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Danny Howells Review


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Heheh :) Special thanks to the Space folk (Biz, Kris, Louis -where'd ya go?- Alex, and a few helpful security guys) for letting me get my shots :)

The patio looked cool, they strung up some Elation lighting outside to add a little flavor to the patio. Don't blame 'em with the choice, I wouldn't risk 918s or technobeams outside!

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Glad you guys had a great time... Kris, has been doin' a great job acquiring guys like DH. Louis did a wonderful job with the new lights on the patio- adds to the whole Lunar experience.

I'm really happy to see we've been able to bring that patio to life. Roland has been lighting things up back there & peepz are finally starting to take notice. Lunar Sessions is a new experience. A party within a party, with its own original identity. Weekly changes based around theme & surprises on a weekly basis out there. Definitely alive & kickin' & I couldn't be happier.

Thanx for the support...

Don't miss these Lunar events b-low:

Full moon Enchantment / Biz's B-Day Celeb

Saturday, October 26th

Details later to come.;)

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Howells Was Good Guys BUT No offense

He couldnt even come close to filling Space (They Didnt even open the patio till what 4 to keep people in the main room) also There was Very Little energy (No fist pumping, lol, no fucking screaming, no clapping) Residency NO way....

Besides the Cp Crew About 90% of the People There didnt Know who Danny Howells is. Its kinda funny i love this board to death but its overwhelmed by house/progressive heads..... Once again No offense but you all should check out Tiesto on the 19thhhhh, Energy, Crowd, AMAZING..... The man is gonna teach MIA a Lesson. I am one of the few people like Koky (Sometimes) who shows up to every event @ Space (Cant Stand Crobar) I want all ya to show for tiesto.....

Saleen ----- Tijs is spinning some awesome Techno u may Like

Vitalic Stuff, Umek Stuff (Even remixed Gatex), also throwing in some chemical Brothers and tomcraft.......


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The reason why the patio was closed until 4 AM was because a certain DJ was let go this past week. There is no one as of yet to take the 12AM-4AM slot.

As for a crowd, it was thick enough for my liking. I don't need to see balls-to-the-wall crowds to have a good time. I think even the club would maybe not want an overcapacity crowd, it would create a lot of problems (the whole fine line bit..). As a matter of fact, I know for a fact when I go to Louis' birthday/Tiësto, I'm probably just gonna be by the back bar all night as to not get trampled.

Of course only half the people in the crowd knew who Danny Howells was! Do you expect the masses to really know or care? That's what makes them the masses. We're a select group here of industry folk, hardcore clubgoers, owners, DJs, and so on.

Without the masses, us "select few" don't exist. Just like there's no underground without a commercial scene.

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Originally posted by djdekan

Howells Was Good Guys BUT No offense

He couldnt even come close to filling Space (They Didnt even open the patio till what 4 to keep people in the main room) also There was Very Little energy (No fist pumping, lol, no fucking screaming, no clapping) Residency NO way....

Besides the Cp Crew About 90% of the People There didnt Know who Danny Howells is. Its kinda funny i love this board to death but its overwhelmed by house/progressive heads..... Once again No offense but you all should check out Tiesto on the 19thhhhh, Energy, Crowd, AMAZING..... The man is gonna teach MIA a Lesson. I am one of the few people like Koky (Sometimes) who shows up to every event @ Space (Cant Stand Crobar) I want all ya to show for tiesto.....

Saleen ----- Tijs is spinning some awesome Techno u may Like

Vitalic Stuff, Umek Stuff (Even remixed Gatex), also throwing in some chemical Brothers and tomcraft.......


Pete where you even, in the same club I was in on Saturday night? initially the club was not that full, but it was quite full by the time Danny was done destroying the place. as far as the energy again, what club did you go to? had you ventured beyond the front of the speaker, and gone out to the dancefloor you would have felt the energy, both the crowd and Danny where giving off. I was dancing all over the dancefloor, people where going absolutely insane yelling Danny, bouncing up and down, and just having a great time. once again who the hell cares if anyone knows the name of the dj? the point is did the dj entertain the people? the answer is yes he did.

Saleen I would expect to hear negative comments from, because he thrives on the attention, and I find his ignorance somewhat amusing at times. you on the other hand are a dj, and as such should recognize talent when it’s put before you, and understand that the crowd may not know who you are when you get on the dex. however if you do your job well. the crowd should know who you are when you get done, particularly when you deliver the goods.

as a dj you work the crowd, and that my friend is exactly what Danny Howells did, in fact he worked the crowd into a f*cking frenzy.

as I sated in my reply to Oscar’s post last week, I don’t listen to genres of music. I listen to beats. I can listen to house, trance, techno, and whatever appreciating them all for what they are MUSIC. can you ?? Danny brought it "all" to Space on saturday nite. myself and the other people there appreciated it, and responded to an absolutely amazing performance; from what has to be one of the top dj’s in the world.

until Saturday nite Mauro Picotto and Tiesto, stood out as the best performances I have heard at Space this year, in terms of dj performance and crowd energy. then along came Danny Howells who simply left myself, and almost everyone else completely mesmerized.

might I add the more often Danny comes to Space, the bigger his audience will grow. as people recognize the true talent he is. much the same as Tiesto, and all the other Space residents have done.

there is not doubt in my mind ,a residency at Space for Danny Howells, would be a well deserved residency.

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Who? Danny Phocking Howells, that's who! The man definatley deserves the title SUPERSTAR-DJ! He really knows how to work a crowd and consistantly mix great tracks w/ flawless percision. I had a total blast & couldn't stop smiling all night long! Great to see everyone out. Is it Howell-ween yet?

Mad respect to our very own OscarG. I thought it was going to be really hard to go on after Danny's massive blinder of a set, but Oscar slide right it and kept the energy going. True Professional.

*can we talk about the patio?!?!

I haven't ventured outside on the patio in months - the last time I've been out there was some time last spring. In my mind it had a reputation for bad, lifeless, often cheezy music. Last Saturday/Sunday morning was complete redemption ---> the return of the patio. I found myself rocking out, having a great time to the contagious deep prog sounds spinnin' off Rolands decks! When did the patio get good again? I wish someone had told me!! I think the Space team finally found something that works out there, lets just give Roland an extended set next time. :D

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got there just when danny got on. still in aww. danny fook'n rawk'd. changed it up nicely. kinky possession & step back tracks were NICE! luv'd every minute of his set & couldn't stop danc'ng. i'll say it again & again, danny is 100 % quality dj & person! speechless...

zuly> lee & u are always welcome in my home...anytime :)

james> damn, where is that :shak'ng head: icon when u need it?

dan: thank you!

L, B & C> we missed you!

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First and foremost I would like to thank everyone on this board who showed up once again to support your friendly neighborhood bar. Ga2 and D7, thank you both for your great reviews of what will hopefully become a regular night and resident DJ at Space. Danny Howells laid out the best set I have personally heard him play...ever. This was not just my opinion but that of everyone I talked to. DH is dance music versatility personified. His composition truly fulfills your hunger for house, regardless of what house genre you are into. His track inventory, selection and the progression of his set this Saturday confirm his God given talents and are the true proof of what makes him Grand. I am not yet in agreement with some of you who have claimed him "King", for only talent and time have the right to set this claim. However, the reigning King, whoever he may be, can rest with ease for Prince Howells is very qualified to take the thrown and reign when he is gone.


BTW Did anyone catch his patio set???

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It was nice to meet all of you on sat night/ sun am, glad all of you enjoyed it as much as I did. Thanks to biz for working hard on getting a great party going in the patio (having fun yet biz?). Anyways, POD I've been opening the patio usually around 2am but this past saturday since it was a late crowd we opened it at 3am got a chance to listen to DH and right from his first track he had the crowd going.

Look forward to meeting you guys, see you at Space Lunar Sessions.;)

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