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Best FIGHT you ever saw in a club


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Originally posted by lesdig

I've seen my share of fights and it always seems that wherever they break out, I'm somehow sure to be involved. One time at Joey's everybody was waiting for their cars, when 2 angry juiceheads started exchanging words...next thing you know I get knocked down to the ground by one of them...Another time at Bunka I was innocently standing on the dancefloor by one of the bars when another fight breaks out. I ended up on the floor, just barely missed hitting my head on the bar, with two guys on top of me, trying to hit one another. I wanted to kill them, i just kept smacking the guy in the back of the head. I was probably on the ground for only a few seconds, but it seemed like forever. Now mind u, anyone who knows me, knows i'm not exactly the biggest thing, all 5'3 of me, but somehow these stupid fights always find me:mad: :mad:

OMG, thats horrible, I would be SOOOO MAD:mad:

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Originally posted by lesdig

I've seen my share of fights and it always seems that wherever they break out, I'm somehow sure to be involved. One time at Joey's everybody was waiting for their cars, when 2 angry juiceheads started exchanging words...next thing you know I get knocked down to the ground by one of them...Another time at Bunka I was innocently standing on the dancefloor by one of the bars when another fight breaks out. I ended up on the floor, just barely missed hitting my head on the bar, with two guys on top of me, trying to hit one another. I wanted to kill them, i just kept smacking the guy in the back of the head. I was probably on the ground for only a few seconds, but it seemed like forever. Now mind u, anyone who knows me, knows i'm not exactly the biggest thing, all 5'3 of me, but somehow these stupid fights always find me:mad: :mad:

actually that kind of just happened to me at factory (halloween party) . here i am walking around the corner and two guys start exchanging blows (usually the only fights ive seen at factory are pushes that get broken up pretty quickly) . well the guy pushes the other guy into me and i fall, they fall on top of me. They ended up pigpiled on top of me and i am tryign to get from under. some randomn dood grabbed my arms and pulled me across the floor from underneath them :eek: needless to say i am in shock. bouncers were no where for a good 10 minutes. :mad:

best fight was probably a couple years ago back in boston (outside The Roxy). guy was getting the shit kicked out of him, and then his boys pulled up in what looked like a fairly new Acura TL. he jumped in the car, but they couldnt speed off bc too much traffic. The other kids jumped on the car and bashed the shit out of it, including breaking the windows and shatterting hte rear windshield!

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Originally posted by njdionysus

About 5 years ago, Tempts use to be home to the greatest fight nights! It use to take 8-10 bouncers to break them up and people got fawked up.

The 2nd best fight (if you want to call it that) I've ever seen was on the corner outside of Sound Factory. This guy was fighting with his girlfriend, he smacked her a few times and then right in front of me he punched her in the face. This is where it gets good, not the part where he was hitting her. I pushed him from behind and told him that he shouldnt be hitting women. He told me to mind my own business and then he smacked her again. I told him to keep his hands to himself or that I'd drop him. He learned the hard way, he smacked her again. I turned him around and dropped him in one shot! :punch: Pretty good considering the condition one is in leaving the Factory at 10am. I drove the girl home and the saddest thing is, two weeks later she was back with him at the Factory again. :mad:

oh yeah .. this past summer, i went to sandbar and girl got knocked out cold in the parking lot by some dood. right in front of the cops too

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WHen I was managing Tribecca end of the night place is closing I was cashing out the registers and I see people running up to the door screaming about a riot in the back lot. The bouncers and I ran over and it was a few of my friends (some of who are on CP) fighting some other kids. and one girl who will remain nameless (you know who you are) grabbed a beer bottle from the parking lot and smashed it on this guys head, needless to say this was the end of the fight b/c the other guys that were fighting were like WTF and ran.

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Originally posted by dknybabe2929

You did the right thing...that was very valient of you;) What a nice guy

Thanks, I just dont like to see that shit. I don't know whats more sad, the guy hitting her or her putting up with it.

I almost saved some girl outside of Hunka Bunka one night a couple of years ago too... her boyfriend got into a fight with a couple of guys, punches were flying and I just missed grabbing her arm before she took off to help her boyfriend. Sure enough, some guy laid this poor girl out.

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Originally posted by deeelite1


Get it right !! I popped You in the head after standing me up at Great Adventure leaving me stranded without a ride partner at the Carousel


well that was only a few weeks ago my head is still a lil fuzzy from the concussions i recieved. They said there was slight brain trauma but i told them it had always been that way lol :laugh:

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