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anyone else find this amusing

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went to get smoks last night and this guys in the store.

he has ike 40 small bags of potato chips 6 cans of soda and some other bullshit. then gets slightly blushed as he whispers to the guy he needs some trojans. So the guy is asking him all these questions what type and are these the ones and the guy ( who is like 50 ) says he doesnt know and walks out. 2 seconds later some chick walks in and shes looking at them and finally buys them and walks out beet red.

the guy behind the counter was killing me he kept looking at me kinda ready to bust out laughing while he was toying with them

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That is pretty funny! My friend went to go buy a box the other day and there was 2 girls behind him. My friend said "Give me a box of condoms" And the old guy behind th register handed my friend the box. The girl directly behind him starts cracking up. I was histerical laughing from the second we went in the store... My friend replied, "well, everyone has to get their groove on sometime!" And the girl just laughed even harder. He then said, "Well; do you want to join me?" I just had to leave the store, it was so funny!


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Originally posted by mrbean610

That is pretty funny! My friend went to go buy a box the other day and there was 2 girls behind him. My friend said "Give me a box of condoms" And the old guy behind th register handed my friend the box. The girl directly behind him starts cracking up. I was histerical laughing from the second we went in the store... My friend replied, "well, everyone has to get their groove on sometime!" And the girl just laughed even harder. He then said, "Well; do you want to join me?" I just had to leave the store, it was so funny!


thats classic.

i know the guys in the store had the customers not come in embarrassed they would have just sold them the rubbers but i guess he was just egging it on because he saw how they were acting buying them i just dont like if i go in an some old lady is behind the counter giving this prude ass" you shouldnt be doing that look" maybe the wmoen should just buy them lol,

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Originally posted by mrbean610

That is pretty funny! My friend went to go buy a box the other day and there was 2 girls behind him. My friend said "Give me a box of condoms" And the old guy behind th register handed my friend the box. The girl directly behind him starts cracking up. I was histerical laughing from the second we went in the store... My friend replied, "well, everyone has to get their groove on sometime!" And the girl just laughed even harder. He then said, "Well; do you want to join me?" I just had to leave the store, it was so funny!



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Originally posted by mrbean610

Man.. you are lucky! Girls now-a-days are so bad! I never leave my house without wearing one.. on my head! No, Just kidding.. I never wore a rubber in my life, they are like raincoats! you don't feel shit!

i have used condoms. guess im weird if its someone i really like or smething i probably wont but other than that i dont want diseases and i sure as hell dont want 3 yrs later getting a phone call and hearing " da da"

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

i have used condoms. guess im weird if its someone i really like or smething i probably wont but other than that i dont want diseases and i sure as hell dont want 3 yrs later getting a phone call and hearing " da da"

That has gotta be evry guy's nightmare.....:eek:

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

That has gotta be evry guy's nightmare.....:eek:

well for a while i wasnt so fond of fathers day but now as i am an old geezer i thik if iwas with someone and we ended up still remiaing friends i wouldnt be so upset. however i prefer to opt for the traditional mom and dad sleep in the same bed and have the same last name. i do realize that is becoming rare though

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

i have used condoms. guess im weird if its someone i really like or smething i probably wont but other than that i dont want diseases and i sure as hell dont want 3 yrs later getting a phone call and hearing " da da"

Well, I guess not wearing a condom explains why I have a 2 year old son.

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Originally posted by mrbean610

Well, I guess not wearing a condom explains why I have a 2 year old son.

guys always get the shit end of it too. You get the kid on weekends. thats so mom can go out get her groove on and meet someone else. then when you are too old to get your groove on and can barely even get it up anymore. Your now 16 yr old child pulls the weekly " ill come next weekend im going out with some friends but i luv ya"

believe me i know from being that kid of coarse my dad still hooked up lol then again hes friggin 50 something and wanted to go to factory w me one night

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Here is my funny condom story..... still puts me in tears....

About 5 yrs ago, I am leaving to go to the beach with my girlfriend at the time.... I stop in a quickie mart to grab a few things we needed for the trip......

Ice for the cooler in the back of my truck, and a disposable camera so we can take pictures at the shore.....

I throw the ice and the camera on the counter, then remembered the most important item I had forgotten....


I slapped down the box of jimmy hats on the counter..... I look up and the lady at the register is staring at me like I had three heads.....

She simply tells me the amount, and says...

"Have a good time kid....." and breaks down laughing....

It didnt hit me until I was in the car what I had done..... didnt even think about the combination I had just put on the counter and what it looked like.... hahahah.....

I love that story....

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

Here is my funny condom story..... still puts me in tears....

About 5 yrs ago, I am leaving to go to the beach with my girlfriend at the time.... I stop in a quickie mart to grab a few things we needed for the trip......

Ice for the cooler in the back of my truck, and a disposable camera so we can take pictures at the shore.....

I throw the ice and the camera on the counter, then remembered the most important item I had forgotten....


I slapped down the box of jimmy hats on the counter..... I look up and the lady at the register is staring at me like I had three heads.....

She simply tells me the amount, and says...

thats a good one. i guess ice a camera nd some rubbers would get someones mind going . if it was a video tape she might have wanted a copy

"Have a good time kid....." and breaks down laughing....

It didnt hit me until I was in the car what I had done..... didnt even think about the combination I had just put on the counter and what it looked like.... hahahah.....

I love that story....

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

well for a while i wasnt so fond of fathers day but now as i am an old geezer i thik if iwas with someone and we ended up still remiaing friends i wouldnt be so upset. however i prefer to opt for the traditional mom and dad sleep in the same bed and have the same last name. i do realize that is becoming rare though

It still happens......

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