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Its mischeif night

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Eventhough I posted this b4, I can recall One mischeif nite where I pulled off one of the most destructive pranks. I took an m-80, then dipped the m-80 in hot glue then dipped it in a box of BBs. I found a car that was unlocked on a side street and i lit the m-80 and tossed it in a car. HOLES everywhere. Dashboard, seats, windshield. By far one of the most fucked up thigns i have done

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some of you's are bad

im just going to do some toilet papering butter some windsheilds throw some eggs switch some for sale signs, clip some cable wires beat up some of the little rookies that are in our territory.

Dookie11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!are you ready!!!!!

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Originally posted by stardo

some of you's are bad

im just going to do some toilet papering butter some windsheilds throw some eggs switch some for sale signs, clip some cable wires beat up some of the little rookies that are in our territory.

Dookie11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!are you ready!!!!!

that for sale sign thing is too funny...:laugh: Can you imagine the person that wakes up with a for sale sign on their lawn:eek:

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i remember doing some badass shit too, now think of everything we used to do back then when we were younger. now there are alot more kids out there going to do some more fucked up shit to us. so we all gotta be on watch. lol. i am going to sit outside with my paintball gun. any kids come by my block there dead. lol


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Originally posted by velvetrope

i remember doing some badass shit too, now think of everything we used to do back then when we were younger. now there are alot more kids out there going to do some more fucked up shit to us. so we all gotta be on watch. lol. i am going to sit outside with my paintball gun. any kids come by my block there dead. lol


wanna come keep a lookout at my place??? :D

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Originally posted by stardo

some of you's are bad

im just going to do some toilet papering butter some windsheilds throw some eggs switch some for sale signs, clip some cable wires beat up some of the little rookies that are in our territory.

Dookie11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!are you ready!!!!!

Girl- I ain't clippin no cable wires. Is your brother working tonight. That's all we need is to get arrested.

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When I was a kid, there was one neighbor in the court that always yelled at us kids when we were playing baseball or football. He always yelled, "get away from my car" and he once called the cops on us, trying to say we broke the window in his Yugo. On mischief night, 6 of us literally carried his car down the street and covered his little white Yugo in chocolate syrup. About an hour later we were hanging out on the corner when the cops pulled up, we ran into the woods and I dove into a pile of leaves. The cops followed us into the woods with their flashlights. I could hear one of the cops coming toward me, but I wouldnt move. The cop actually stepped on my hand, but never found me.

I wish I was a kid again, those were the days. Now I drive down the street on mischief night just waiting for some little punk to throw something at my car so I can put them in the trunk for a couple of days and teach them a lesson.

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No one does anything anymore...................

When I was growing up, there wasn't a street that wasn't toilet papered, you needed an ID to get eggs, or a parent. If you were a kid with ID you were only alllowed to buy one cartoon....... It was nuts, and soooo much fun..........

The one thing we did every year, was cover the locks that held the gates of My Catholic School closed- I lived across the street - (All NUNS) in toothpaste gum, or any other sticky gross substance................ Some kids were super day and totally egg the Convent where they all stayed, right next to the school....... it was so bad.......

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Originally posted by velvetrope

i remember doing some badass shit too, now think of everything we used to do back then when we were younger. now there are alot more kids out there going to do some more fucked up shit to us. so we all gotta be on watch. lol. i am going to sit outside with my paintball gun. any kids come by my block there dead. lol


Care to make extra $$ come watch over my house. . .every year for the last 7 years my block gets hit so hard. . .I would LUUUV to find the degenerates that do it. . .:D Thoes Eggs are a killer on your paint. . .:mad: but then again I'm going to be OUT tonight:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by laurie619

Care to make extra $$ come watch over my house. . .every year for the last 7 years my block gets hit so hard. . .I would LUUUV to find the degenerates that do it. . .:D Thoes Eggs are a killer on your paint. . .:mad: but then again I'm going to be OUT tonight:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

i think if CP people knew where you lived they would just cover your house in eggs then blow it up lol

:laugh: :laugh:

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