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The offcial Saleen351 Club Spin, review

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

Club Spin Review

Sept 21, 2002

Oscar G…

It’s rarity that I ever venture to South Beach to go to a club, let alone on a Friday. It’s not my scene. Lots of “look at me attitudesâ€, and few people in the crowd are there for the beats. Well midweek, I made plans to go see Amy, my local bartender, like I do every Friday. Then we get the word that Oscar G is going to play the main room at Club Spin. So Amy was out, and Oscar was in. Last time I was at Club Spin, it was the Cool Junkie Spin off, and if you were there that night, you know the show Oscar put on.

We arrive at the club at 10:30, some French guy who can’t read and moves slower then malaises screwed the guest list up. I’d like to see Miami Beach, pass legislation that all door people must have a college education or pass some sort of equivalency test. We get in, but I was close to choking this idiot out!

So we get there, and guess what there is a problem with the open bar. Go figure! So I was speaking to one of the bartenders about it and she was very apologetic and very sincere and tried to take care of us. We let it go, and waited for Oscar to take the decks. Then out of nowhere, the same bartender comes up to me and told me she took care of the bar problem. Hands me a beer, and said I’m good till midnight which is the end of the open bar. Well I was blown away at her professionalism and her kindness. Well her name is Anne Marie, and she was working the up stairs bar. Next time, you are out, find her and tell her that saleen351 sent you. My self and my crew will always go to her bar only. (And fellas, she is drop dead gorgeous)

So, all the bullshit is out of the way. Oscar gets on the decks. Started out a little slow, but hey it was only midnight. The place was packed, but not too packed, just right. Lots of eye candy walking around. Very friendly crowd, and I felt like they were in tune with what Oscar was going do.

Now my major problem with all South Beach clubs is that they rather have a nice atmosphere instead of a pure club atmosphere. Well, all week, I bitched about how bright the lights were for the Cool Junkie Spin off. This time it was different. Place looked great and you can tell that something was going on. There was energy and vibe for the first time that I’ve ever seen on the beach. I come from the NYC/NJ scene, which is vastly different. Not better, not worse, just different. I felt Club Spin is finally moving in the right direction, and hopefully they will break from the South Beach mold.

Oscar threw down a sick set. You could tell the direction he was going. This wasn’t some amateur no name wanna be DJ, that throws tracks on with no artistic direction. Oscar was building a house of tribal tracks. Some where in the 1:30am time frame, the place was all moving and going nuts. So nuts, that my roommate got tossed out, though with my god given talent of talking bullshit, I got him back in. Thanks guys, you know who you are.

People were dancing and guido fist pumping everywhere. And this wasn’t one of those, stand in the corner and bop your head crowd. These people were dancing in the bathrooms, at the bar, in the lounge areas, and even the on the stairs.

Now I ripped Oscar for his opening set for the Danny T party at Space. He was awful that night, in my opinion. So I was waiting for this guy to redeem himself. Oscar is a quite man, but when he hits the decks, he comes out of his shell. THIS WAS THE BEST SET I’VE HEARD FROM HIM, EVER! WoW! For my friends who came with me, that never saw him, they all came up to me and were telling me how good this guy was. We watched him work the decks, and we even got the Dark Beat chant going. And boom! He drops it and the place went nuts. Though he messed the mix up coming out of the track. Hey Oscar, it’s your track, how did you mess the beat up? LOL! As much as I like Dark Beat, he dropped one of the best tracks all time. I heard a familiar beat, and it hit me, Sal Dano, Feel the drums. Wow! Crowd loved it, though I don’t think they knew it’s 4 years old. But that’s the point, some old, some new, some classics. Tribal, house, and progressive.

Such a great night, it started out slow but things turned out great. With Oscar and my new South Beach bartender Anne Marie, it’s going to be a good season. And for all you gossip lovers, I was told by xxxxxxxx that things will be changing up, come October. I’ll leave it at that.

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Yeah OG had his A game on for Fri. night. The place had a great vibe and every one in the place was going nuts. Good to chat with all you guys (Pod, Biz, Spacious). The bar babes took good care of da crew all night. Bothe of these girls that work up stairs are smoking, especially the one that looks like J Low(but 100 times hotter.):eek::D

ow yeah

and a big fock you DUI, for making us look like dumb asses after your drunk ass almost puts the owner on the floor for the 3rd time in the same night.:blown:

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by spacious

"Mikie likes it, he really likes it!"

Thanks Saleen for such a possitive review and the rest of the CP crew for making Spin the only hapening place to be on a Friday night.


No Thank yous are in order. I post what I feel. I praise you guys when you deserve it and I rip you when you deserve it. Hopefully with Spin fridays I'll be praising more then bashing in the future... Lights looked better, maybe you fockers took some of my advice on that one.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by lolahotass

Glad ya'll had fun:D & nice review Saleen;)


well things really arent all hunky dorie, but I'm gonna show some respect and not post it.... < Did I just say that? Fuck that and fuck them!

1. Club Spins website was wrong and not updated.

2. The guestlist was all fucked up, the asshole can't read and it was in abc order, how hard is it too look up NICK.....

3. I was told it was OPEN BAR, not some vodka open bar. see evidence


And the thing that hit me now that i think about it, many from the clubs should have read that and corrected it... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, what are the odds, no one from spin or space saw that? And corrected it.??

I dont' blame Biz personaly, but I would of predrank before the club, if I knew there was NO BEER!

4. That underworld thing? WTF was up with that? I had 4 people ask me when underworld was comming on the decks. I think a lot of people were confused. I guess like 10 people thought I was some club spin celebrity after they saw me leaving the booth. I told them i was the CLUB SPACE LEGEND! Well actually people for some reason thought I worked there or something and asked me all types of questions. Even had a hot chick, give me her boyfriends cd with her phone number on it, then she kissed me. What a slut, god I should have gotten her number, oh wait I do have it, its on the cd, LOL. She wants me to evaluate it, boy is she stupied, i'm gonna evaluate her... I"m currently sending louis a consulting bill.

5. 15 mins to get in to the club...

Now when my boss sez be at work at 9am, I'm fucking there at 9am.

These clowns were still setting up at 10:20pm. Hello! Anyone out there. 10pm means 10pm, not 10:20! You give us an open bar to bring in a early crowd, yet I can't get in the club cause you aint' ready! WTF!

6. French people have no right working in south beach and that includes IB!

7. Anne Marie is sooooooooooo sexy, Club Spin may have to get a restraining order against me.... :D Actually L and K, I know you two read this shit, please make sure you go out of your way and say thankyou to her, or give her a raise, or my phone number etc. She deserves it and I appreciate it. The thank you, that is...

8. Oscar fucking up the beat on his own track! Had to bust your balls oscar, but in serious note, NO MORE SAFE FROM HARM!!!!!


my bitch session is over....

Who is spining this weekend, I have a bd to celebrate for my boy and I need a vip table somewhere... ??

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