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Terrorists on the way to Miami!?


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honestly, doesn't surprise me one bit

almost all of the terrorists from 9/11 lived in slfa. ate in our restaurants, work'd out in our gyms, went to OUR flight schools, etc.

okay, if someone tells u that they don't need to learn how to land the plane; just fly it, doesn't that raise a red flag?

sick bastards

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Now they are saying that there are some sort of reports coming from Orlando that these three guys might just be Medical Students that were on their way down to Miami for a conference and were just playing a "joke." Still doesn't explain the possible bomb or bomb residue on the car though. Sickos.

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They probably ran the toll to cause a diversion.... the real threat is who got through since everyone is focused on these clowns...

So we shall see.... all I gotta say is that I wouldn't be surprised if these sickos went for the port of miami or something... think about it.. on a weekend with all the ships in - all those people? Scary shit if ya ask me...


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Originally posted by mrjoebudious

If these guys are terrorists. They are the most stupid ones I have ever heard of. Running a toll? I think it was a mix up. I hope I am right.

Yeah right?!?! What, were they trying to be incognito or something??? B/c b/w talking about it aloud and running a toll they're not doing a very good job!:rolleyes::blank:

Lola, my brother and I also thought of the diversion tactic though....things just aren't adding up right w/these stories if u ask me.

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