetent and thrown in the loony bin with all the other over-imaginative whack jobs.


. .. . Actually the mentally handicapped are considered incapable of understanding the crimial justice process, and therefore are given special consideration when being prosecuted under the law . . . So, even tho it's grand larceny, Mary wouldn't get jail time even if the police DID become involved . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . And I didn't ask for commentary Plebian . . Since I am of the ruling caste, anything I say can be considered refined and sophisticated . . . Now get back to cleaning that bathroom damnit! . . .

Refined and sophisticated... harumph! Never forget this all-important rule of slavery: the same person who cleans your toilet also cooks your meals.


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That mall is such an irritating place to be as well as YAAAAnkas....Been goin there(here &there) since I was like 12 since I only live a mile away from it. The movie theatre (which was a desolate arcade/diner in the 80's, and the recent renovations like the new Stop&Shop, and a host of other stores makes it a little more bearable, but not much!

As far as the mentally challenged klepto grannie is concerned, the law is on her side, because of her handicapped state. CVS probably realizes this; that's why they let her continue her spree.


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Originally posted by max3

That mall is such an irritating place to be as well as YAAAAnkas....Been goin there(here &there) since I was like 12 since I only live a mile away from it. The movie theatre (which was a desolate arcade/diner in the 80's, and the recent renovations like the new Stop&Shop, and a host of other stores makes it a little more bearable, but not much!

As far as the mentally challenged klepto grannie is concerned, the law is on her side, because of her handicapped state. CVS probably realizes this; that's why they let her continue her spree.


. . . Oh lighten up . . :rolleyes: . . .

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