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Laurie619 AWOL...?


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Originally posted by allishara

Figures she would be on the HUMMER board. :bj:

What was the need??

Are you that insecure when her name is mentioned?

She happens to be a good friend of mine and really doesnt miss the drama and bullshit here.

She's doing just fine thanks for asking.

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Originally posted by kostaP

What was the need??

Are you that insecure when her name is mentioned?

She happens to be a good friend of mine and really doesnt miss the drama and bullshit here.

She's doing just fine thanks for asking.

kosta no need to be nasty!!! she is from the same town as us!! it was a joke from what brian wrote!! calm down there sweetie!!

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Hi guys, first I must apologies for not posting as much, but yes I have been busy, after all I am only human I love, I laugh, I live and cry and yes, I did grow out of the “club scene†a tad (for the time being). Don’t get my wrong the music is great, and I still love to dance, and have a good time (however lately I’ve been lacking)

nevertheless I am only me, that is all that I can be. :D

Aaaanyway, TheHype thanks for thinking about me, and noticing my whereabouts you’re very observant that’s a good quality don’t lose it. Unfortunately I will not be attending Deko I have a 21st b-day to go too. ;)

Brian1500 I take it you have been reading the “humor board†too. What can I say to that besides Some days I'm funny, others I'm not, sometimes I'm in overdrive and can't stop. :tongue:

Jpdd810 where did ya see me? I haven’t been “Out out†in awhile, come to think about it I think the last time I was “out†was Labor Day Weekend (That Sat, Richie was great). :confused:

Doubleplay1970 & Thepulse are both right I have been hanging out in Hoboken a lot, playing golf. . .etc. Speaking of "golf" hey Pimpdaddy when are we going :mad:

Kosta kosta kostaP I miss you the most, out of anyone. . . You’re such a loyal and honest friend you better be there until the end. :kiss2: How are my Georgie, and Diane doing? Tell them that I said HI! And remember Kosta No one can depress you. No one can make you anxious. No one can hurt your feelings. No one can make you anything other than what you allow inside. Here I thought that in disagreements, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past. I guess some people cant let go…Aaaanyway, I have been pondering if I’ll be attending SF. Still not too sure, I’ll give ya a buzz and fill you in with the 411 Hun. Well everyone thanks for thinking about me; I’m just going one step at a time, one day at a time. :D

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Isn't Laurie the best, such a busy little beaver, LOL. NO PUN INTENDED, KEEP YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!!!! I hope she is planning on being at Platinum for OCT 18th when we put together FLASHBACK FRIDAY. I went last night for the first time and I hope I don't leave anyone out, but here it goes. Big thanks to DoublePlay for the ride, Loved meeting Hunnie and Spygirl--- sweethearts!! thanks for the drinks ladies!! Behind the bar Erin was working it!! Up in the Booth BG threw down for his BDAY along with DAVIS G (I'll be talking with you soon about the Wednesday night at RIO). The Owner Pete, my main man Phillip well you know you took care of me, I'll be calling you today. Johnny FX is getting an email from me, What a REMIX of DARK BEAT, I may actually start liking the record, Johnny's mix is OFF THE HOOK. Of course I can't leave out PRIME the man who is putting the party together, thanks for the drink bro. This is the new FRIDAY SPOT, it is no joke... Oh shit, almost forgot the lighting tech (forgot your name) and MC Showboat for the shout outs. The door Staff, Tommy and crew. Hopefully I didn't leave anyone out. I'm waiting on all the requests for the FLASHBACK PARTY PM me or email at sooperdj@excite.com. By the way we will be celebrating Hunnie's BDAY that night as well. Get ready for the ride, this one is gonna be off the Hizzle for Squizzle!!!! Laurie what a good night you missed, I found my cell phone, so I guess I'll be calling you. Its off to Baltimore for tonight and Sunday.


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Originally posted by laurie619

Kosta kosta kostaP I miss you the most, out of anyone. . . You’re such a loyal and honest friend you better be there until the end. :kiss2: How are my Georgie, and Diane doing? Tell them that I said HI! And remember Kosta No one can depress you. No one can make you anxious. No one can hurt your feelings. No one can make you anything other than what you allow inside. Here I thought that in disagreements, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past. I guess some people cant let go…Aaaanyway, I have been pondering if I’ll be attending SF. Still not too sure, I’ll give ya a buzz and fill you in with the 411 Hun. Well everyone thanks for thinking about me; I’m just going one step at a time, one day at a time. :D

Youre the bestest. Miss ya. Maybe we'll go whack some balls next week.(hahaha) Bet ya didnt thnk i played eh? I'll call ya later.

JPD i thought Allishara was starting and Im sick of people ganging up on her Sorry. Sorry Allishara.

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Originally posted by kostaP

Youre the bestest. Miss ya. Maybe we'll go whack some balls next week.(hahaha) Bet ya didnt thnk i played eh? I'll call ya later.

JPD i thought Allishara was starting and Im sick of people ganging up on her Sorry. Sorry Allishara.

It's alright kosta! I'll forgive you (this time)! One person I will not let you mess with though is allishara. She's my lil cuz so watch what you say!!! Everybody picks on everybody on here!! You pick enough on people too!!! But if you pick on my lil cuz i'll just have to kick you lil tush!!! So watch it!! I'm a big girl so watch your back!!J/K!!!!!

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Sounds like someone (KostaP) is majorly Pussy Whipped. Whorie is a big girl, let the bitch stand on her own two feet. Oh, that's right I forgot she is still bruised and battered from the last beating I layed on her. And by the way, the real Mr. Metro doesn't miss a beat on Friday nites, so your absense doesn't become you. :peeleft::peeright:

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Originally posted by sin-sational


Sounds like someone (KostaP) is majorly Pussy Whipped. Whorie is a big girl, let the bitch stand on her own two feet. Oh, that's right I forgot she is still bruised and battered from the last beating I layed on her. And by the way, the real Mr. Metro doesn't miss a beat on Friday nites, so your absense doesn't become you. :peeleft::peeright:

Open mouth insert cock.

Relax tiger, I am friendss with her and have no desire to hit it. Although I'll admit my girl has me whipped.

BTW youre still a dirty cunt. See ya at Metro Friday.

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ooooooooooh, the "C-Word" am I supposed to get offended? Tell me that's really not all you have in your bag of tricks, KostaP? And by the way, I have been called much, much worse, by much, much better. Just curious, what was the age that you really started balding? See you at Metro Friday, can't wait.;)

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Originally posted by sin-sational

ooooooooooh, the "C-Word" am I supposed to get offended? Tell me that's really not all you have in your bag of tricks, KostaP? And by the way, I have been called much, much worse, by much, much better. Just curious, what was the age that you really started balding? See you at Metro Friday, can't wait.;)

Im sure you have been called worse by many many more.

And I lost my hair at 21 after I went through a year of Radiation for cancer. Thanx for asking. Anything else you wanna know.

DUMB SLUT :blown:


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Originally posted by sin-sational


Sounds like someone (KostaP) is majorly Pussy Whipped. Whorie is a big girl, let the bitch stand on her own two feet. Oh, that's right I forgot she is still bruised and battered from the last beating I layed on her. And by the way, the real Mr. Metro doesn't miss a beat on Friday nites, so your absense doesn't become you. :peeleft::peeright:

sin-sational WOW come to think about it, I almost forgot you. . . Glad to see that you still are still the BIGGEST immature, unreasoning, irrational, undeveloped person here on CP! I'm sure your parents are very proud! I know I’m suppose to respect my elders but you make that very difficult. Being that miserable isn’t health for you. . . You know there are people who can HELP YOU. You are about to hit 30 (if you didn’t already) don’t you think its time to grow up? :blown:

Hey KOSTAP don’t justify yourself for that delinquent. Oh and Thepulse I'm sure I'll talk to you soon darling. You have to fill me in on Platinum for OCT. I only been to "Platinum" once, when it first opened and well I didnt like it. . . I'll give it another shot. Talk to you boyz later. . .;)

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Originally posted by thepulse

Love Laurie 619 she doesn't hold anything back, I will fill you in on the 18th---I mean the party, keep that dirty little mind out of the gutter!! LOL

Thanks babe ;) and as for keeping "my mind out of the gutter" I am "Whorie Laurie" I have to protect my title . .. :D

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Originally posted by sin-sational

Classic comeback kids!!!

Well between your radiation and Whorie's Deep seeded retardation you both belong on the Isle of Misfit Toys!!!

(oh btw I'm already going to hell so I pretty much have free reign to say what the hell ever I want)


Can't wait for Metro!


Youre a classless cunt with no morals. See ya friday ya piece of shit.

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