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Royal Tenenbaums 2nd Post

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OK So after all the hype from the last post I went out and bought the movie... I watched it last night. The writer of the movie must have been on some crazy shit.

I take it this is a movie I have to watch a second time to catch everything... Cause I know there was some twisted shit in the movie and I was tired last night. So alot of it tossed me for a loop...

Anyone ???

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I liked the movie alot. As someone else said, its quite unusual, but this is one of the reasons I enjoy it so much. I think it was meant to be an artsy film, so there is a lot left up to individual interpretation. At the very core, there is a story about a dysfunctional family (the father is the catalyst of the dysfunction). Looking deeper, I think the movie speaks to me about how to not let relationships fall by the wayside.

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Oddly enough I Identify with the father character,

I think the movie shows how people can be so different (and in a non violent way).

The father believes he is doing what he can within his power.

Did anyone else realize that Morticai (the falcon) came back home as well as the children. It seems he too suffered tramatic experiences once he left "home" (the white feathers).

Tons of details and symbolism in there.

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Originally posted by gothzane

Definitly one of my faves....but im not going to get into why.


I posted about this movie ages ago...

This is why I named the subject as 2nd post... I just watched the movie... And that is why I posted it again... I could not find the old post...

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