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9/11 hippocrates, what a shame...

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so all these people at my school were talking all this shit about how "affected" they were by september 11th. what a crock of shit. i saw like on person with a flag. everytime i asked what people were doing for 9/11 they said nothing. so...your not gonna donate blood? try to help a fellow new yorker? say a prayer for those who died? shake a cop or firefighters hand? hell, no one i asked even voted in the elections, yet everyone talks shit about how important our freedom is and how their lives have changed post 9/11, but nothings changed.

i was on the bus talking to a friend and i said that people really dont give a damn bout 9/11, they just act like they do. i told my friend that i know for a fact that the cops and firefighters that died in the wtc did not discriminate against who they were helping, who they risked their lives for, whether it be because of religion or politics or anything. those heroes were color blind to it, all they cared about was human life, and thats what we should all really have learned about sept. 11. instead of using 9/11 as propoganda for bush's war, i really doubt thats what the heroes of 9/11 would have wanted. why risk more american lives? havent we lost enough of our loved ones? so at one of the stops this guy gets up and tells me im full of shit and should be ashamed of myself. i told him that we may have different beliefs and that we could discuss them, but he shouldnt attack me personally. he got off the bus, everyone on the bus was pretty shocked at what he said. i was having a one on one conversation with my friend and he basically decided because he was older than me he could come over and intimidate me or admonish me, funny thing he just proved my point even more...

anyway, i just dont understand why people act like they really care about human life when they dont. why not spend money on feeding the homeless or giving relief to unemployed new yorkers? no, lets just go to war. im so confused about everything.

no matter what, i was born and raised in nyc, i lived here for 20 years and i know that the one lesson we need to learn from 9/11 is not to take each other for granted because we may not be here tommorrow. i love you cp, and i love nyc.

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. . . I am of the firm belief that many many people in this area and in this country harbor the pain of realization that when those buildings came down they felt nothing . . . No grief, no sadness, no anger . . nothing . . . We live in a society that is so innundated with the fast and horrible atrocities that man commits unto man on a daily basis that the tumbling of two monuments built to withstand the harshest test of time was but little more that a culmination of the crumbling of our society . . . It was a signal that if we continue on our current course of belief, a course extolling the fleeting and the distracting as a long term goal, we will never live up to the greatness that special human beings from our culture have produced in the past . . .

. . . The age of monuments is dead . . . The age of activism is dead . . The age of compasion is dead . . All that remains is the agonizing, sterile now that sees itself as the final word . . .

. . . And we will reap the gruesome rewards that it sows . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . I am of the firm belief that many many people in this area and in this country harbor the pain of realization that when those buildings came down they felt nothing . . . No grief, no sadness, no anger . . nothing . . . We live in a society that is so innundated with the fast and horrible atrocities that man commits unto man on a daily basis that the tumbling of two monuments built to withstand the harshest test of time was but little more that a culmination of the crumbling of our society . . . It was a signal that if we continue on our current course of belief, a course extolling the fleeting and the distracting as a long term goal, we will never live up to the greatness that special human beings from our culture have produced in the past . . .

. . . The age of monuments is dead . . . The age of activism is dead . . The age of compasion is dead . . All that remains is the agonizing, sterile now that sees itself as the final word . . .

. . . And we will reap the gruesome rewards that it sows . . .

:clap: :clap: i totally agree. i think of how the egyptians built the pyramids, and lots of other great thinks humans have done. humans can overcome so much and do so much, but we now live in a life full of distractions created by marketing and the fact that our economy is based upon service not goods. nothing is real anymore, nothing. what hope is left for the future of mankind?

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tony...i hear you, and mike i don't disagree with you in many ways. i've lived in NYC for 30 years now and love this place.

but i don't think its fair to make so many blanket statements about all this either. for lots of people, they gave blood, flowers, donated time, etc. on other days, not today. today lots of people did quiet things, watched the news, etc. i'm not saying that everyone did these things, but the fact that i didn't give blood certainly doesn't mean i haven't done other things.

as for the whole bush's war thing - its dangerous to mix politics with emotions. lots of people believe that the best thing we can do for the world is try to eliminate the possibility of this happening again. whether you think this is a good idea or is even possible doesn't mean that others don't. i think lots of people would be offended by the term "bush's war" because they feel that this label would belittle the deaths of people they know.

also, many people feel that the best thing, the most important thing that they can do is return to their normal lives. i'm sure that firemen get more "love" in general than they used to, but i don't think firemen want people coming up to them and crying every day either. there are also hundreds of thousands of people (like me) that still have no job since 9/11 and have to deal with figuring out how to pay the rent and stuff.

now, i'm sure lots of people just took the day off and took advantage of it....so don't take what i write too harshly.

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your right about the politics thing so i wont comment on that anymore.

the thing is, i feel that our "normal" lives are what cause this. there is such a lack of humanity in "normal" people that its scary.i also think that alot of the people who died probably wouldnt want a war over this, but ur also right that i cant make blanket statements right now.

it just makes me feel uncomfortable that there is so much garbage trying to associate it from 9/11. i saw a show on mtv where this guy was talking about how it affected "pop life" and how record sales went down and shit. thats the kind of stuff that really bugs me.

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. . . I can see what ur sayin Pete . . I agree it's not all people . . but I just, after living in southern suburban hell for so long can see how so many people are spiritually dead to the world . .and I'm not talking in a lack of judao-christian values, I'm talking more in a 'fullfillment' sort of way . . . I dunno . .

. . I just think this is the beginning of bad things to come, from reactive politics of the state to mounting social strife at home . . We're just collectively losing it as a country . . . I just can't believe its all daisies and sunshine anymore . . but then again, it never really was . . .

. . . I hear what you're saying also Tony . . that 'pop life' comment is quintessentially what's wrong . . . Everything is the 'now' not the future . . .

. . . eh . . I'm gettin sauced so my thought process is shortening exponentially here . . :drunk: . . .

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i hear that

the commercial aspect of it is bothersome

i'm especially not looking forward to the tourism crap that will eventually be installed downtown.

that pop guy is probably a jerk, but i will say that record sales, while a bad example, do affect peoples lives - incomes, jobs, etc. everything gets intertwined these days. its certainly true that the NYC market is horrible for a lot of things at the moment and part of that is tied to the downcline in the business market since 9/11.

anyway...nuff said: most people are definitely very self absorbed and always have been.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

your right about the politics thing so i wont comment on that anymore.

the thing is, i feel that our "normal" lives are what cause this. there is such a lack of humanity in "normal" people that its scary.i also think that alot of the people who died probably wouldnt want a war over this, but ur also right that i cant make blanket statements right now.

it just makes me feel uncomfortable that there is so much garbage trying to associate it from 9/11. i saw a show on mtv where this guy was talking about how it affected "pop life" and how record sales went down and shit. thats the kind of stuff that really bugs me.

People in general have done all that they can. They have donated things, blood and helped in whatever way they could. But amidst all of this people still have their own families to tend to and take care of. I don't think its right that you say what the people who died would have wanted. I don't think anyone who lives here "wants" a war but there is things that have to be done in order for this to not happen again.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

How do you know what other people care about? Theres many of people that have done all of the above things that you have mentioned.

there ARE many, but not as many as the number of those who pretend to care. how many people do you really think did something to help another human being in the spirit of 9/11 or even just the spirit of humanity? people talk soooo much about what they think should be done. i think that there should be less talking and more doing. why arent their six hour lines at the blood banks today? why arent people sending flowers to police and firestations like they did last year? i saw so many flowers at firestations last year, but not today. why not appreciate the real heroes, or really do something to improve someones day or even life? all the real heroes and the real people who help others arent the ones who make such a big deal about 9/11 like how they should get off of work, or make it a holiday, because that stuff doesnt really count. helping someone else is what really counts. caring about peoples lives is what counts. at least thats what i think. supposedly 9/11 affected the whole country, but not everyone in the country really gives a damn about peoples lives.

like i said before, all this is just so confusing to me. i dont get it and it truly makes me feel:(

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girly: that was sorta my point...there's lots of debate as to whether what we are doing is actually effective, or if getting rid of saddam would make a difference or keep terrorism from happening in the future.

terrorism only needs one dedicated person...its very hard to stop someone who wants to walk into a building with a bomb strapped to themselves for example.

that's why i say the politics part is tough. part of the problem i think is that people are frustrated cause we don't know how to solve this problem.

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Originally posted by jaybzee

there ARE many, but not as many as the number of those who pretend to care. how many people do you really think did something to help another human being in the spirit of 9/11 or even just the spirit of humanity? people talk soooo much about what they think should be done. i think that there should be less talking and more doing. why arent their six hour lines at the blood banks today? why arent people sending flowers to police and firestations like they did last year? i saw so many flowers at firestations last year, but not today. why not appreciate the real heroes, or really do something to improve someones day or even life? all the real heroes and the real people who help others arent the ones who make such a big deal about 9/11 like how they should get off of work, or make it a holiday, because that stuff doesnt really count. helping someone else is what really counts. caring about peoples lives is what counts. at least thats what i think. supposedly 9/11 affected the whole country, but not everyone in the country really gives a damn about peoples lives.

like i said before, all this is just so confusing to me. i dont get it and it truly makes me feel:(

So tony, what did you do?

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