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Whats The Best Cut You Ever Got?

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I have tons but a few of the greats stand out in my mind ......years ago I used to do construction work and I was throwing this huge slab of tile and concrete into a dumpster and there was a peice of wire mesh haging off it. I hoisted it over my head to throw it in the dumpster not realizing that a piece caught my arm so when I threw it in it tore my arm open from top to bottom. Guts where all hanging out and shit. So I grabbed some duck tape and stuffed the guts back in and taped myself up. No doctor or nothing.

I’m that bad lol

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In high school I used to play soccer. Me and this other kid went head to head trying to get to the ball. We both jumped up trying to head the ball, unfortunately our noggins collided, and as it turnedd out his head was a little harder than mine.

Put a nice gash in my head just above my hairline that required 6 stitches. Plus a nice migrain to go along w/ it. :aright:

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my ex-boyfriend hit me the face once with a bowling ball and i had to get 5 stitches under my chin !!!


we were bowling, i was losing so i ran up behind him to stick my finger in his ass and when he swung back BAM, he knocked me right out .... it was the funniest thing in the world !!!

i also one time when i was little was playing dress up and put on my moms heels, i wore them outside, fell and got a stone lodged in my knee cap, i got 5 stitches then too !!!

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

we were bowling, i was losing so i ran up behind him to stick my finger in his ass

Remind me NOT to go bowling with you.....then again If I start losing do I get to stick my.....forget it.....:D

My best cut tops all of yours. I was shooting with a friend of mine and we saw this metal thing so he's shooting at it as we get closer he takes another shot just when I realized it was a very tall propane cylinder which then exploded as I turned all the shrapnel hit my back and I had to get skin grafts because the scars were so traumatic my friend unfortunately died in the explosion. Hey look at it this way at least he died knowing he had good aim.:laugh: BTW this is not a true story.

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Originally posted by kostaP

Remind me NOT to go bowling with you.....then again If I start losing do I get to stick my.....forget it.....:D

sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to WIN !!

(needless to say i did WIN, because i refused to go to the hospital until i finished the game)

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The best cut I ever got was when I was chopping up this wise guy in the bathtub, I went to whack his head off but when I grabbed him by the head and swung the knife, his hair piece came off in my hand and I ended up slicing my arm open. I think they stole that scene from me in the Sopranos.

Actually when I was 10, right before the All-Star game I was cutting the rubber grib that extended over the handle of a baseball bat that I used to hit a couple homeruns that they ended up taking away from me cuz they said the grip was illeglal (come on I'm 10 years old f'n mean umpires). So I'm using one of those razor knives and just missing my hand cut by cut. I was joking around with a friend that I was going to cut myself any minute now... Sure enough, right through my left thumb, blood all over the place (still have the scar to prove it). Got that fucker stitched up and was the starting pitcher in the All-Star game that night, of course I was bleeding on the ball and my cut got infected like the doctor said it would, but I was 10 years old, I knew it all then and I still do now!

The worst cut I ever got, was when someone sent me the "Going Thru It" track, track/cut same difference.

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I was on my friends quad (300EX) and it had just rained so all the leaves in the road were wet, and the only thing i could think of was...PERFECT TIME TO DO DONUTS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET. Well it was going good...untill the rear tire grabbed a dry patch, and I just lost control of it and got thrown off into the curb and had a nice amout of road rash. And yes the helmet saved my life, but i still had a slight concussion (I think)

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When I was a kid, my friend dropped a slot machine on my leg and I ended up with 6 stitches(and yes it was a real slot machine), her father used to have them in his basement and let us kids play with them when his "friends" werent over. And yes I am still friends with her.

I also used to ride dirt bikes with my brothers when I was younger, and one day I was on a bike ended up getting a bad muffler burn :( that hurt

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