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LIST:during & day-after party side effects - good & bad


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ah, all the little things that go along with clubbing. those unavoidbale bonuses and minuses, all generally small stuff. somehow, it all just adds to the whole experience :spin2::aright: . so, let's list them, the good and the bad.

talking to strangers about really personal shit. i was talking to a girl in the ladies lounge of a club once, and a couple of minutes after we met, she was telling me all about her anal sex experiences :hey::laugh2: .

party wounds. the next day, there's usually a scratch on my arm (or hand, or whatever, but get your minds out of the gutter :nono:!) i can't explain. and i think, "i wonder how that happened?..."

being excited about the little things after staying up for way too long and being totally cracked-out. "omigod, you have to have an m&m; these are sooooo good!!!"

haven't thought of any bad ones yet, and i might not at all :D ! what've you guys got?

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those were the good ones? :eek:

i dunno, i definitly talk with random people that i woukdnt normally talk to when i'm cracked out...the problem is of course when they recognize me outside of the club, i'm usually like "who da fu*k are you dude?"

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Originally posted by vicman

those were the good ones? :eek:

i dunno, i definitly talk with random people that i woukdnt normally talk to when i'm cracked out...the problem is of course when they recognize me outside of the club, i'm usually like "who da fu*k are you dude?"


yeah, i love all that stuff :aright: . it's just comedy. it just gets surreal after a while, something i definitely need on a regular (but not all that often) basis. another one i love:

leaving the club when people are going to work. it's as though i thought the world had stopped when i was partying. like i had been in a time warp. or else it's as though i thought everyone else must've been partying somewhere else. but when i walk out into the brightness, all sweaty and washed-up, and see people hurrying to get somewhere, i remember that i was lucky to have that day off (for whatever reason). and it occurs to me, too, that i'm lucky to have the good times i do :) .

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got another one:

when the music's in your head after you've left the club. it's not like having a song in your head from hearing it too much on the radio or something. when we leave the club, sometimes we can swear it's still playing. and i guess it is, in a way :) .

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I have a bad one...

Distractions while driving Saturday night on the way home from a good time at a club. The music is going and everyone in the car is all amped, including a girl with a tendency to flash people while driving through Hollywood. Now I admit, I should be able to ignore this, but unfortunately I am a straight male and this girl is pretty stacked... The window goes down, the shirt goes up, I look back and SLAM - rear-end a Jeep Cherokee. DOH!

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Originally posted by weyes

leaving the club when people are going to work. it's as though i thought the world had stopped when i was partying. like i had been in a time warp. or else it's as though i thought everyone else must've been partying somewhere else. but when i walk out into the brightness, all sweaty and washed-up, and see people hurrying to get somewhere, i remember that i was lucky to have that day off (for whatever reason). and it occurs to me, too, that i'm lucky to have the good times i do :) .

yeah, thats the weirdest thing of all. in ny its like an everyday occurence. it just so weird, you get to the club at 11 or 12 (at least i do) and when i leave its like 10am.

during wmc it also the same, but SoBe is a bit separated from the rest of the Miami so you dont see people in suits and stuff like you do here in NY. just plain weird if you ask me. :D

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club stank. it's not nearly as bad now that i've moved out of smokey nyc and to smoke-outside-only l.a., but i have to go out on the patio sometimes, too, where the smoke is pretty thick, and that gets me anyway. and smoke machines (fog) leave a weird stink, too. i remember that from musical theater in high school. and my pants sort of drag, so, no matter what, i come home dirty. and people at red seem to love spilling drinks on me (eau de vodka on this arm, eau de "adios, mothefucker!" on my shoulder). but it's the worst when i shower (lather, rinse repeat!) and my hair still reeks of cigarettes :cuss: .

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Here's some (G-rated ones) --

1. Having a girl give you her number but she is fainting in your arms as she writes it.

2. Talking to a girl about the internet and being told by her "I haven't gotten around to trying the internet. Is it really good?"

3. Seeing girls trying to punch each other on the dance floor but instead their swings start hitting everyone else nearby them.

and one of my romantic favorites:

4. Meeting that nice girl who was in line behind u for the club 3 hours earlier and now you see her again sitting next store at an empty bar, alone and sad, and you finding out that she didn't get into the club because she wasn't on the list but is sooo happy to see you again. (Can we have some violins please? lol). :clap2:

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