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Just FYI....I'd guess that Christian will be spinning breaks at the event, not techno. At the billboard conference, Christian played about an hour long breaks set (not half bad....very dark, very dubby and techy), and I'm sure he has a few more breaks records than what he played that night. Either way, I'll be there if my schedule permits...

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Can these two worlds live side by side on a Phazon?

(I can already imagine the dance floor with all the techno

nerd ellit on one side of the room and all the Breaks snobs

on the other..)

man oh man I wish I was back

just to see this one....!

Good for you ARC!

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Originally posted by mugwump

Can these two worlds live side by side on a Phazon?

(I can already imagine the dance floor with all the techno

nerd ellit on one side of the room and all the Breaks snobs

on the other..)

man oh man I wish I was back

just to see this one....!

Good for you ARC!

Then they are all going to start snapping their fingers like in the west side story - before you know it, A dance knife fight/brawl is going to break out!!! :laugh:

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Originally posted by crobra

Then they are all going to start snapping their fingers like in the west side story - before you know it, A dance knife fight/brawl is going to break out!!! :laugh:

well you can be sure as hell that if smith doesn't throw down some fucking techno i'll start stabbin left & right! suckas will drop like flies!

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Originally posted by nickarc

Lee's big room hip-shaking tribal breakbeat and Christian's funky-ass tribal techno is like a match made in heaven!!


$15 at arc website.......

. . . Whoa!! . . I can't believe I missed that comment . . It says it fucking all. . :aright: . . I've been listening and collecting Coomb's joints since the beginning of Finger Lickin rekkerds . . . Right on!! . .

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Arc was dead... at least till 4 am, when i left disappointed and wishing i'd just stayed in and slept or maybe gone out to somewhere else. i didn't dance much at all, which is really telling if you know me...

it was good to see some people i hadn't for a while, though. :]

does anyone know what it was like after 4?

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. . . What she said . . . . I dunno, I guess since . . and I don't mean to go off on an elitist rant or anything . . .But . . I guess since I've been listening to Coombs since pretty much I started collecting rekkerds I was expecting something different . . . I mean, I HAD to go and check this cat out , just for the incredibly slim chance he would play the songs that I knew and loved . . I dug on his set, but ehh . . . I dunno . . .

. . Crowd was absent to say the least, not for any lack of the peeps at ARC trying to get em in there but this is NY and we know how it goes . . . :rolleyes: . . . Great seein all the peeps that I did last night . . .

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Woooooo, had my fun last night. After people left, Smith threw on a nice techno/tech-house/disco/synth-pop/electro/breaks/minimalist set. I think with the crowd being what it was, he just spun to have fun...though I thought he did a pretty good job.

Ended up seeing a bunch of model types/druggies/regular schmoes/hardcore fans/a goth kid (straight outta downtime, with my name) dancing to shit like last night a DJ saved my life, frankie goes to hollywood, Josh Wink, and Underworld...:laugh: Gotta say, slow night, but I had fun. :laugh:

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Originally posted by xpander

Ended up seeing a bunch of model types/druggies/regular schmoes/hardcore fans/a goth kid...dancing

listen, buddy. i don't mind "regular schmoe", or even "nondescript loser", but the other names were just simply uncalled for. ;)

Originally posted by xpander

...Smith threw on a nice techno/tech-house/disco/synth-pop/electro/breaks/minimalist set. I think with the crowd being what it was, he just spun to have fun...Gotta say, slow night, but I had fun.

fun yes, but not for 25$ (albeit thru no fault of anyone but my own for coming @ 4 and missing the list closing :mad: ) and for what, the less than 2 hours i was there (closed @ 6am because there was literally about only a handful of us left; did you see the goth kid getting on his knees begging smith to continue playing? :laugh: ).

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Originally posted by loch

listen, buddy. i don't mind "regular schmoe", or even "nondescript loser", but the other names were just simply uncalled for. ;)

fun yes, but not for 25$ (albeit thru no fault of anyone but my own for coming @ 4 and missing the list closing :mad: ) and for what, the less than 2 hours i was there (closed @ 6am because there was literally about only a handful of us left; did you see the goth kid getting on his knees begging smith to continue playing? :laugh: ).

wtf?? i missed loch last night?!!! geez. i was so tired when i left last night. i realised it is time for a much needed break. i don't think i will be seeing any of you at clubs until after thanksgiving.

it was so good to see who i saw last night. i missed you guys. sorry i was no fun. i had a headache from the moment i got there and i couldn't listen to the music at all, let alone dance for more than 5 seconds. :( hopefully when i come back from my mini-hiatus i will feel better.

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yeah, us monsters from the lake are often elusive.

as for a needing a break, a little birdie once whispered to me, "all things in moderation..." (gramps knows best)

Originally posted by hotcheme

wtf?? i missed loch last night?!!! geez.

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Originally posted by loch

yeah, us monsters from the lake are often elusive.

as for a needing a break, a little birdie once whispered to me, "all things in moderation..." (gramps knows best)

thanks for the advice gramps. ;) i think i might try and do some normal-people things during my mini-hiatus. so what do *normal* people do for fun? :confused:

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