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the point of this story is that we werent planning that we were going there that night we were just hanging out thus the casual dress, we were in the area and decided to check it out, under the impression there wasnt a strict dress code. we got shut down at the door and as we are standing there they let a guy in basically wearing the same casual clothes we had on minus sneakers, he was wearing dirty yellow work boots. we were like what the fuck and ask the bouncer what was with lettin that guy in and not us he got all loud started cursing causing a scene. im not challengeing a dress code i just dont think the staff handled the situation properly and it left me sour. its all fine and good if you wear a suit out, im happy for you.if you feel you need a suit to look good and get women thats great. if i had known ahead of time there was a dress code i would have no problem following the code. my complaint is the way we were treated there was no line the place looked dead and they were turning away business,not only turning it away but making sure they never go back

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maybe those guys he let in just worked there. Who knows? They could have been goin in for different reasons. and u know a bouncer is gonna let someone they know in no matter what.

I went out this Saturday to a jersey club that is supposed to be dressed up and i saw people in there wearing sneakers

who u know matters.

im sure what happened to you has happened to everyone that posts on here atleast once in their lives.

as for the style.......saline ysolt and whoever else was talking about they like to wear

i must say that sometimes i like wearing shoes and a dress shirt and other times i like wearing jeans sneaks and a T. Sometimes i like seeing girls dressed up but also like when they wear sneakers.

there are diff scenes for diff. people

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Guest saleen351

I understand what you guys mean, my post was a general statement, not particular to just you and the club. But if they guy got hooked up by the bouncer, then so be it. I use to do it when I worked the door. Its who you know. Sobe and miami is all who you know. feel lucky you don't have to wait 30 mins to walk into crobar because you ain't gay or aren't wearing leather pants and a $5,000 watch.... So relax, dress a little nicer and i'm sure they will take care of you. I'm sure the club did not like the bad attention and will adress the bouncer guy. When I hooked people up, it was within reason. From your story it seems he completey let his buddy come in, wearing anything he wanted. Thats not right. Also I use to toss people who snuck threw the door since we had some pussies working the door and didn't turn away people.

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Originally posted by notallthere

.....I don’t have a problem with platinum having a dress code my problem mostly was this fuck was letting his friends in rite in front of us with baggy jeans and fucking work boots while he was telling us no one with jeans aloud in.

Notallthere, Fuck platinum it a dirty hole. Now that you moved you can hang out with us :laugh: And saleen351 you are 100% right some of these guy should wear what an "adult should wear" I can see wearing sneakers once in awhile to SF or something, but to wear them all the time :puke:

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by riggitytiggity

yeah but youre bald and look like your 45.....if you wore sneakers, people would laugh.....like this:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

yup you got me.....:rolleyes:

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If you don't like the dress code, either adapt to it or go to a place that accepts your dress code. Or buy a freaking club, make up your own dress code and see how it works out. Clubs have various reasons for dress codes and its their club so its their right, not yours. Furthermore, at Platinum we were going to do a Flashback night and allow all old school gear, Addidas Shelltoes, Sneakers, Nice Sweatpants and just plain old comfortable gear a long as it was neat, but instead people decided to bash the people involved in the night and now it is off, and the night isn't happening. We tried to do what you wanted but the negativity won and the night was cancelled. So stop your bitching and do something about it. Big clubs that are packed can be selective, and if you want to get in, you have to conform or stay home, thats just the way it is, doesn't matter how nice you think it looks, if they don't want it, you are out of luck, and personally I think ladies that are dressed, especially in heals look freaking great, a great pair of heals does wonders for the legs and asses on beautiful girls. And I'm sure they don't want to be hanging with guy who isn't dressed accordingly when they put in all that effort. The shore is over, time to get dressed again, so go shoppind and dress the fuck up. Just my opinion.

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I didn't want to jump on this thread at all, but there are a lot of venues that do not let u enter with sneakers, esp on a Saturday night .....................................

Originally posted by goatsnake

I was chillin with notallthere we were barhoppin in NewBrunswick,we decided to go check out PLATINUM it was saturday night blah blah whatever we stroll up to the bouncers they wouldnt let us in because we had sneakers on. so right away im thinkin this is bullshit im spending money in your club and they wont let me in because im wearing sneakers, its a mother fucking college town most college kids wear sneakers from what i understand its a hiphop club, sneakers are the footwear of choice in that fuckin community so whatever the bouncers was wearin fuckin cheesy hightops and black stone washed jeans hes on the street reppin the club and his trashy ass wouldnt let us in because we had on sneakers fuck that dress codes are retarded the people they were letting in were gay as hell. so i say FUCK PLATINUM!!!!! in there stupid asses i'll never go there again, we wound up going to PARADOX in Plainfield its a decent place its got something for everyone i couldnt complain they had live music(rock) a hiphop room,and a club room check it out

but i would not recommend PLATINUM i saw the dregs they were letting in mostly fat bitches and nerds im glad we walked away when we did

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Originally posted by goatsnake

I was chillin with notallthere we were barhoppin in NewBrunswick,we decided to go check out PLATINUM it was saturday night blah blah whatever we stroll up to the bouncers they wouldnt let us in because we had sneakers on. so right away im thinkin this is bullshit im spending money in your club and they wont let me in because im wearing sneakers, its a mother fucking college town most college kids wear sneakers from what i understand its a hiphop club, sneakers are the footwear of choice in that fuckin community so whatever the bouncers was wearin fuckin cheesy hightops and black stone washed jeans hes on the street reppin the club and his trashy ass wouldnt let us in because we had on sneakers fuck that dress codes are retarded the people they were letting in were gay as hell. so i say FUCK PLATINUM!!!!! in there stupid asses i'll never go there again, we wound up going to PARADOX in Plainfield its a decent place its got something for everyone i couldnt complain they had live music(rock) a hiphop room,and a club room check it out

but i would not recommend PLATINUM i saw the dregs they were letting in mostly fat bitches and nerds im glad we walked away when we did

I didn't want to jump on this thread at all, but there are a lot of venues that do not let u enter with sneakers, esp on a Saturday night ..................................... TO argue that the place sucks because they won't let u in with sneaks, is dumb. U would have had the same problem at other clubs ona Saturday night had u tried to enter with sneaks........ IMO

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Originally posted by perns2002

I didn't want to jump on this thread at all, but there are a lot of venues that do not let u enter with sneakers, esp on a Saturday night ..................................... TO argue that the place sucks because they won't let u in with sneaks, is dumb. U would have had the same problem at other clubs ona Saturday night had u tried to enter with sneaks........ IMO

wow how many times did notallthere have to put it....he said it 1000 times earlier in this thread......he's NOT PISSED ABOUT THE DRESS CODE....HE"S PISSED ABOUT SOME THUGS GETTING IN THERE RIGHT BEFORE HIM WITH GHETTO ASS WORKBOOTS ON AND THUGGED OUT JEANS!!!!

HE IS NOT PISSED ABOUT NOT GETTING IN BECAUSE HE HAD SNEAKERS ON....but its like if youre gonna let some hoods in there dressed like that...how do you not let two dudes in with sneakers on. And you know what? I agree with him!

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Originally posted by riggitytiggity

wow how many times did notallthere have to put it....he said it 1000 times earlier in this thread......he's NOT PISSED ABOUT THE DRESS CODE....HE"S PISSED ABOUT SOME THUGS GETTING IN THERE RIGHT BEFORE HIM WITH GHETTO ASS WORKBOOTS ON AND THUGGED OUT JEANS!!!!

HE IS NOT PISSED ABOUT NOT GETTING IN BECAUSE HE HAD SNEAKERS ON....but its like if youre gonna let some hoods in there dressed like that...how do you not let two dudes in with sneakers on. And you know what? I agree with him!

My bad.................... went rightover that part..........

Hmmmmmmmmmm I guess works boots and baggy jeans are allowed...............

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Originally posted by laurie619

Notallthere, Fuck platinum it a dirty hole. Now that you moved you can hang out with us :laugh: And saleen351 you are 100% right some of these guy should wear what an "adult should wear" I can see wearing sneakers once in awhile to SF or something, but to wear them all the time :puke:

Saleen's comment is directed to a girl. I agree, sometimes sneakers look good, but Saturdays are for dresssing up. Notall there is mad, b/c of the guys getting in before, not the dress code part, I think...

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i dont know....I know Danny Is at the Door most of the night and is VERY fair about Dress code...and Danny would NOT Have Friends in Work Boots and if he did....he still wouldnt let them in....If we are referring to some TAN TIMBS for that matter i wouldnt either...just un called for on a saturday......Im sure we must be speaking about a bouncer and not Danny...A bouncer on the other hand may of done that...very possible...not saying its right but it could of and probually was done....

i mean...I remember a bouncer telling me to take my Kango off at a club not knowing who i was and giving me a very hard time about it...As u all know Kango;s wore properly are very stylish and flashy....this is a few years ago by the way....but the Bouncer was an asshole about it...needless to say...The legendary Art Stock let me in....LOL

Notallthere the guy u replied to wasnt the guy that u talked to....Jsut a fyi....im sure the security has no idea about CP....:D

sorry about the poor treatment....sneakers are cool on fridays..not saturdays....u have a legitament reason to be upset...if its not the same for all.....

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If they want to let you in or not, they use the dress code to weed out people, sometimes they use it as an excuse not to let some people in, I've seen it done, you best bet is to conform to a dress code if there is on, not try to break it and bitch about it, Clubs can do what they want, thats the bottom line, they can also deny entry even if you are dressed properly, thats life.

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Originally posted by thepulse

If they want to let you in or not, they use the dress code to weed out people, sometimes they use it as an excuse not to let some people in, Clubs can do what they want, thats the bottom line, they can also deny entry even if you are dressed properly, thats life.

they can also sit around the next day and twiddle their thumbs about why they arent making $$. Maybe its because they dont know how to run a club.....try getting a customer base before starting to get picky on who you want in your club and who you dont. They're doing it the opposite way around....trying to find a customer base in a very niche market of a certain type of clubber. Learn the rules before you start playing the game of running a club! You let everybody in for the first year or two..until you gain a nice reputation....not make people try and sweat your club cause they cant get in cause you dont look a certain way. I do that with guys I meet......play hard to get. You dont play hard to get in the club business without some stellar reputation...which platinum does NOT have.

Do you think Bunka was able to go 23 for guys in their first year?? Do you think SF was always "The Pretty People Place"? Heck no....Platinum is trying to turn their place into the hot commodity...turning people away if they dont have the "platinum look". Give me a break....this is why the place always looks like an empty basement. Lean the rules!

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If they run it their way and it doesn't work, so be it, but it is their club and I would never try to tell someone how to run their club. and If I owned a club, I wouldn't listen to what anyone told me about running either unless is was someone working for me, or part owner, etc. If they fail, they fail, if they succeed they do, I don't tell the mechanic how to fix my car, so I don't tell other people how to do their jobs.

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Originally posted by thepulse

If they run it their way and it doesn't work, so be it, but it is their club and I would never try to tell someone how to run their club. and If I owned a club, I wouldn't listen to what anyone told me about running either unless is was someone working for me, or part owner, etc. If they fail, they fail, if they succeed they do, I don't tell the mechanic how to fix my car, so I don't tell other people how to do their jobs.

place sucks anyway... it's not worth the space on this post....

let's have a club around a college and not cater to the college, i give them a year max...

if you like platinum click below


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Originally posted by riggitytiggity

they can also sit around the next day and twiddle their thumbs about why they arent making $$. Maybe its because they dont know how to run a club.....try getting a customer base before starting to get picky on who you want in your club and who you dont. They're doing it the opposite way around....trying to find a customer base in a very niche market of a certain type of clubber. Learn the rules before you start playing the game of running a club! You let everybody in for the first year or two..until you gain a nice reputation....not make people try and sweat your club cause they cant get in cause you dont look a certain way. I do that with guys I meet......play hard to get. You dont play hard to get in the club business without some stellar reputation...which platinum does NOT have.

Do you think Bunka was able to go 23 for guys in their first year?? Do you think SF was always "The Pretty People Place"? Heck no....Platinum is trying to turn their place into the hot commodity...turning people away if they dont have the "platinum look". Give me a break....this is why the place always looks like an empty basement. Lean the rules!

Very Well put. :clap:

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Originally posted by imnakedritenow

place sucks anyway... it's not worth the space on this post....

let's have a club around a college and not cater to the college, i give them a year max...

hey prime, look, another "educated" clubber who thinks he/she knows what he is talking about....

cause you know, Platinum doesnt cater to the college crowd on friday nights or anything:rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:

i advise those who are reading this board to ignore what you read, because people who talk out of their asses say stinking things


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