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Do Your Parents Know?

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Do your parents really know what you are doing when you go out and get all drunk and banged up? You tell them you are going out dancing or to have a few drinks with some friends, but do they really know whats going on? Do they have any idea? Maybe they assume that their precious child would never do drugs or drink and drive. Are any of you close enough with one of your parents that you tell them almost everything that you do (within reason)?

In high school, I use to "joke" around with my mother and tell her exactly what we were doing that night. Yea mom, I'm going out with Mike tonight. I have to pick him up, then we're going to see the girls and swing by the liquor store (at 17), pick up a case of beer and then go smoke a couple of joints before we hit this party at a friends house. She'd laugh and say, yea right, stop talking like that. My friend Mike would be thinking, why the f' did you just tell your mother what we are going to do tonight. She never beleived me though... or did she?

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considering i got a DWI think she knew that one.

Was in a lot of trouble when i was younger so the banged up part she fund out about. Now if im tired she thinks im all fucked up and starts saying she wants me to get a drug test . lol

last weekend they came for a visit they got here like 2 hrs after i got home. we went to eat yet strangly i wasnt hungry.. i was kinda out of it but more tired than anything. think she kinda got an idea but wasnt really sure. my mom is pretty hard to pull anything over on.

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I can actually tell my mother anything and she doesn't get upset. We have a very understanding relationship, as for my father I'm not close with him, so he doesn't count. I wish that I can have the same open and understanding relationship with my kid's that I have with my Mom.

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

thats not true i use to tell them we went out and i was a lil buzzed and didnt want to drive so i slept at a friends house

then your parents were blinded by love thats th only th tht stop a paret from realizing

where in realiy they know but hey don't want to know

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Originally posted by trewguy

then your parents were blinded by love thats th only th tht stop a paret from realizing

where in realiy they know but hey don't want to know

nah believe me my parents are always looking always thinking it. but after having one DUI if i say i slept somewhere then they just left it alone

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my mom actually cooked me a lick once, she flovored it and everything...........this friday at riverstreet was her first time in the DJ booth with me, i let her throw some tracks on, she was so proud of her crack head son...............she bought a pill from someone in the club brought me up an L.I.T and we chugged it together..............but still to this day she thinks i am an angel................i am trying to actually get her to sign up for clubplanet as DJMOMDIGGA, but she no time for this shit since she is in the recording studio rippin some tracks w/ joe giorgio

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Originally posted by roddigga

my mom actually cooked me a lick once, she flovored it and everything...........this friday at riverstreet was her first time in the DJ booth with me, i let her throw some tracks on, she was so proud of her crack head son...............she bought a pill from someone in the club brought me up an L.I.T and we chugged it together..............but still to this day she thinks i am an angel................i am trying to actually get her to sign up for clubplanet as DJMOMDIGGA, but she no time for this shit since she is in the recording studio rippin some tracks w/ joe giorgio




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Originally posted by latinaz




hey chica.........layin low ya know, i had by debut this last friday at riverstreet w/ joegio and the moo from www.njguido.com, we actually all blew it up, check the riverstreet review it went pretty well...........yeah it's fun to rip it up in front of ALL you peeps, and it has been my dream to do it!!!! but i'm an original "rock star" and still enjoy partying at the bar and dance floor with all you peeps..............holla at me chica i'll see around

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I think the "original" rockstar needz ta have an intervention....

The bus was waitin around all night for you and Deizel to get your gay asses outta bed and movin....

Sorry to bother ya with all those calls.... Didnt know it was your weekly "spoon wit my bro" night.....

My bad.....

The new rockstar is not impressed with your performance kid....

Anny up...

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