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Dont you just hate it when everyone...

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that sucks!

got my company to hire a bunch of my friends. we're on a mission to remove all those that stand in our way! today my buddy got promoted. soon we will run the show.

have friends?

will hire.

did i mention shorts, skates, beers after 5? we have them on the run!

make a plan, build the unbreakable aliance and go into battle knowing you have nothing to lose.

(of course, the company could fold at any moment, but who's looking toward the future anyway?)

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who is even remotely cool @ your job starts quiting? I Mean, they are dropping like flies!!! When I started working here there were lots of awesome people. Now they are all leaving.

I just found out yet another one of my favorite coworkers put in his 2-week notice.

This blows. Pretty soon it will be me and micheal-Bolton-loving, husband-and-3-kid-having, recipe-swapping, nondrinking, touched-by-an-angel-watching, workaholics.

And thus far not one of the people that has replaced any of my dearly departed friends has had even a fraction of the coolness of their predecessor.




"Contained in music somehow more than just sound,This inspiration coming and twisting things around" --Op Ivy

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yeah that happened at my old job, it sucked till i quit too eventually



AIM: TRANCEpotting


1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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I'm actually planning on quiting and going back to school, but not for another YEAR!!

I can barely motivate myself out of bed as it is.



"Contained in music somehow more than just sound,This inspiration coming and twisting things around" --Op Ivy

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Originally posted by lavendermenace:

who is even remotely cool @ your job starts quiting? I Mean, they are dropping like flies!!! When I started working here there were lots of awesome people.

And thus far not one of the people that has replaced any of my dearly departed friends has had even a fraction of the coolness of their predecessor.


OH WAIT.......THERE ACTUALLY ARE other "cool" people at work, hmm....yet to find one.......then again I am working at a computer science firm...hmmm.....do you work in the city, hun??? maybe we can band together! grrhhh...

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Yeah, there WERE a few cool people here, which was actually a total fluke because I work in publishing (nonfiction) one of the dorkiest fields EVER. (remeber all the kids in AP english?) So, the fact that there ever were interesting souls around here was a shear miracle. Yeah its in the city, east midtown.



"Contained in music somehow more than just sound,This inspiration coming and twisting things around" --Op Ivy

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