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If you die right now..

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Originally posted by hoke

I don't believe in heaven and hell either.

I haven't accepted Jesus as my personal lord and savior, either, so I suppose that means I'm going to hell, depending on who you ask...

if you asked me, I wouldn't say you are going to hell. I don't believe in any of that mumbo junbo...

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Originally posted by gmccookny

I bet you wanna shoot a deer b4 u die :tongue:

nah. i don't really like violence, believe it or not. maybe i'll eat some deer before i die but i won't kill any, just some harmless deer chasing.

what i really want to do it live in the uk (or somewhere else) for a few years. which means i can't die for at least a few years yet.

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. . . I'm gonna have to agree with Somebitch on this one . . . Heaven, Hell and God are all constructs that humans have created in order to deal with the terrifying unknown that existence gives us . . . Its an opiate that says 'yeah, things are real shitty here in the game of life, and chances are you're gonna get dead sooner than later, but have no fear, God is watchin ya . . so if you're good, you'll go to this place where everything is daisies and fucking sunshine when you finally meet that last and sometimes greusome end. ." . . . Its basic nature of sentient beings to create a system like that in order to keep people from going completely insane and causing chaos . . Hence the foundation of morals for societies in history . . .

. . but enough with the science . . . I for one, believe that we're going through this as a learning experience for something greater . . To think that a 'heaven' exists at the end of the road is not only insulting to the humans that think of it, but also the creator that made them . . . God is a pretty sharp cat right? . . So he (I'm gonna use the masculine, cause it's easier than writing he/she/it every time, but feel free to substitue genders where appropriate) creates these little monkeyboys and girls and puts them on a planet to do what they please . . Now, being the smart cat that he is, he has to know that these little monkeyboys and girls are gonna get bored no matter how fucking sacchrine you make the situation for them to live in the afterlife . .so he has to INHERANTLY know that heaven would be a monumental disaster in terms of people getting bored and starting mischief . . cause even the most noble soul isn't gonna sit around for all eternity sipping kianti on some kind of heavenly beach and watch the waves from the heavenly ocean break on the shore without at least looking around once wondering if there's anything else to offer . . . Eventually the system would degrade into pandemonium with bored little do-gooders in the living world starting trouble after they pass on into the afterlife out of sheer boredom . . .

. . . So I think, when we die, God, being the smart cat that he is, sets up a system of either you A) go on to evolve to the 'next' level, whatever that level may be, or B) get thrown back into the 'raw materials' bin and are recycled back into general pop here on earth . . .

. . . Simple, right? . .


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. . . So I think, when we die, God, being the smart cat that he is, sets up a system of either you A) go on to evolve to the 'next' level, whatever that level may be, or B) get thrown back into the 'raw materials' bin and are recycled back into general pop here on earth . . .

I dig that ;)

btw... i hope Mr. Lincoln Log at your job who stanks it up follows Step 2 and gets thrown back in the horses' ass :tongue:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

I dig that ;)

btw... i hope Mr. Lincoln Log at your job who stanks it up follows Step 2 and gets thrown back in the horses' ass :tongue:

. . . . :laugh: . . Oh he will Papa Smurf, there's no more heinus crime then to break the toilet and not at least attempt to fix it . . . Bastard hasn't been coming around lately, God probably had a talk with him . . ;) . . . :aright: . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . You know, this conversation could have been really good . . Isn't it grand how things fall apart . . .

I try to avoid really getting into conversations like this. You usually end up going back and forth between the following people:

1. Those who don't believe in anything and are scornful of those who do.

2. Those who don't believe in anything, but respect others' beliefs.

3. Those who hold a religious/spiritual belief and respect those who don't or whose beliefs differ.

4. Those who hold a religious belief and think everyone else is going to hell.

Conversations can be mighty interesting between members of the SAME group, but between groups, it just gets nasty and nobody ever compromises (you can't expect them too, really, not on matters like this)...

For the record, I'm in group 2.

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Originally posted by hoke

I try to avoid really getting into conversations like this. You usually end up going back and forth between the following people:

1. Those who don't believe in anything and are scornful of those who do.

2. Those who don't believe in anything, but respect others' beliefs.

3. Those who hold a religious/spiritual belief and respect those who don't or whose beliefs differ.

4. Those who hold a religious belief and think everyone else is going to hell.

Conversations can be mighty interesting between members of the SAME group, but between groups, it just gets nasty and nobody ever compromises (you can't expect them too, really, not on matters like this)...

For the record, I'm in group 2.

Or No. 5. Just have the fucking conversation and marvel at the interaction in and of itself . .

. . not everything need be semantics . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

Or No. 5. Just have the fucking conversation and marvel at the interaction in and of itself . .

. . not everything need be semantics . . .

Eh... it's not semantics... the interaction would only be something to marvel at if I expected anyone to bring a fresh perspective. Quite honestly, I haven't heard a fresh perspective regarding religion and the afterlife since freshman year of college... these days I just feel like I'm traveling the same old path and I don't get any excitement or insight from it... :\

But if you really want to, feel free to ask me questions, and I'll try my best to engage...

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Originally posted by perns2002

If I die right now,

I will make SUPERB Worm Food........................!

Here's one for Phunk:

Perns, are you suggesting that when you die, your consciousness will cease to exist entirely and your body will turn out to have been nothing more than a heap of matter guided into movement by chemical processes (albeit complex ones)?

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