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So When is Space Moving?


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Originally posted by thehog

I don't think he knows. Loius told me that the construction was almost done. If you know anything about construction in S FL then you know that it takes forever to do anything.

Tell me about it..... they've been working on the high school near my apartment for ages:laugh: :laugh:

I bet they will have a killa openin' night...... oh hell yeah!


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Well lets keep the rumors going then shall we. I saw there CD flyer from last December and remember that the lot is 40,000 sq ft. Just picture the SPACE current lot is 20,000 sq ft. this new location is just as big but with high ceiling unless they decided to make it a two story gig that I don't know.....But shit I can only imagine what opening night there will be like, I just hope us CPers get first bids on the GUESTLIST :D

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From what i thought i knew, it was up the block from the old location and was gonna be the biggest club in the us, if so then it has to be like 3 floors, and a patio on the roof. Exit in NY is the biggest ive been to and thats almost twice the size of space....

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Guest saleen351

I wonder if my "Club Space Legend" title will transfer over to the new club? I'm kinda worried. I may have to start all over and my title will be "Club Space whore"...:(

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The new facility is gonna be fucking amazing. I've been in the building (waaay before Louis bought it...) and the 'main room' area is almost twice the size of Level. Let's put it this way, Louis and co. are considering deploying a V-DOSC sound system by either Clark Audio or L'Acoustics (fucking cool website), which are normally utilised in Ultra-sized events. And yeah, the patio is gonna be topside with some killer views for y'all :)

Visuals will be second to none, too :)

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My wish list for the new space.........

1. Places To Chill (Like Mikey Said) (Exit's/SF 2nd Floor style)

2. TWO Seperate Floors (House/Trance) Maybe Not all the Time but Do it For WMC (Tiesto on One / and Howells on the Other)

3. Find A Layout So that People Dont Wonder through the damn Dance Floor, Fuck it Put The Bar on One Floor or One Side, Like Twilo....

4. NO Layout Like Crobar, Keep The low Ceilings, If they have a second floor balcony that would kill the sound.

5. Make a Junior Vasquez Style DJ Booth (lol)

6. SOME FUCKING Dancers/Entertainment/Shows always fun

7. Nice Security

8. A Space Pass/Membership

9. Water Foutains (Seen it Done in Sona/Montreal)(A little to much for Miami, and actually they where fucking full blown sinks everywhere)

10. Open Bar from 1:30-3:00 (Like Crobar)

11. Lastly The biggest fucking opening party EVer, Start it on a Friday and make sure you end it Sunday Night, Straight thru.....

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Low cielings suck for a club, traps all the air in too low. Any decent sound engineer can compensate for a high-cielinged place. Besides, if they go V-DOSC, they need the height to fit the beastly things!

Multiple rooms will be good, but I don't want to see a house/trance division. I'd like to see something else in room 2 like full-blown techno or even drum n bass. House and trance are too closely related nowadays to warrant seperate rooms. A good DJ incorporates both styles and then some! Tiësto is not just fluffy "ohmygodimblowingup" music all night, and Danny H isn't just deep-dark house either. Eventually, you'll have the same song in both rooms near each other....

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Guest saleen351

I HATE LOW CEILINGS!! I LOVE HOW EXIT WAS IN NYC.... minius the 2000 asian ravers selling crack to each other...

Well with the size you guys speak of with this new club, i think they may have a problem packing them in every night. I've seen clubs that designed fake walls to pull out so the club doesn't look so empty.. This ain't NYC and you are not gonna get 5000 people there on a friday.... And what views pod? Miami is a frigging dump... I have no idea how any of yous live there.... I've seen trailer parks in North Carolina, that were nicer...

Oh, ban glowsticks, whistles, drugs, drug users, ivano, niko, trance, and chicks who think they are hotter then they really are...

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Originally posted by saleen351

Oh, ban glowsticks, drugs, drug users...

Space has banned glowsticks for a very very very very long time...and as far as drugs and drug users go, i dont think any club promotes these two, especially Space which doesnt even allow u to get money from ur pockets b/c it looks like ur going for ur "stash" of drugs....

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by thehog

I think they should ban you Saleen ---------------->DAMOUTH:laugh:

They can't ban me.... Who would lead the crowd in guido fist pumping:confused:

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Quote from Saleen

Oh, ban glowsticks, whistles, drugs, drug users, ivano, niko, trance, and chicks who think they are hotter then they really are..

Man if you don't like drug users then why don't you just go to Church on Sunday, or you can go to the Temple beside your house.:laugh:

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by thehog

Quote from Saleen

Oh, ban glowsticks, whistles, drugs, drug users, ivano, niko, trance, and chicks who think they are hotter then they really are..

Man if you don't like drug users then why don't you just go to Church on Sunday, or you can go to the Temple beside your house.:laugh:

I don't have a problem with you stu-nods doing them, but come on, i've already saved one life at space and i've only been there a hand full of times. Plus roomates so wasted they knock over the owner of the club, girlfriends who kill them selves once a month, and me and you personaly know 5 people who died from them in college, and also I know of many chicks who don't remember doing the shit they did.... thank god I got it all on video:D

The music should own you, not the drugs...

Lets train Hog to sniff out drugs and we'll bring him to Space, plus we'll pull soooooooooooo much ass with him there:D

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by str8upcore

I think high ceilings may be a good idea especially if they are planning on putting in concert style sound system which brings me to my next question how does V-DOSC compare to PHAZON?

Phazon is overrated. Yea its clear, but it simply does not put out. Crobar system is sooooooooooooooooooooooo clear, but it does not bang like space..

sobeton the most abused drug in America, is cigerettes. Which I can't stand... I rather have crack heads in the clubs and no smokers... :D

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Originally posted by saleen351

sobeton the most abused drug in America, is cigerettes. Which I can't stand... I rather have crack heads in the clubs and no smokers... :D

actually there is not comprehensive data to support that. alcohol from what I've read is the most abused legal drug. further you can’t effectively measure tobacco abuse; as related to cancer. as you know one does not have to consume tobacco to get cancer. it has more to do with your dna makeup. where as alcohol abuse and fatalities are easily measured.

on a personal note. I’d rather deal with crackheads and smokers. drunk people tend to become obnoxious and in some cases violent; eventually they become nothing more then nuisances. that is until they sooner or later pass out from drinking too much; or perhaps nearly kill themselves from choking on their own vomit.

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My point with the High Ceilings is, Like Crobar and Like Exit so far all the people who designed the sound systems for those type of clubs, just design them for the dance floor and forget about the 2nd floor. You either get shit speakers thrown on the 2nd floor or a bad echo....

And I can do Techno on a different floor. I just meant try to bring in TWO different types of big name djs on nights. It would be a first in The States to See something like that and you would probably fill the place.

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As for lighting, I don't care if they bring in a black light with a stobe light bouncing off a disco ball.... (all though I hope it's not bright lighting, how annoying).. I just want good music (Oscar G works for me), a place to chill, and a big-ass dance floor for me to shake my bon-bon....

And of course, all my buddies from CP to hang with:D


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