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the anna nicole show


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that woman is disturbing on sooo many levels. a lot of people focus on how stupid she is, but that's not what gets me. her obviously constantly drugged-up state is sad and scary to me, especially after learning that she has a son. i understand that she's going through a lot of pain after the death of someone who gave her so much attention and money and that the lawsuit is causing her a lot of stress, but i think the drugs are really breaking her down, as well.

her definition of love, too, is jacked up, but it seems that what she shared with her deceased husband was all she had ever had. she says she loved him, but what she really means is that she loved the way he doted on her. (i don't know if you saw that episode, but that's pretty much how she describes how being in love feels.) and anna nicole seems to have no idea that her female assistant is totally in love with her. is the tattoo of you on her arm a clue, ya think, anna nicole :worry: ?

the show's just kinda sad in general, and what's even worse is that that's what critics and the public are saying, and that these are real people who know that this is being said about them :( . i think reality tv may have crossed the line when it gets into the lives of people who are really in a lot of pain just to make fun of them.

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Originally posted by vicman

i love stupid shows...thats entertainment...with no substance but entertainment non the less...like when i want to be in a vegetative state, this show might come in handy. what time is it on and who shows it?

it's on e! and now they run it a lot of the time. it used to be on sundays at 10:30, but now it seems like it's on just about 3/4 of the time i skip by that channel.

and star, you don't have to believe anna nicole's claims that she hasn't had sex in a long-ass time, but it seems obvious to me that she has no clue that her female assistant has romantic/sexual feelings for her. if you only saw the premiere, you've really missed out on how sad the whole scenario is. that woman would do absolutely anything for anna nicole (seriously. you name it.) and all that a.n. sees before her is a good friend.

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I was at the Cat&Fiddle on sunset a few weeks ago and they were there taping the show.........i have never seen the show but I dont knwo why they were taping her........all she was doing was EATING AND EATING AND EATING AND EATING :puke: :puke: .........my god it was disgusting........plates and plates of food going her way..........and to think she was in PLAYBOY

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Originally posted by house4life

I was at the Cat&Fiddle on sunset a few weeks ago and they were there taping the show.........i have never seen the show but I dont knwo why they were taping her........all she was doing was EATING AND EATING AND EATING AND EATING :puke: :puke: .........

that's part of the whole gimmick; the show is all about making her look bad, otherwise people wouldn't be so sucked in. people want to look down on her, think she's stupid, fat, spoiled, etc., otherwise she wouldn't interest most people who watch that show. it's all about drahma. watch the next episode - it's supposed to be about how the decorating of her house isn't going along up to her standards; they'll try to make her look petty and ditzy by saying that the walls are the wrong color pink. i know it'll sound weird for me to take her side for a second (victim's demon3.gif advocate), but you'd be pissed if you were having your house redecorated and the painters painted the wall the wrong color. the public just feels they can mock her for it because she's rich and not very bright.
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