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does anyone go dancing alone?

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Originally posted by bkissa:

its sooooo much more fun to just be out on the dance floor all by yourself, when it's not crowded and just close your eyes and dance alone. you can actually feel the music. so i am with you!

i feel precisely the same way. i dance (translation: flail my arms and legs around in perfect rhythm but not necessarily with any amount of graceful motion) with my eyes closed cuz it makes me feel one with beat, not one with hundreds of shady people who are staring and looking like i'm the weirdest person they've ever seen 'dance'... hehehe...

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I didnt venture out to a club by myself just yet, but I did go with only 1 other person on many occasions and the experience is basically just like going alone anyways. I usually get to the club, stand in line, and the scope out the place with whoever i go. But after I'm inside for a few minutes, I go off alone to do my thing and my friend does his own shit .

SO basically you are free to do whatever you want, whenever you feel like it. I like wondering around, sometimes just chilling, sometimes dancing in this spot, few minutes later in a different spot or room, depeding on the music and the mood that I'm in.

WHen I go with a group of ppl, then Im not as free. First you got to watch your friends so you dont loose them, then half of the other time you are trying to find them if you do separate. Finally you need to take into consideration the time that you're friends want to leave the club.

Overall, its fun to go with a group of ppl to a small club, but there are the negative constraining aspects of that.

Also its basically just as fun being in a club by yourself, cuz of all the freedom that you have, w/o worrying about anyone else.





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oh jesus give me a break. it's really fun to be by yourself and everyone is thinking you are either a loser or a psycho.

Originally posted by bkissa:

its sooooo much more fun to just be out on the dance floor all by yourself, when it's not crowded and just close your eyes and dance alone. you can actually feel the music. so i am with you!

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Wow, RObo***,

You must be extremely confident and very secure with yourself <scsm> if you care so much about what other ppl (strangers) think about you when you are on the dancefloor.

If you go to those upscale places that are all about image, then I can understand your view. But in a regular club like exit or SF, who the hell gives a Damn. Dont concentrate so much on other people's thoughts, because then it takes away from the actual puppose of being in a club...to get away from the stress, everyday problems and just let go and dance.

I dont know if i agree totally with Bkissa,

but i know that some ppl like different styles of dancing depending on their moods.

SOme ppl like dancing alone and having space,

others like grinding and having body contact, and others just like dancing in a group.

Dont matter how they do it, as long as they are doing it.





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Hey I was wondering the same thing...

I really want to start clubbing more often; and I can't get any of my friends to come with me ever...because they'd rather go to a bar and drink and sit around.

I personally would rather be dancing. Maybe I will go by myself.

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I really want to start clubbing more often; and I can't get any of my friends to come with me ever...because they'd rather go to a bar and drink and sit around.

Same problem here. I think after reading everyone's responses, it becomes clear that the two big problems are (1)getting to (and back from the club alone) AND (2)getting strange looks from people on the dancefloor when you r bustin' a move alone.

i don't have the answer to no.1 i have the same problem, as i'm sure many others have. the drive is treacherous. but don't let it get to ya....music is the answer...and getting down on the dancefloor is EVERYTHING! no.2 is easy: you're in the wrong club!


brodie cwm3.gif

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Originally posted by sd:

I spent 6 weeks in Singapore around Christmas and New Years on my own. They have a great club scene down there with excellent DJ's.

I knew no one and used to go out by myself all the time, I probably had the best 6 weeks of clubbing of my life.

I met really cool people whenever I wanted to, danced when I wanted to and heard great DJ's, among them, Carl Cox and Darren Emerson (New Years, the night of newest GU). Since then, if theirs a good DJ spinning I don't hesitate to fly solo.


Just got back from a few weeks in Singapore and Bangkok, and found the club scene (Zouk, Velvet, Bar One)pretty dull. Great places, great sound systems, bad DJ's, very little new wax...maybe I went at a bad time, maybe you went at during a great time... BUT I did find it easy to go alone and make friends, so that part of it was cool. Less assumption that a guy by himself is a weirdo or loser...

[This message has been edited by sebastianxy (edited 07-18-2001).]

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