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I need to learn how to"Not like people"(Can you help me?)


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So I'm talking with a certain

person at a certain music venue:

Mugz (Holding a beer in a

loud club) "Oh I just ran into so and so.."

Person : "ughhh I hate that guy...

He's always with that girl

I can't stand"

Mugz "Oh yea..I don't know I kinda like them"

Person : "Yea! Well I think they don't like you..

I heard from this other person that I also

don't like that they don't like you either."

Mugz "bu-but why..?

What did I do?"

Person : " What do you care..they all suck.

Big clique..All of them. They are just LEACHES."

Mugz "oh"...

(drinks beer)

"Hey look it's that dood and his girl.."

Person : "heh I hate them too..

plus they REALLY REAALLY don't like you"

Mugz :(

Person : "Yo, Mugz catch you later"

(walks away)

Mugz :(

(slinks back to sit on a speaker

and feel lonely)

Person walks up to Chick.

Chick: "So who was that you where talking to.."

Person : " Oh that's Mugz..I hate that kid. He's so whiney."

Chick: "Yea me too..."


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What are the steps I need

to take to learn to hate?

Is there a formula...?

It takes alot to make me ignore a person..

a total betrayel..

or a large doze of attitude

and dirty looks..

And I still get that tug from someone

next to me...

"Hey man, why you being nice to them..

they are being so rude to you..?"

So what the fuck's my deal..

Am I a "push over"?

A Charlie brown of the club world?

Does any one else see this or is it just


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Originally posted by mugwump

What are the steps I need

to take to learn to hate?

Is there a formula...?

It takes alot to make me ignore a person..

a total betrayel..

or a large doze of attitude

and dirty looks..

And I still get that tug from someone

next to me...

"Hey man, why you being nice to them..

they are being so rude to you..?"

So what the fuck's my deal..

Am I a "push over"?

A Charlie brown of the club world?

Does any one else see this or is it just


I believe it comes natural... If it is not in your nature to be that way to people. You are never going to be that way. I am the same way. I can sit there and dislike someone and when I run into them somewhere on the street or club. I am like...

" Hey... Whats up. So how you been." BLAH BLAH BLAH

and then when I walk away I ask myself why the fuck didn't I just tell the person to piss off...

It kinda sucks but it is my personality. I hate being mean to people. Even if they are assholes... But I would never consider myself a push over unless you let them take advantage of you... That is different...


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elementx I hear ya..

But my problem is that

I LITERALY don't dislike too many people...

I see faults in everyone including

myself but it takes alot for me

to truely loose respect for him/her...

But when I do..

I'm not mean..


ERASED from my life like

a ghost that never was...

But I just don't get all the

finger pointing and backstabbing

gossip in club cliques.

It's as if everyone is out

to win some kind of majority

popular vote or something..

ME? I'm just me..

take it or leave it..

Don't care if you like me..

I'll still smile at ya anyway.


(Crickket you are slowly

entering the Mugwumpian

vanishing zone BTW)

Anyone else feel like me?

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Originally posted by mugwump

elementx I hear ya..

But my problem is that

I LITERALY don't dislike too many people...

I see faults in everyone including

myself but it takes alot for me

to truely loose respect for him/her...

But when I do..

I'm not mean..


ERASED from my life like

a ghost that never was...

But I just don't get all the

finger pointing and backstabbing

gossip in club cliques.

I'm just me..

take it or leave it..

Don't care if you like me..

I'll still smile at ya anyway.


Anyone else feel like me?

Actually Mug, I am the same way...my friends often tell me to stop being so nice to everyone,and that someone is going to take advantage of me one day because of my kind, all loving nature...but you know what I am not naieve or stupid, and that hasn't happened yet, I am just nice and petty things don't play any part in my world,, I like to give people a chance no matter who they are or what they look like,if they are a true DICK then PEACE--they dont bother me and Iwill not waste my time talking about them because they are OBVIOUSLY not wrth my time,,anyway,,there should be MORE peope like us out there......:cool:

Hey are you and Aquarius by any chance???? :D

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its a virtue that only few obtain....you are more accepting of different types of people and more observant of the good qualities in each individual person....i am the same way....i rarely dislike anyone....you have to be a real asshole for me not to mesh with you or you have to say something that personally offends me....once this guy that i gave the benefit of the doubt looked me in the eye and said "you're not that good looking, you're not that built, and you are not that funny. how do you get so many girls?" .....that was enough to really personally offend me and i have not liked the kid ever since.....no need to learn to dislike...you will dislike them when the sitution warrents it....

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Originally posted by mugwump

What are the steps I need

to take to learn to hate?

Is there a formula...?

It takes alot to make me ignore a person..

a total betrayel..

or a large doze of attitude

and dirty looks..

And I still get that tug from someone

next to me...

"Hey man, why you being nice to them..

they are being so rude to you..?"

So what the fuck's my deal..

Am I a "push over"?

A Charlie brown of the club world?

Does any one else see this or is it just


I wish I had YOUR problem. I'm TOO much of a bitch......

Your not a push over until you let ppl push you around.

Keep smiling and being nice to ppl. I guess it's just who you are.


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Mugs just keep being the person u are... u shouldnt change that about u. I am the same way I can't hate anyone I always forgive no matter what they do, but I gotta say there are some people that turn my stomach cuz their such bastards and I might hate them for a while , but then I forgive them. Thats how I am, I can't change that about me I won't turn into a bitch (unless necessary :D) Just remember the people who so call hate u and don't like u are the ones with the problems. Just keep ur head up and fuck who likes u and u doesn't (not in that way :tongue: ) ... Being a nice person is beautiful. I met u plenty of times and ur mad nice so don't change

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