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club scene got stale ??

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anyone think so.

either the 3 hr naps everyday are catching up to me or

it seems the scene got stale. i have fun when i go out but seems

like it doesnt matter where you go every place is the same.

same songs over and over. No one is spinning anything amzingly exciting. everything seems so plain

so does anyone else think so or do i need a rip van winkle nap

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

It is what you make it to be.

i agree for the most part with that but it hasnt been the same since the E explosion of 99/2000 alot of people who would never be involved with goin to clubs came out of the wood work cause of that drug. thats when most venues esp. nyc ones started to decline

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Originally posted by wakeup

i agree for the most part with that but it hasnt been the same since the E explosion of 99/2000 alot of people who would never be involved with goin to clubs came out of the wood work cause of that drug. thats when most venues esp. nyc ones started to decline

I hear you on that one...Seams like everything that was considered underground has shifted to mainstream the last few years and even the youngsters are into it hardcore....I still have fun when I go out, but I notice the difference...

Doubleplay-It may all seam the same, but you have to take into account that when you were younger (10yrs ago) the venues were somewhat limited--Now there are 3-4 clubs within a 20mile radius of each other.

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I think a lot of places are alike, and most of the music is the same. But until someone produces something new, we just have to enjoy what we have. I dont think It went stale, I have to agree with Jp18...there are lots of places to go, plus I think more people are staying local.

For me, It will never be the same as the 90's...palladium, tunnel, limelight....

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After a while you just get bored.. once i figured out i probabaly wasn't going to miss anything by not going out.. i stopped going out so much.. back in the day i was going out tues thru sunday! so now when i do go out its so much more fun! it is kinda weird though.. cause you still see most people you used to see.. but now there is this whole new wave of people that go out every night and know everyone and they are looking at you like "who are u?" i am strong beleiver in taking breaks.. i hibernate almost the whole semester.. then wehn i get a chance to go to SF of something.. its like my first time again..

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i agree, and i blame the promoters who use there freinds and mp3 djs. thats why u hear the same things everywhere, the only nj club i was going to(and ur gonna laugh) was tribecca. anthony nero played like nothing i hear in metro, deko, south park or carusos...... now that he quit, i have nothing. rydell n tsettos r the only other nj djs i like be their styles r still a lil commercial. nero brought a different vibe, he brought kinda the ol school tunnel vibe with him. i dont know i think its the peeps the made it this way, when all they wanna hear is darkbeat. like over 1000 tracks come out a week. play something else... he did?

jus me 2 pennies of an opinion


it seems like somewhere these new club kids lost the plot, everywhere in nj every1 looks the same all the guido guys and the guidette girls??? no originallity, thats why i like nero's style.

nero now that ur not at tribecca where u gonna be next?

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The night is what you make of it. If you continually go to the same places, you will see the same people and here the same music...... There is such a variety of atmospheres to entertain us, that sometimes I think we take it for granted. Go other places and do other things.......I do agree with the fact that there hasn't been any riveting new music lately, but the music is only part of it, not all of it.

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

The night is what you make of it. If you continually go to the same places, you will see the same people and here the same music...... There is such a variety of atmospheres to entertain us, that sometimes I think we take it for granted. Go other places and do other things.......I do agree with the fact that there hasn't been any riveting new music lately, but the music is only part of it, not all of it.

yes! Earlier in the week i posted that i went to South Park.. I said i had fun. i haven't gone out in like 2-3 weeks.. i went and hung out with my friends.. danced and had a great time.. then everybody shot me down cause they didn't have a good time.. i even got accused of working for the club because i was posting that it was fun! for me i liked the music that night.. others said it sucked.. i think a big problem now is we are all spoiled by hearing great music from rydell and tsettos that when we hear music that is good but not up to the caliber that they play.. eveyone says it sucks.. most of these places are just little jersey clubs.. most of the time these clubs dont have the honor of having an awesome resident DJ like richie..

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

anyone think so.

either the 3 hr naps everyday are catching up to me or

it seems the scene got stale. i have fun when i go out but seems

like it doesnt matter where you go every place is the same.

same songs over and over. No one is spinning anything amzingly exciting. everything seems so plain

so does anyone else think so or do i need a rip van winkle nap

Get the fuck out of jersey,...Jersey clubs are getting cold but the city is getting HOT. Lets face it summers over time for NYC.

New Faces,Beats,Trends and best of all later closing times.,

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Originally posted by dani672

yes! Earlier in the week i posted that i went to South Park.. I said i had fun. i haven't gone out in like 2-3 weeks.. i went and hung out with my friends.. danced and had a great time.. then everybody shot me down cause they didn't have a good time.. i even got accused of working for the club because i was posting that it was fun! for me i liked the music that night.. others said it sucked.. i think a big problem now is we are all spoiled by hearing great music from rydell and tsettos that when we hear music that is good but not up to the caliber that they play.. eveyone says it sucks.. most of these places are just little jersey clubs.. most of the time these clubs dont have the honor of having an awesome resident DJ like richie..

If you put me in room with my friends, I'll have fun. Also, having so much variety, some people tend to burn out every few weeks.... The scene will still happen whether you are out or not. Sometimes it a lot of fun to go to some lil no name place and hear a DJ or what have you, just because it's not "main stream"....

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I agree for the most part, but I do think that your night is what you make of it. As long as you are with the people you enjoy spending time with, then it does not matter what is going on around you. I think the problem is that when you get older, people are more likely to seperate a bit and do their own things. Sometimes going somewhere low key or local is just easier. Everyone has to try new things - go places that are not the "In" place to go at the moment. When you follow the crowds - you tend to have the same experience anywhere you go. Try different things..............be creative....

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Originally posted by drama

I think the problem is that when you get older, people are more likely to seperate a bit and do their own things. Sometimes going somewhere low key or local is just easier. Everyone has to try new things - go places that are not the "In" place to go at the moment. When you follow the crowds - you tend to have the same experience anywhere you go. Try different things..............be creative....


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Originally posted by drama

I agree for the most part, but I do think that your night is what you make of it. As long as you are with the people you enjoy spending time with, then it does not matter what is going on around you. I think the problem is that when you get older, people are more likely to seperate a bit and do their own things. Sometimes going somewhere low key or local is just easier. Everyone has to try new things - go places that are not the "In" place to go at the moment. When you follow the crowds - you tend to have the same experience anywhere you go. Try different things..............be creative....

I tottally agree with you. Its really about the atmosphere and who you are with. I dont like going out with people who have something to prove or who are going to worry more about how other people perceive them, and I feel like (no offense to ANYBODY, Im speaking in general here) that there are A LOT of this type of people at some of our favorite clubs. I love being around people who came for the music and to have a good time (ex: TEMPTS) or at least thats how I feel, i hardly ever catch a bad vibe from anybody there.

Also, I think gettiing older has a lot to do with it

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Originally posted by drama

I agree for the most part, but I do think that your night is what you make of it. As long as you are with the people you enjoy spending time with, then it does not matter what is going on around you. I think the problem is that when you get older, people are more likely to seperate a bit and do their own things. Sometimes going somewhere low key or local is just easier. Everyone has to try new things - go places that are not the "In" place to go at the moment. When you follow the crowds - you tend to have the same experience anywhere you go. Try different things..............be creative....

I tottally agree with you. Its really about the atmosphere and who you are with. I dont like going out with people who have something to prove or who are going to worry more about how other people perceive them, and I feel like (no offense to ANYBODY, Im speaking in general here) that there are A LOT of this type of people at some of our favorite clubs. I love being around people who came for the music and to have a good time (ex: TEMPTS) or at least thats how I feel, i hardly ever catch a bad vibe from anybody there.

Also, I think gettiing older has a lot to do with it

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Originally posted by drama

I agree for the most part, but I do think that your night is what you make of it. As long as you are with the people you enjoy spending time with, then it does not matter what is going on around you. I think the problem is that when you get older, people are more likely to seperate a bit and do their own things. Sometimes going somewhere low key or local is just easier. Everyone has to try new things - go places that are not the "In" place to go at the moment. When you follow the crowds - you tend to have the same experience anywhere you go. Try different things..............be creative....

I tottally agree with you. Its really about the atmosphere and who you are with. I dont like going out with people who have something to prove or who are going to worry more about how other people perceive them, and I feel like (no offense to ANYBODY, Im speaking in general here) that there are A LOT of this type of people at some of our favorite clubs. I love being around people who came for the music and to have a good time (ex: TEMPTS) or at least thats how I feel, i hardly ever catch a bad vibe from anybody there.

Also, I think gettiing older has a lot to do with it

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Originally posted by drama

I agree for the most part, but I do think that your night is what you make of it. As long as you are with the people you enjoy spending time with, then it does not matter what is going on around you. I think the problem is that when you get older, people are more likely to seperate a bit and do their own things. Sometimes going somewhere low key or local is just easier. Everyone has to try new things - go places that are not the "In" place to go at the moment. When you follow the crowds - you tend to have the same experience anywhere you go. Try different things..............be creative....

I tottally agree with you. Its really about the atmosphere and who you are with. I dont like going out with people who have something to prove or who are going to worry more about how other people perceive them, and I feel like (no offense to ANYBODY, Im speaking in general here) that there are A LOT of this type of people at some of our favorite clubs. I love being around people who came for the music and to have a good time (ex: TEMPTS) or at least thats how I feel, i hardly ever catch a bad vibe from anybody there.

Also, I think gettiing older has a lot to do with it

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i really don't think it's getting stale, i beleive for the most part a lot of us are getting older!!! and we've been in and out of the same clubs week in and week out...........yet we still can party like "rock stars" and any new 18 or 21 year old prob still couldn't hang with most of us.........but also the club industry is growing and growing, more and more kids either want to be the newest hottest DJ or the top promoter, and the competition for top DJ is getting better and better, and more and more upcoming dj's incorporate each others styles in the type of sets they are spinning at all the new clubs or lounges that are opening up here in jersey, and as you can see new clubs are opening everyday, and to differentiate the clubs and make one club any better then the next is getting tougher and tougher due to the number of clubs that are opening up everyweekend,(that why i have an idea for a new club that i will mention later)...........the reason the music all sounds the same is prob b/c most of the dj's all know each other and pretty much share all the same music so when denny drops a new jamm most likely next week or the following week we will prob hear that same jam over and over at Metro, Soundgarded, Joey's, Riversteet, Deko, etc etc etc, but that's why most of us go to the clubs prob to hear THAT jam!!!..................i gotta say we do have lots of GOOD DJ's here in jersey!!!................but anyway, one thing we all gotta remember especially when we get older "it sometimes doesn't matter where you go, it matters who your with" and sometimes these clubs we go to have all the people we want to be with, that's why we go, ..................well fools i'm done yapping...........i'm gonna go check on some other posts now so HOLLA BACK PEEPS AND TELLME WHAT YALL THINK!!!!

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

If you put me in room with my friends, I'll have fun. Also, having so much variety, some people tend to burn out every few weeks.... The scene will still happen whether you are out or not. Sometimes it a lot of fun to go to some lil no name place and hear a DJ or what have you, just because it's not "main stream"....

some nights id rather stay at home with a six pack and spin in my room by myself.....that is more fun than i would have getting bumped around in a club full of people who paid too much for their clothes, admission, drinks and drugs and think they are cool as a result


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

some nights id rather stay at home with a six pack and spin in my room by myself.....that is more fun than i would have getting bumped around in a club full of people who paid too much for their clothes, admission, drinks and drugs and think they are cool as a result


As long as one of those speakers still has my name on it.....:D

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