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Deko thurs. night

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Originally posted by elens73178

Hey it was great finally meeting all you CPers last night! I had a great time but i want my bed right now!! Hey D Dance with any dragqueens lately:laugh: :laugh:

Nice to meet you !!!!

I want to go neepy to!!!!!!

Im a disaster . My contact are stuck to my eye ball my hair reeks like deko:laugh:

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Originally posted by latinaz

BAD GIRL!!:spank:


and how come i didnt see u there lastnight zeee.... chill factor was out lastnight with hype and hunnie for a bit.

i told ya i would by u a drink not i never saw u in deko...well what the hell maybe next time love...drink is on me

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Last night was awesome!!!!!!!!

Thank you to everyone who helped to create this hang over today!

Nice meeting dondiezel & elens....you guys are such sweetiesss!!!! :D

Shoutouts to all my CP heads in the house last night:

















if i forgot anyone i'm sowwy.........:(

All of you rock :rock: .....give yourself a round of applause!!!!!! :clap:

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Originally posted by stardo

If one day you happen to fall out of love with your girlfriend. Will you be mine?

I will love you and sqeeze you and smack you around. Make you laugh(and scream). I cook ok too. I have been told I have pretty smelling hair too. What more can you ask for???

lol your going to get me in trouble! ;) You know you can have any guy you want so stop joken :D Friends can smack and cook for each other though dont forgot!


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Originally posted by notallthere

lol your going to get me in trouble! ;) You know you can have any guy you want so stop joken :D Friends can smack and cook for each other though dont forgot!


Your girlfriend on the board??????????????????/

Sorry miss notallthere.:(

He woves you!!!

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Originally posted by elens73178

Hey it was great finally meeting all you CPers last night! I had a great time but i want my bed right now!! Hey D Dance with any dragqueens lately:laugh: :laugh:

I am getting desperate my desk is beginning to look comfy.

Drag Queens....def not me! Thats kooshy's(?spelling) job.

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Originally posted by sexyinthecity

I am getting desperate my desk is beginning to look comfy.

Drag Queens....def not me! Thats kooshy's(?spelling) job.

I loved that when you called him kooshy! He was shocked. :laugh: Yeah the poker bunch was in full effect and Valentine and LisaTodaro69 are to hung over cats today. Can you say Grey Goose Kicked your ass..:laugh: :laugh: :vomit3:

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

you guys sound like a bunch of old people.

i got home at like 145 got up at 5 and full of energy.

i guessif i had a desk to lie o id fall aslleep too.

welli at least think i get to leave early whooo hoooo

nother trip to the hospital. gotta love this place everyone is hurt

HAHA I spooked you last night you were like how do you know who i am:laugh:

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all you cp heads are crazy i tell ya...nice to see allishara again..love the hair...i wanna see that picture....im sure i look really sober. was that the hype dancing on the table thing with the tranny?..:laugh: that tranny looked suspiciously similar to tempkid...hmmmmm... kimmie is always and forever my love:isok:....its always magical to be around u. my 2 favoritist dancing filipino girls....i hope you come to abyss next wed. jarmenio....i just realized your name is jar..LoL. next time that guy at the door gets wise with me i might try something crazy. cause im 1crazy mofo...and did anyone see that little like wrestling match/fight..hahaha. those 2guys looked like me and my friends when we get really drunk and say...hey let's pretend fight and get thrown out..cause we NEVER tried that:rolleyes: were they REALLY fighting?...my funniest cp moment was when stardo said to me " i thought you were colombian and like really tall" (or something)...haha...no im short fat and irish...but i do love those colombians :tongue:. . .and to the randoms who kept bothering me about the shirt...NO it does not say FUCK so stop asking me :rolleyes: im forever retiring that shirt...some people just dont getit...:laugh:

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Originally posted by stardo

Nice to meet you !!!!

I want to go neepy to!!!!!!

Im a disaster . My contact are stuck to my eye ball my hair reeks like deko:laugh:

i thought you had pretty smelling hair, you had me all excited.

sounds like i blew it again by not showing up for a thursday night at deko. :mad: i do feel like a crisp hundred today though. :aright:

all....don't be fooled. hunnie's not that good a dancer. she has a stunt double who does all those shoulder movements, lip puckering and leg kicks on the dance floor.

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Originally posted by dogekid

i thought you had pretty smelling hair, you had me all excited.

sounds like i blew it again by not showing up for a thursday night at deko. :mad: i do feel like a crisp hundred today though. :aright:

all....don't be fooled. hunnie's not that good a dancer. she has a stunt double who does all those shoulder movements, lip puckering and leg kicks on the dance floor.

:laugh::tongue: yes, it's true...i have a stunt double

when you guys see me dancin like a maniac and battling freaks to the ground......it's not really me....it's my double!

Dammit dogekid! I'm never telling you a secret ever again :mad:

When you see me all drunk and silly , tipping over and slurring words....thats the real me ;):tongue:

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Originally posted by hunnie818

When you see me all drunk and silly , tipping over and slurring words....thats the real me ;):tongue:

lmao!! that's amazing how you pull it off, seeing as how you're drunk, tipsy and slurring 98% of the night. your double must really take care a b'ness. :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by dogekid

lmao!! that's amazing how you pull it off, seeing as how you're drunk, tipsy and slurring 98% of the night. your double must really take care a b'ness. :laugh: :laugh:

yes.....she's expensive but the best!

i was good last night...no slurring, no tipping ...i just did'nt shutup for 5 minutes......my mouth was outta control last night...lol

and yet...i managed to drunk-dial and tm last night and not remember it till i checked my phone this morning......

god i hate that!!! :mad:

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Originally posted by elens73178

HAHA I spooked you last night you were like how do you know who i am:laugh:

well what would you do someone walks up to you out of the blue and says " do you post on club planet" i was like uuhhhhhhh admit it or deny it so i just did both lol

i think i know one fo your friends

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Originally posted by hunnie818

and yet...i managed to drunk-dial and tm last night and not remember it till i checked my phone this morning......

god i hate that!!! :mad:

YOU ARE THE DRUNK DIALING QUEEN!!! you left me the greatest message once over the summer, i listened to it 3 times in a row, not only cuz it was so hysterical but b/c i could barely understand it. it was like "laughing laughing, burp, hiccup, yoooo callin ya back but you ain't hoooooome so call me tomorrooooooooow, hiccup, burp, laugh laugh hiccup" click.

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Originally posted by dogekid

YOU ARE THE DRUNK DIALING QUEEN!!! you left me the greatest message once over the summer, i listened to it 3 times in a row, not only cuz it was so hysterical but b/c i could barely understand it. it was like "laughing laughing, burp, hiccup, yoooo callin ya back but you ain't hoooooome so call me tomorrooooooooow, hiccup, burp, laugh laugh hiccup" click.

:laugh: :laugh:

the worst is i dont remember anything i say when i decide to leave these crazy ass messages

so god know what i've blurted out that i shouldnt have ....its not like the person getting the messages is gonna tell me if i said something crazy (at least not all the time) :eek:

i've gotten some crazy ones too! drunk-dialed messages are the funniest!!!!!!! :laugh:

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Originally posted by pipdaddy

all you cp heads are crazy i tell ya...nice to see allishara again..love the hair...i wanna see that picture....im sure i look really sober. was that the hype dancing on the table thing with the tranny?..:laugh: that tranny looked suspiciously similar to tempkid...hmmmmm... kimmie is always and forever my love:isok:....its always magical to be around u. my 2 favoritist dancing filipino girls....i hope you come to abyss next wed. jarmenio....i just realized your name is jar..LoL. next time that guy at the door gets wise with me i might try something crazy. cause im 1crazy mofo...and did anyone see that little like wrestling match/fight..hahaha. those 2guys looked like me and my friends when we get really drunk and say...hey let's pretend fight and get thrown out..cause we NEVER tried that:rolleyes: were they REALLY fighting?...my funniest cp moment was when stardo said to me " i thought you were colombian and like really tall" (or something)...haha...no im short fat and irish...but i do love those colombians :tongue:. . .and to the randoms who kept bothering me about the shirt...NO it does not say FUCK so stop asking me :rolleyes: im forever retiring that shirt...some people just dont getit...:laugh:

Awww - you da bomb!!

I'll be sure to send you over the pic as soon as I get it developed. Im sure you look lovely in it - :tongue:

Sexyindacity - watch that suede girl!!

Armenio - your the best thing since sliced bread. Wuv u!

Great time last night - sleeeeeeeepy

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Originally posted by pipdaddy

kimmie is always and forever my love:isok:....its always magical to be around u.

and to the randoms who kept bothering me about the shirt...NO it does not say FUCK so stop asking me :rolleyes: im forever retiring that shirt...some people just dont getit...:laugh:

That was the nicest post ever!!! Pip it is ALWAYS a magical, positive experience to be around you as well!!! :D I had so much fun last night... what better way to walk into Deko than right as Off the Wall is playing... sorry to whoever I knocked over and ran into on my way to find Pip and Joey as soon as the song came on!!!

Oh about that shirt... I loved it! I don't think it should go into retirement... I think it would have looked better with your sneakers but we won't talk about that.

Anyway, fun night as usual... nice to see hunnie, we need to hang out longer next time and do a shot together, the hype that shot was awesome and soooo different than a kamikaze... LOL!!! Nice seeing jarmenio and I am definitely coming to your birthday, joeys24 it was nice being with you last night... djdanfury, thanks for the concern yet again last night!!! you're awesome...

also nice meeting elen, and jpd18 (?) :D

doubleplay I can't believe you were there AGAIN and we didn't meet! haha next time definitely, and we will do lots of shots!!!

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Originally posted by StArBrYte

That was the nicest post ever!!! Pip it is ALWAYS a magical, positive experience to be around you as well!!! :D I had so much fun last night... what better way to walk into Deko than right as Off the Wall is playing... sorry to whoever I knocked over and ran into on my way to find Pip and Joey as soon as the song came on!!!

joeys24 it was nice being with you last night...

glad u made it in time for your song...the night was definitely magical...i feel very blessed that i went:D

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