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Sept. 11th, 2002 - what will you be doing ??

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Originally posted by notallthere

I feel horrible that people died. But people die everyday everywhere. I'm so sick of phonies pretending they care because its like the "in" thing to do. I'm going to be dead honest I want it to be a holiday for a day off. and sept 11th hasn't effected me in anyway. Oh and I was working in the Manhattan the day it happened and I have been to the site many times on the way to work at my old job. I didn't know anyone who died in the world trade center so i am not going to pretend I feel bad because I don't,

Your screen name is very fitting because you're most definately not all there! I dont know how you can say that you dont feel bad and that you're just looking for another day off, thats pretty fucking cold hearted! Maybe I was affected by it more than the next guy because my girl worked on the 84th floor and was missing until I heard from her at 6pm or a half dozen other friends that were missing until we got phone calls late that night. Imagine the thoughts running through my mind or that of anyone knowing someone missing, even worse for the families that never got that precious phone call.

Maybe I was touched by the tragic events because I felt like my efforts made a small difference in the lives of families affected by the tragedy, having raised almost $75,000... by selling t-shirts and collecting money for the Uniformed Firefighters Association Widows and Childrens Fund of New York. All on my own time with the help of a select few through the Warren Township Volunteer Fire Dept. As a matter of fact, I almost totalled my car in the rain delivering an order of t-shirts on my birthday last September. Instead of crying about it, I rented a car and kept on delivering shirts, hats and posters to raise money for families that needed it more than I did. I never did it because it was the "in thing to do, " we did it because we wanted to help. And when several New York television networks called to do a story on the fund raising project, we turned down the interviews because we never did it for praise or recognition. That is what I call being an American, standing up and fighting for a cause, just for the sake of doing some good for others in need.

The fact that you say you want the day off to have a day off, sorry but that is pretty fucking pathetic and disgusting!

Just my 2 cents...................

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this is why on tuchy situations you becareful what you say. it might offned someone. saw that one a millin miles away.

well if it isnt a holiday this year it meks no sence to ever have it a holiday. holidays are just that days off. no one knows what half of the are for or experienced the reason for it. So with it fresh in everyones mind this year it should be made one. in 5 or 6 yrs 9/11 will only be something people read about in a book

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To say that this hasn't effected you is complete bullshit! Sept. 11th has effected everybody in this country. There is not one person who's life in some how or another wasn't!! Our everyday routines have all been change!! The way we live to the thoughts that go through our heads everyday has changed. Just yesterday my 1 year old neice saw a plane in the sky and was saying "plane plane!!" all excited!! I was thinking "Wow that plane is really low!" Last night I had a dream that as I was crossing the bayonne bridge two planes crashed into to it as I was on it! That day has touched everybody differently and I understand that. My cousin was on the 56th floor of the first tower hit. I didn't know he was still alive until about 3pm. That was the worst day of my life. My sister was supposed to go back to work that monday from maternity leave. She decided to take another week thank GOD!! I couldn't imagine that poor baby growing up not ever knowing her mother!! Look at all of these women who gave birth after 9/11 who's husbands died that day!! Their children will never know their fathers because of some assholes that think the USA is a country that is just so bad!!! We gave you freedom ASSHOLES!!! I'm sorry but I think you are being an ass for saying that!!! Actually you are a BIG ASS!!! I lost a few friends and almost lost some family members.

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

not only is it disturbing because it's close to home .... it's because it's OUR COUNTRY where we live FREE everyday.

if you can't show an ounce of respect or sympathy for an event as tragic as this - then get the F out of the damn country !!!

Just like she said - If you have no respect for this wonderful country that we live in get the F out!! Mr. Notallthere, I'm sure you have respect for your country as well as for yourself! I really believe all the shit your'e talking is all that it is SHIT!!!

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Our company will be having a moment of silence and we are all going to wear red white and blue.....I work at Blue Crosso Blue Shield and we had a office in the towers we lost 3 people. I will never forget that moment when I heard at the office we were all reading email and such...then we heard and shortly after that saw that image that I will never forget. Almost our whole office was huddled in one row sitting on the floor listening to the radio crying, worrying, hoping and praying....

It is Horrible but the thing that sucks all the attention Osama is getting..(of course) he is revelling in all the attention the event is getting. Its a tragic event that will never be forgotten and will be in history books and tahts exaclty what he wants.....

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You are so right!! He got what he wanted! To be recognized as the #1 terrorist in this world!!! He wants people to hunt him!! He is probably just sitting back and laughing at us!!! I'm beginning to think my father was right when he said to just sandblast the mideast!! He said he has friends with family over there and everything and even they say to sandblast the mideast! If we are gunna do something then let's do it!!!

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the problem is our government likes to be pussies.

blow up where ever they think he is and if anyone else has shit to say fuck them up too. not like anyone can beat us anyway.

guarantee we do something like that no one fucks with us again.

its better to be feared than respected

freedom. you are free to come and go. and as delta says " well fly you anywhere you wanna go"

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Your 2 cents is nice for you but it doesn't matter to me. Why are you not affected by alllllllllllllllllllllll the other shit that happens to families everyday?!! Why don't you raise money for them?!!? I think its great that you helpped out but dont nock me for my views becuase i dont agree with you slanted way of thinking.

Its not bullshit your bullshit.. Half the people in the country are bullshit.

I don't care if it affected you or not I am stating this has not affected me. I don't do anything different I don't feel any different and I am not acting any different thus it has not affected me. I'm sorry if the way I feel "bothers" you but don't dictate to my how I should feel.

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Originally posted by notallthere

Its not bullshit your bullshit.. Half the people in the country are bullshit.

I don't care if it affected you or not I am stating this has not affected me. I don't do anything different I don't feel any different and I am not acting any different thus it has not affected me. I'm sorry if the way I feel "bothers" you but don't dictate to my how I should feel.

yeah i hasnt affected alot of people. I am glad i knew no one in that building. I am glad i had no tragedies. Yet in march it affect me when i was taking a 6 am flight to miami for the WMC and had to le

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but I'm sure its going to be a long day of trying to comfort people who lost friends and family, and dealing with my own emotions as well. I am also going to do everything I would ordinarily do, we can't live in fear. As for it being a national holiday, I don't think it should be, because that exactly what the terrorists want to do, stop us. I don't think companies will even think about not remembering the day or letting people off for personal reasons due to this tragic event. But they didn't make Pearl Harbor a holiday, this shouldn't be either, we can't give into the terrorists. And I'm quite sure, no one in the NYC Metro area needs a holiday to remind them of what happened. God Bless all the families of all the victims, they are the first casualties of this long war. All of those people are going to be remembered. If we have a holiday come out of these events it should be the day we eliminate terrorism, that would be a happy day.

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I feel very very very sad for all those children that are left without mommy's and daddy's. its fucking horrible but the fact is disgusting horrible SHIT happens every second in the world just not in great numbers like 9/11. Maybe a kid was killed on 9/11 by a rapist and 3000 people where killed in the wtc on 9/11 fact remains the same which is


The only reason why people who dident know or have anyone they know die in the wtc are so "Affected" by 9/11 is because they are not affected what they are is scared shitless. People feel scared because they always thought the government would prevent people coming in and blowing up our buildings., Well fuck that im not scared


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I'll be working during the day... There was a memo sent around my company saying that we will be having 10 minutes of silence to remember those we lost from 9:00-9:10 on Wednesday. Phone lines, fax machines, etc will all be shut off during that time. At night... just be with my friends and family...

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Originally posted by dancensmile

I'll be working during the day... There was a memo sent around my company saying that we will be having 10 minutes of silence to remember those we lost from 9:00-9:10 on Wednesday. Phone lines, fax machines, etc will all be shut off during that time. At night... just be with my friends and family...

10 min? haha thats funny cheap company eh'>?

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Originally posted by notallthere

Your 2 cents is nice for you but it doesn't matter to me. Why are you not affected by alllllllllllllllllllllll the other shit that happens to families everyday?!! Why don't you raise money for them?!!? I think its great that you helpped out but dont nock me for my views becuase i dont agree with you slanted way of thinking.

Its not bullshit your bullshit.. Half the people in the country are bullshit.

Ignorance on fire.

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Ignorance on fire.

Ignorance.. ..... word doesn't mean to much coming from and ignorant person.

Stop getting mad that I don't feel the way you do.

Isn't that like osma bin loden!!!? You automatically think im ignorant because I am not saying what everyone on the news channels are saying?!! He hates us because we see things different then him. Maybe you should try to understand what im saying because allot of people I work with agree with me. Take a step closer to stopping the hate

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Originally posted by notallthere

Maybe you should try to understand what im saying because allot of people I work with agree with me.

I can understand that a lot of the people you work with at McDonald's would agree with you. (Just kidding, I'm over it already. You're entitled to your own opinion, I'm moving on.) :laugh:

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Originally posted by njdionysus

I can understand that a lot of the people you work with at McDonald's would agree with you. (Just kidding, I'm over it already. You're entitled to your own opinion, I'm moving on.) :laugh:

I work at Wendy's and we make great burgers..

Actually I work at Prentice Hall Education and there's allot about me you don't know. Like I like long walks on the beach and hot dogs on a stick.

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Originally posted by notallthere

I work at Wendy's and we make great burgers..

Actually I work at Prentice Hall Education and there's allot about me you don't know. Like I like long walks on the beach and hot dogs on a stick.

You are toooo funny!! I understand everybody has their own opinions!!! I guess I feel since I thought I lost a family member and I did lose a friend eveybody should feel the same. It's a horrible day. I have been crying at anything the last couple of days. Everybody was touched by this in many different ways. A lot of my cousins went there the first couple of weeks to help. They told me stories of the things they saw that just made me sick. My cousin Scott is still traumatized by it!! It's really sad!!

By the way did Dom give you my message?

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Originally posted by jpdd810

You are toooo funny!! I understand everybody has their own opinions!!! I guess I feel since I thought I lost a family member and I did lose a friend eveybody should feel the same. It's a horrible day. I have been crying at anything the last couple of days. Everybody was touched by this in many different ways. A lot of my cousins went there the first couple of weeks to help. They told me stories of the things they saw that just made me sick. My cousin Scott is still traumatized by it!! It's really sad!!

By the way did Dom give you my message?

Yeah he told me that you said you where very sorry for everything and you want to send me a pound cake..

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I was thinking about burning a candle outside like we had done afew weeks after 9/11. As far as being personally affected EVERYONE has been, or so I had thought. I'm lucky enough not to have known anyone in those buildings however, I'm not lucky enough to be emotionless. To me 9/11 was the most horrifying experience of my life. Knowing that what's seemingly a war zone is just 20 minutes away. That night i went to sleep not nowing what tommorrw would hold, or if we'd even be getting one. I pray that I never have to feel that again...

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sept. 11th should definitely not be a national holiday for the simple reason that no one will take off from work on sept. 11th in years to come and remember the people who lost their lives that day....

it will only be a matter of time before you hear your kids talking about how sick they are to be back at school and how they cant wait for 9/11.....how fucked up will that be???

if we make it a national holiday then it will just be another reason to have a barbecue or go to the mall or go out late the noight before and get fucked up....

maybe not now but in many years it will be just like Memorial day where we all go to temps instead of thinking about freedom or those who fought for our country......

we should all be at school or work just like we are on Dec. 7 every year, the worst day in our country's history as of sept. 10 2001...just my opinion though

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Originally posted by babyfacewrior

sept. 11th should definitely not be a national holiday for the simple reason that no one will take off from work on sept. 11th in years to come and remember the people who lost their lives that day....

it will only be a matter of time before you hear your kids talking about how sick they are to be back at school and how they cant wait for 9/11.....how fucked up will that be???

if we make it a national holiday then it will just be another reason to have a barbecue or go to the mall or go out late the noight before and get fucked up....

maybe not now but in many years it will be just like Memorial day where we all go to temps instead of thinking about freedom or those who fought for our country......

we should all be at school or work just like we are on Dec. 7 every year, the worst day in our country's history as of sept. 10 2001...just my opinion though

Well said...I couldnt agree more....:clap:

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