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Att: Stiffler dont fucking come back on this board

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Stiffler this is the final warning the donkeys are giving you bitch. The time is near for the revolution to begin. You are a fucking poser and have officially moved up to #1 on the donkey punch list. Dont fucking come back on this board until you have proven to the donkeys that you belong here. This is officially donkey territory. KostaP is being a good bitch and staying in his lane. You should act like him. It took a while but KostaP finally found out that the donkeys mean business. Stiffler shut the fuck up. We dont want to see your bitch ass on this board again. Prove yourself, then send us your resume and you may be allowed back on. You are banished bitch. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

P>S> your still however allowed to shine our fucking hooves.

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Hey Dominic the Donkey Dickhead,

How about I come over there and donkey punch you in your fucking head. You dumb fucking jackass shut the fuck up. You may honestly be one of the dumbest people on this board. Go back to fucking Mexico and put your shit where it belongs. :laugh: I hope you get hit by a fucking car while crossing the street dickhead. Honestly, I actually hope that you get raped by a big fucking black bear who will rest his gigantic sack in your mouth for an entire night. In addition to that, I hope that you eat or drink something next time in Mexico and have the worst shit ever. Also, you donkey dickhead motherfucker of a low-life person, I hope that your fellow donkeys also get raped, also have the most disgusting shits and then after that, get hit by another fucking car.

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Originally posted by donkeyboy

Stiffler this is the final warning the donkeys are giving you bitch. The time is near for the revolution to begin. You are a fucking poser and have officially moved up to #1 on the donkey punch list. Dont fucking come back on this board until you have proven to the donkeys that you belong here. This is officially donkey territory. KostaP is being a good bitch and staying in his lane. You should act like him. It took a while but KostaP finally found out that the donkeys mean business. Stiffler shut the fuck up. We dont want to see your bitch ass on this board again. Prove yourself, then send us your resume and you may be allowed back on. You are banished bitch. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

P>S> your still however allowed to shine our fucking hooves.

That's pretty funny!!!!!!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by donkeyboy

Stiffler this is the final warning the donkeys are giving you bitch. The time is near for the revolution to begin. You are a fucking poser and have officially moved up to #1 on the donkey punch list. Dont fucking come back on this board until you have proven to the donkeys that you belong here. This is officially donkey territory. KostaP is being a good bitch and staying in his lane. You should act like him. It took a while but KostaP finally found out that the donkeys mean business. Stiffler shut the fuck up. We dont want to see your bitch ass on this board again. Prove yourself, then send us your resume and you may be allowed back on. You are banished bitch. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

P>S> your still however allowed to shine our fucking hooves.

POSER??? I haven't heard that word in 10 years.

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Originally posted by youarealldumb

Hey Dominic the Donkey Dickhead,

How about I come over there and donkey punch you in your fucking head. You dumb fucking jackass shut the fuck up. You may honestly be one of the dumbest people on this board. Go back to fucking Mexico and put your shit where it belongs. :laugh: I hope you get hit by a fucking car while crossing the street dickhead. Honestly, I actually hope that you get raped by a big fucking black bear who will rest his gigantic sack in your mouth for an entire night. In addition to that, I hope that you eat or drink something next time in Mexico and have the worst shit ever. Also, you donkey dickhead motherfucker of a low-life person, I hope that your fellow donkeys also get raped, also have the most disgusting shits and then after that, get hit by another fucking car.

OMG - that is the funniest!!!

:laugh: :laugh: :eek::laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

As long as you dont post my pics on NJGuido.com!!!!

WOW :eek: alot of violence being aimed at stiffler. is he some kind of jerkoff or something?

and what's all this about donkeys? i got a friend named adam khan that likes to be called donkeykhan. what is it about this mystical beast?

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Originally posted by dogekid

WOW :eek: alot of violence being aimed at stiffler. is he some kind of jerkoff or something?

and what's all this about donkeys? i got a friend named adam khan that likes to be called donkeykhan. what is it about this mystical beast?

No, it's not stiffler....it's these donkeyfreaks

nothing better to do then cause drama so they feel like they have some kind of life :direct:

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Dogekid your obviously new to the board. Let me formally welcome you to donkeyland. Rule #1 dont make any fucking stupid posts. You are allowed one warning. You just used yours. Dont let it happen again you fucking tool. Rule #2 stay in your fucking lane. You havent swerved yet and dont let it happen. Rule #3 shut the fuck up bitch

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Dogekid your obviously new to the board. Let me formally welcome you to donkeyland. Rule #1 dont make any fucking stupid posts. You are allowed one warning. You just used yours. Dont let it happen again you fucking tool. Rule #2 stay in your fucking lane. You havent swerved yet and dont let it happen. Rule #3 shut the fuck up bitch

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Originally posted by donkeyboy

Rule #2 stay in your fucking lane. You havent swerved yet and dont let it happen.

See the thing is................the donkey's are toll collectors on the Garden State Parkway, so they kinda agitated when you serve out of your lane, ya know.


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Originally posted by donkeyboy

Stiffler this is the final warning the donkeys are giving you bitch. The time is near for the revolution to begin. You are a fucking poser and have officially moved up to #1 on the donkey punch list. Dont fucking come back on this board until you have proven to the donkeys that you belong here. This is officially donkey territory. KostaP is being a good bitch and staying in his lane. You should act like him. It took a while but KostaP finally found out that the donkeys mean business. Stiffler shut the fuck up. We dont want to see your bitch ass on this board again. Prove yourself, then send us your resume and you may be allowed back on. You are banished bitch. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

P>S> your still however allowed to shine our fucking hooves.

Still here...............................and I sure don't feel threatened by some texes weiner eatin, donkey dick suckin, hidin behind a computer looser............................................start the revolution already asshole. This is not Donkeyland and never will be.

Dogekid, as far as me being a jerkoff, follow the posts a little more and you'll see who the "JERKOFFS" aka DONKEYS are. Also if you're the same kid that pm'd a freind of mine yesterday, then you are freinds with Joe C and Freddy, 2 very good freinds of mine.

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OU812 you are ours motherfucker. This weekend is the weekend the donkeys make their mark in Jersey. Were rolling 25 deep motherfucker. Dont think we're just fucking around. this is going to be a good old fashion ass kicking. The revolution is here and it is time that you recognized it and showed some fucking respect. We may referr to our selves as the donkeys, but we are going to fuck you up. You just broke rules #2 and 3. Now its time to pay the penalty. HEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAA HEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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Originally posted by donkeyboy

OU812 you are ours motherfucker. This weekend is the weekend the donkeys make their mark in Jersey. Were rolling 25 deep motherfucker. Dont think we're just fucking around. this is going to be a good old fashion ass kicking. The revolution is here and it is time that you recognized it and showed some fucking respect. We may referr to our selves as the donkeys, but we are going to fuck you up. You just broke rules #2 and 3. Now its time to pay the penalty. HEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAA HEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I see you bought 5 more freinds.

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Originally posted by dogekid

WOW :eek: alot of violence being aimed at stiffler. is he some kind of jerkoff or something?

and what's all this about donkeys? i got a friend named adam khan that likes to be called donkeykhan. what is it about this mystical beast?

The donkeys (ie: jackass) are what they are. A bunch of jackasses, they post to start shit and who ever embarresses them the most or rips them apart the most they put on the Donkeypuch list. I have yet to be donkeypunched and honestly feel it will never happen cause either 1. these donkey jerkoffs are some 15 yr old kid with 3 screen names and no life. 2. Just some pathetic looser with no life. 3. possibly some actually all right group of guys that just like starting drama on the board to make their day go by ( which is pretty cool imo, I rather enjoy the drama)

And I especially enjoy being #1 on their list..........I feel special, that means I really piss them off..............

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Originally posted by stiffler

I see you bought 5 more freinds.

alright, first things first. stiffler, no offense pal. just tryin to get a feel for who's who. i know freddy and vinny t. better than joe. were you at joey's w/ them on sunday?

now, secondly... i don't really care who's a donkey and who hates who on this site and who just learned some real scary ghetto terms like "rollin deep" and "motherfucker" to sound tough. the only reason i come on here is to meet some new heads and see what the deal is for the weekend. any other extra curriculars like being verbally threatened over the internet, i'll pretty much accept as 16 year old-isms. take your gang war elsewhere kid.

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Originally posted by donkeyboy

OU812 you are ours motherfucker. This weekend is the weekend the donkeys make their mark in Jersey. Were rolling 25 deep motherfucker. Dont think we're just fucking around. this is going to be a good old fashion ass kicking. The revolution is here and it is time that you recognized it and showed some fucking respect. We may referr to our selves as the donkeys, but we are going to fuck you up. You just broke rules #2 and 3. Now its time to pay the penalty. HEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAA HEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA





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Originally posted by donkeyboy

Stiffler this is getting out of fucking donkey control. We told you to stay the fuck off the board.. You dont know clubs you arent a true clubber. Shut the fuck up you pussy bitch. Youre going down this weekend as well. We arent fucking around.

I'm still here waiting for you to get a clue about life and clubs. Go back to Mexico you fucking jackbag.


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