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RAVE Act update!!!!!!!!


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well, kiddies, the house subcommitte decided to postpone voting on the RAVE Act (that's Reducing Americans' Vulnerability to Ecstasy), a real victory for concertgoers/clubbers/lounge and bar attendees/ravers/anyone on someone else's private property, really, the way it's written. its broad language could actually sentence you to fines of $250,000 or prison time for someone smoking weed in your backyard.

the text of the RAVE Act is here:


and below is an update about what's happening now with it, and what we need to do next - as it has only been, i repeat, postponed. i received it yesterday from the drug policy alliance.



1. RAVE Act Update

2. CAll Your Federal Candidates Today! Help the Alliance Complete

The Drug Policy Voter Guide




Last week we asked our supporters to call Members of the House

Subcommittee on Crime and request they vote against the RAVE Act or

postpone consideration of the bill. We are happy to report that the

Subcommittee decided not to vote on the RAVE Act, and that the bill

is likely dead in the House for the year. While the Subcommittee's

decision was based largely on the fact it is unlikely that the full

House will have time to vote on the bill before Congress goes out of

session, the Drug Policy Alliance's campaign to slow down and stop

this bill no doubt played a role.

While we are not out of the water yet (the Senate may still consider

the RAVE Act this week, and Congress may be back in December and

could consider it then), the Drug Policy Alliance's national campaign

has likely stopped the bill for the year. We are very thankful to all

our supporters who called their elected officials and educated them

on the dangers of the RAVE Act. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Although the Subcommittee did not vote on the RAVE Act, it did hold a

public hearing on the bill. Graham Boyd, director of the ACLU's Drug

Policy Litigation Project, testified against the RAVE Act and made a

great case that the RAVE Act and the existing crack house law have

problems. A number of Members expressed concerns about the RAVE Act,

including Rep. Bobby Scott, Ranking Members on the Subcommittee.

Boyd's testimony can be read at:


If we have sent you this e-mail, it's because you have signed up to

receive legislative updates and action alerts. We would like to

encourage you to sign up to receive our weekly e-newsletter. This

newsletter is sent out every Thursday and updates our supporters on

the status of drug policy reform around the country and around the


To sign up to receive our free e-newsletter, go to:





This year, drug policy advocates are facing one of the most critical

election seasons ever. That's why the Drug Policy Alliance has

initiated the first-ever voters guide devoted to drug policy this

year. In order to get a majority of candidates to answer, they need

to hear from you, their constituents! That's why we are asking our

members and supporters to contact every candidate in the country who

has not answered the questionnaire to date.

Here's what to do:

1) Call their offices! Click here to find out the phone number of

candidates near you:


2) As a constituent, tell them that drug policy issues are important

to you and that you request (sometimes demand) they fill out Drug

Policy Alliance's voters guide questionnaire.

3) Explain that you will likely vote based on their responses, or

lack there of.

4) Tell them that the survey can be easily filled in less than five

minutes by returning it via fax to (202)216-0986, by filling it out

online, or by calling us to fill it out orally.

5) Every candidate should have received a copy via email, fax, or

both; but if they did not, have them contact our offices immediately

by emailing our project coordinator Chris Mulligan at

cmulligan@drugpolicy.org or by calling (202)216-0035 x 201.

6) Finally, explain that as a concerned voter in their district,

refusal to answer is entirely unsatisfactory.

Drug policy reform is increasingly present in the political

mainstream. Since 1996 voters and state governments have enacted

almost 150 notable drug policy reforms in 46 states. 46 of the 143

reforms were enacted in 2001 alone; and 2002 is proving to be another

reform-driven year, with 14 reforms enacted as of August. This

survey will serve as a barometer for congressional candidates on

these hot-button issues. Constituents deserve to know how candidates

feel about these issues and with your help we can accomplish this.

So, start calling!

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Guest saleen351

i support the rave act. you little druggies fucked it up for everyone!!!!!!!!!!! your Twilo would still be around if there were no druggies...

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Originally posted by saleen351

i support the rave act. you little druggies fucked it up for everyone!!!!!!!!!!! your Twilo would still be around if there were no druggies...

Sir... drugs are not the issue that should concern you. The way it is phrased would put every clubowner and promoter in a risk they can't control.

In the longrun, thru whatever story you want to imagine, someone like me or maybe you too, who don't want, do or see drugs would end up without a public place to dance. And that's our right.

Think more before you mislead yourself and the people around you.:idea:

This is a very serious issue.


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Originally posted by saleen351

i support the rave act. you little druggies fucked it up for everyone!!!!!!!!!!! your Twilo would still be around if there were no druggies...

:cuss: Screw you man, U don't like it when people acuse u of doing drugs...so don't go around acusing the rest of us if you don't even know us and what we do or don't do. IMO it's not fair that if the RAVE acts passes that we will all be affected by it, regardless of the fact if you use drugs or not! Maybe if the US's "War on Drugs" was effective they would'nt even have to think about a "war on clubs" and nightlife in general.

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Originally posted by sunnyhost

:cuss: Screw you man, U don't like it when people acuse u of doing drugs...so don't go around acusing the rest of us if you don't even know us and what we do or don't do. IMO it's not fair that if the RAVE acts passes that we will all be affected by it, regardless of the fact if you use drugs or not! Maybe if the US's "War on Drugs" was effective they would'nt even have to think about a "war on clubs" and nightlife in general.

Each of us counts. Awareness is also our right.:type:


For the records Saleen351.........I drink,dance and listen to music because I want to. That is freedom.

Tonight: Lola, Spin, Crobar

Sat.: Crobar and Space

Have fun,


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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

in honor of this latest development of the Rave Act...i think we should do a CP meet up' to protest this Rave Act...the meet up will be at Sunnyhost's house....i will bring Cheech and Chong's "Up in Smoke" to start our little protest...:smoke::bong:

WTF?!? You're a crazy loon

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RAVE Act Will Curtail Free Speech and Musical Expression

The RAVE Act serves as a clear assault on raves and electronic music. The reality is that property owners, promoters, and event coordinators could be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars or face up to twenty years in federal prison if they hold raves or other events on their property ï·“ even if they work hard to deter drug use. Although the substance of this law is neutral and would apply equally to all events and all locations, it is clear that it will not be enforced equally. If the bill becomes law, property owners may be too afraid to rent or lease their property to groups holding raves, other allï·“night dance parties, rock or Hipï·“Hop concerts, or any other event that federal prosecutors do not like. This will have a definite chilling effect on free speech and musical expression.

How in the fuck could any one that likes to go clubbing like or support this bill????????:confused:

I guess you whant all the clubs to close @2:00?? I guess you whant halft of all the club to close because the owners will be locked up????

Out of all the stupid shit you have posted SALEEN this is by fare the one comment that you need to back the fuck up and think about what your saying.:blown:

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Originally posted by saleen351


There could be no picture of Space with New Jersey in the patio if this law passed. Make your dreams come true. Stand for them.

Don't let the few drug users ruin it for you, for your younger generation, for clubs, for DJs, for producers, for magazines, for even this webpage I guess.

The whole industry would shake, if not collapse. An industry that has grown due to unity and support of each and every one of us. Wouldn't it be sad to have to go across the Atlantic to dance?


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Originally posted by sobeton

our government needs to be focusing, on more pressing issues such as rising unemployment, a struggling economy, the serious threat of international terrorism, etc. the rave act is a useless piece of ambiguous legislation.

THANK YOU ......................AND AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by sobeton

our government needs to be focusing, on more pressing issues such as rising unemployment, a struggling economy, the serious threat of international terrorism, etc. the rave act is a useless piece of ambiguous legislation.


The Rave Act is the most serious threat to electronic music. I'll save a little of my CP time to support people like Weyes and Milano.:)

Didn't Biz mention this as one of his points a couple days ago already?


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What you need to realize is that the most important thought on any Presidents mind should be national security. Have you been in a cave for the last 13 mnts.?:confused: Iraq has been haboring and bank rolling Terrorists for years. Let me ask you a question, do you own a TV? Look at all the fucking bombings in the last week. It is only a matter of time until it happens here again.:mad:

That is just half the problem with Iraq. What about the drone planes found with spraying equipment? I don't think you have any idea how many Israel's would be killed with one plane or scud full of veren would be used. Why in the hell do some people think that Saddam would not use this????? I mean he has sprayed and killed thousands of his own people in the North and Southern sections of Iraq. That is why the no fly zone has been in place for 10 yrs.:eek:

What about the fact that Iraq is buying parts and trying to develope nuks?? If that does not scare you then your a fool because as soon as they get one they will head right for NY city with it.

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Originally posted by ravengirl

okay than maybe you can explain it to me..

but be warn, so far no one that i have disscused this issue has had good points to make!:tongue::blank::hump:

i wont go into deep political discussion about this...but....imagine u have a car and u know ur brakes are going bad on them...would u fix the brakes after or before they lock up on u while driving...causing a major accident?;)

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