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Stop The Madness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

I love it when ya talk dirty to me baby!!!!!!

Chupo me velga!!!!!!!

I think you are startin ta grow on me.....

Thats me...I'm like fungus...I grow on people....:tongue:

P.S. I was'nt exactly talking "dirty" to ya....

Go ask you chicken what I said slick ;)

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

Did ya call me Slick????

whaddo I look like....

A 50yr old man goin thru a midlife crisis, sportin a new convertible Vette!??!?!!?!??!

I love it when ya beat me up hunnie....

Come on... get rough wit ese!??!?!

We have an S&M relationship going here.....

You like it when i beat you up and I enjoy doing it....PERFECTO MUCHACHO!!!! :whip2:

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Originally posted by hunnie818

lol :D

I see you understand ;)

actually hunnie (*)

i understand 5 languages HEH HEH

i am the TRUE

dj / male diva/ producer/ talent scout / dancer / and 10 time emmey winner for the


and my middle name means

saviour in spanish but i am not hispanic

languages include





and another that i do not reveal outside of being face to face

i love you?

do u love me too?

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

Ya know what drives me nutz....

Even more so than cyber tough guys.....

You fucks who cannot resist postin "this thread sucks..."


FU SHORT BUS....... If anyone needs help its you, have your mommy put your hockey helmet and seat belt on Jr.

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Originally posted by jp18

Kathy is my cousin--5'8" skinny, brown hair, drinks shot after shot of grey goose orange. I think she works thursday, friday, sunday...something like that.

ahh, kathy. real abusive type. i think she picked my nose one time and then stirred my drink with that finger. she also stuffed bills down my shirt one night. real sweetheart.

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Originally posted by lock16

this "we" you speak of..

we could be me and your moms. we could be me and my several personalities. we could be me and grandma (mean left hook). point is, don't worry about that part. just keep the shit-talking flowin. all this inquisition is boring me.

vaya con dios hunnie.

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Originally posted by dogekid

we could be me and your moms. we could be me and my several personalities. we could be me and grandma (mean left hook). point is, don't worry about that part. just keep the shit-talking flowin. all this inquisition is boring me.

good one with the grandma, too bad they are both dead... nice try though... just make sure when yours goes down on me next time, she takes her dentures out and GUMS it.. last time the dentures gave me a few scrapes....

you are better off going with the "what's going to happen to me" bit you originally had....

teeth--- has happened

leg-- been broken

how about an arm??? that is something new... yeah, tell me how you (or perhaps the we) are going break my arms....

ha ha... this is fun.... but alas, it will be my last response.... REGARDLESS of who say what in reply....

nothing good can come of it... and I ain't getting involved in no drama... not my reason for existence.... I just wanan have fun...

BTW, you reason for existence is what?? (sorry for continuing the INQUISITION as you call it, but I am lef there wondering...)

I can't recall who but in the words of someone famous....

"can't we all just get along??????" lol

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Originally posted by lock16

good one with the grandma, too bad they are both dead... nice try though... just make sure when yours goes down on me next time, she takes her dentures out and GUMS it.. last time the dentures gave me a few scrapes....

I can't recall who but in the words of someone famous....

"can't we all just get along??????" lol

i meant MY grandma...she's fierce.

and we will never all just get along. if we did that there would be no throwing balloons filled with ketchup at old people. video games like grand theft auto would have you making nicey nice with drag queens instead of running them down with the station wagon you just stole from some blind nun in a bikini. instead of fucking with gas station attendants when you were 17, you'd have brought them fresh baked apple pie which you helped your "we love the world sociey" friends make. what kind of sick bastard would ever wish for that?

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Originally posted by dogekid

i meant MY grandma...she's fierce.

and we will never all just get along. if we did that there would be no throwing balloons filled with ketchup at old people. video games like grand theft auto would have you making nicey nice with drag queens instead of running them down with the station wagon you just stole from some blind nun in a bikini. instead of fucking with gas station attendants when you were 17, you'd have brought them fresh baked apple pie which you helped your "we love the world sociey" friends make. what kind of sick bastard would ever wish for that?

I know I said I wasn't responding, but that was actually very funny... :laugh:

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Originally posted by dogekid

there should be one day of the year that everyone is allowed to carry around the weapon of their choice, like a homicidal show and tell day maybe.

That's everyday for me... HAVE YOU SEEN MY GUNS???

I think there should be one day of the year where everyone can use the weapon of their choice. Like mischief night with a twist. It could be the day before easter... like a pre-easter egg hunt. Everyone's a target. Dead women, children, and geriatrics are redeemable for cash.

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Originally posted by liqidtouch

i dont even remember what this tread is supposed to be about anymore and ya know what-

i think we can just keep throwing superfluous insites at the thread

- this is gettin really good

i like sliced pineapple, but not the kind in the thick syrup.. the ones that come in their own juice. you have to eat them like a fuckin momo cuz they keep falling off the fork.. funny.

i'm very easily entertained. :blank:

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