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here's the scenario...

met this guy at a club, he's super hot... we hang out once a week, he calls me every other day... it's been 5 months... he seems super nice, but kind of weird... how can i tell if he's seeing other people???

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well has it been this way (every other day, once a week ) for the past 5 months? if so, then i 'd wouldn't count your chickens on this one... if this is actually more activty recently, then there is probably some genuine like, etc. only sure way to find out is ask!

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i think my problem is that i think he's too hot for me... he's gorgeous and i can't understand why he's at all interested in me!

what's wrong w/ me? and i'm afraid to ask because if he tells me the truth, then i get hurt... if he lies, then i'll be out of the loop--and will eventually get hurt...

i just hate this whole dating scene!!!

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Originally posted by ysolt

here's the scenario...

met this guy at a club, he's super hot... we hang out once a week, he calls me every other day... it's been 5 months... he seems super nice, but kind of weird... how can i tell if he's seeing other people???

i dont mean to burst ur bubble or nothing, but u been seeing each-other once a week for 5 months.....obviously (if u r not already) he is only looking for a booty on the side....otherwise he would have made his move....my opinion anyway

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Originally posted by ysolt

here's the scenario...

met this guy at a club, he's super hot... we hang out once a week, he calls me every other day... it's been 5 months... he seems super nice, but kind of weird... how can i tell if he's seeing other people???

Sniff his fingers.

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Originally posted by ysolt

i think my problem is that i think he's too hot for me... he's gorgeous and i can't understand why he's at all interested in me!

what's wrong w/ me? and i'm afraid to ask because if he tells me the truth, then i get hurt... if he lies, then i'll be out of the loop--and will eventually get hurt...

i just hate this whole dating scene!!!

Don't stay with someone for their looks. If this guy is your trophy then he'll play you for all it's worth. He should make you feel so beautiful that you never feel insecure. Happiness has nothing to do with looks.

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Originally posted by 12inch

Don't stay with someone for their looks. If this guy is your trophy then he'll play you for all it's worth. He should make you feel so beautiful that you never feel insecure. Happiness has nothing to do with looks.

very well said :clap::clap:

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Originally posted by nvsr2r

ohh u guys gonna sit here and say looks dont count....like all of us are not superficial.....like we dont go for the looks first or popularity and then whatever we supposed look for....

i agree with you you need a general attraction with out that its just as for the night in my opinion

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Originally posted by trewguy

i agree with you you need a general attraction with out that its just as for the night in my opinion

general attraction doesn't mean the person has to be good looking. Each of us has different tastes and a good looking person to you may be unattractive to me. General attraction could be anything, not just looks.

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Originally posted by 12inch

general attraction doesn't mean the person has to be good looking. Each of us has different tastes and a good looking person to you may be unattractive to me. General attraction could be anything, not just looks.

your totally rite

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Originally posted by nvsr2r

ohh u guys gonna sit here and say looks dont count....like all of us are not superficial.....like we dont go for the looks first or popularity and then whatever we supposed look for....

not saying that looks dont count. like others posts, there should always be a good amt of physical attraction. but what she posted " this guy is out of my league" -- she's putting him on a pedestal. I dont believe that is the right approach.

but factoring in "popularity" .. :laugh: what are we, in high school and can only go out with the "in crowd"?

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Originally posted by nycchic24

not saying that looks dont count. like others posts, there should always be a good amt of physical attraction. but what she posted " this guy is out of my league" -- she's putting him on a pedestal. I dont believe that is the right approach.

but factoring in "popularity" .. :laugh: what are we, in high school and can only go out with the "in crowd"?

a chick that likes football

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Originally posted by ysolt

here's the scenario...

met this guy at a club, he's super hot... we hang out once a week, he calls me every other day... it's been 5 months... he seems super nice, but kind of weird... how can i tell if he's seeing other people???

If u cant find a good guy find a good girl.

Turn dyke just let the rest of us watch:eek:

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well... he lives an hour away from me (in the summer that is)... does that justify the once-a-week thing? he just seems so sweet--argh! i just hate this dating scene, i really do.

i almost want to break it off before he hurts me first--you know!? you see, my ex cheated on me and i've been paranoid ever since. how do i break this habit, damn it!? and i don't want to be a controling girlfriend, but what if he's lying???

we should just have everyone hooked up to a lie detector... or maybe i'll go to psychic to find some answers... i'm such a loser! hehehe.

oh whateverz... maybe i'll just party like a rockstar and find another hottie at a club one day that i won't question. wish me luck, everybody.

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what if he's not lying?

what if he is the love of your life?

yeah they say guys are dogs, cheaters; they say girls are gold diggers, just in it for the play

these are bullsh*t generalizations about people whose ego's are so weak that they feel like they have to be getting over

sux your ex hurt you and of course we carry energy from the past forward, but being cognizant of it is the first step to exercising decision making based on how you really feel about the guy.

you must like him, 5 months is pretty long to be hanging out with someone.

if he is such a sweetie like you describe, take the emotional risk.

lay it on the line and ask him for the answers to your questions.

just because a guy is a major easy on the eyes hardbody doesn't mean he isn't an honest true person.

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