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What would you do if.....

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A question....

If you were me, would you be mad?

My BEST FRIEND wanted me to come to Temps with her last Sunday, but I had no ride, so she said she'd pick me up..... She wanted me to come really bad and got me all excited about going.

Sunday -- I call her to find out what's going on and what time we're leaving, she says she'll call me back... More time passes.... so I call again and she says she just got in a fight with her boyfriend and she'll call me back............



Now I ask you, wtf should I do? I'm sick of being let down by this friend....

Friend -- If you are reading this, please tell me how and why you could let me down again, especially when YOU wanted me to come so bad!!!! Not even a phone call to say sorry????:confused:

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this is kinda funny.

i am in the middle of a conversation with a friend of mine about something close. So basically we both say fuck it. if that is what someone does once its one thing but all the time they arent a friend just someone who calls you when they need someone around. Dont worry about them they didnt worry about you they are just self centered. they could have respected you and called at least.

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Originally posted by mrbean610

I don't really agree with double play. Just because she didn't call you that one time doesn't mean shit. for real!

I have probably been a relationship like your friend, don't let her go as a friend. I get why you are pissed, but don't hold a grudge.

if it is here and there is one thing but if its all the time then fuck em fuck em in the ass

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Well in my opinion she is not a good friend. You already stated that she has let you down b4. On top of all that it is now thursday and she still has not called. What kind of "friend" does that!! I could understand if she called you that night and said "hey I'm sorry but me and so-N-so are in a big fight and we really need to talk". For all you know right know she could have met her b'friend and got into a bigger fight and he beat her up or something. Maybe you should call her? Make sure she's alright and then ask why she hasn't called!

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You are a wise ass! Stop being so hostile toward women!!

As for calling your friend, I would. If she is a bitch about it hang up on her. If she doesn't apologize just say well i was calling just to make sure you were alive and then never call her again. You made the initail move to make sure she was alright and to have the last word. (I always have to have the last word!) :D

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