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Age vs. Experience

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Which do you think constitutes a more mature person?

I know a lot of people say: ohh you're still young, you don't know this or that.. but age is just a number right?

Experience, I think, is what leads one to be more mature..

But the counter argument could be that in order for you to gain that experience in your life, you'd have to be older, etc.. etc..

Thoughts.. opinions? It's not a very simple answer either way.. there are a lot of factors to take into account.

I might just do a psychology paper on this concept.. input would be greatly appreciated. :D

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i agree.....but then there are the few who are not the norm...

like this kid i know jason....from the city....lives in albany now..

i think started going out in like 96.....caught the tail end of Disco200 when we was 13.....lol now hes like 20-21.....and

could prob blow everyone heres Head away with story's and shit he knows about.....deff an example of a younger kid who knows whats up....and u can spot the younger ones who know whats up, buy the way the move on the floor. if the kids got soul, and hes getting down.....and later on he walks threw the club with a smil, and is nice, than normally thats a kid who is in the know...

hes not shivering, in a corner, or rolling his face off.....

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Originally posted by codica3

Experience, I think, is what leads one to be more mature..

But the counter argument could be that in order for you to gain that experience in your life, you'd have to be older, etc.. etc..

Just because you have experienced many things gives you no guarantee that you'll be a MATURE person. You would be EXPERIENCED. Of course, I've met alot of people that just don't learn.

In my opinion, maturity has nothing to do with experience and knowledge. Maturity is a characteristic you're born with.

If you want to write a paper on this topic perhaps you should start with differentiating maturity and experience. They're really way two different topics.



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Originally posted by jaysea

i agree.....but then there are the few who are not the norm...

like this kid i know jason....from the city....lives in albany now..

i think started going out in like 96.....caught the tail end of Disco200 when we was 13.....lol now hes like 20-21.....and

could prob blow everyone heres Head away with story's and shit he knows about.....deff an example of a younger kid who knows whats up....and u can spot the younger ones who know whats up, buy the way the move on the floor. if the kids got soul, and hes getting down.....and later on he walks threw the club with a smil, and is nice, than normally thats a kid who is in the know...

hes not shivering, in a corner, or rolling his face off.....

i think it is cool to meet someone young who know what's up, but i can't help feeling like someone like that missed out on childhood and innocence.

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Originally posted by iliana

Just because you have experienced many things gives you no guarantee that you'll be a MATURE person. You would be EXPERIENCED. Of course, I've met alot of people that just don't learn.

In my opinion, maturity has nothing to do with experience and knowledge. Maturity is a characteristic you're born with.

If you want to write a paper on this topic perhaps you should start with differentiating maturity and experience. They're really way two different topics.



Well.. I'm going with the idea that people LEARN from their experiences and that their experiences have an impact on their lives.. not the people who never learn from their mistakes, in which, experience means jack shit.

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True true....

but i think its cool when youger kids know whats up....

esp this kid...hes prob so much better of a person, and kid to hang out with than the majority of what goes out now.... ya know....he caught the end of the Old....and brings it to the NEW..

and hes a bitch to boot....so its all good....

and im sorry but anyone whos a tribal head...and LOVES Funky house it cool, even if your 13....LOL

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Originally posted by somebitch


True true.. but just to play a little devil's advocate.. there are plenty of people who are younger (just say like 19) who have experienced the same, if not more than someone who is like 25. It all depends on where you grew up, how people treated you, how you go about your life, etc..

For example.. I'd say someone who lived in a crappy neighborhood and have already gotten mugged, raped, has experienced living on their own with no one to support them, etc.. has had much more experience with things then say a person who lives in a very nice neighborhood, was always safer, had their parents to support them, and has never come across any danger, etc.. in this case, age wouldn't matter, environment would.. this is just an example.

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Originally posted by codica3

Well.. I'm going with the idea that people LEARN from their experiences and that their experiences have an impact on their lives.. not the people who never learn from their mistakes, in which, experience means jack shit.

Assuming people learn form their experience....what does that have to do with being a mature person?

WHy dont you figure out what maturity is first.



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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . its rare when the youngin's actually know up from down . .but like Hotcheme said, there are exceptions out there . . . Most of the time though a kid is still just a kid . .and the actions show accordingly . . .

Exactly. I'd also like to add that although experience as a whole varies greatly among individuals, there tends to be a good amt. of uniformity amongst any particular group. (ie, people who grew up in certain regions of the country, certain cities within each region, certain parts of the city, diff. income groups, etc... )

Ex, the experiences of someone from rural Alabama is likely to be much different from someone growing up in NYC. And within NYC, someone who grew up on 60 and Lex. is likely to have had much different experiences than someone growing up on 125th and Amsterdam.

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Originally posted by iliana

Assuming people learn form their experience....what does that have to do with being a mature person?

WHy dont you figure out what maturity is first.



Well.. if you learn from experiences then your mind develops as well as your psyche.. you take in the good, bad and neutral and continue to live your life based on what you have learned from your experiences.

mature - (adj.)

1a. Having reached full natural growth or development

b. Having reached a desired or final condition; ripe

2. Of, relating to, or characteristic of full development, either mental or physical

3a. Suitable or intended for adults

b. Composed of adults

4. Worked out fully by the mind; considered

5. Having reached the limit of its time; due

6. No longer subject to great expansion or development.

Go figure. According to this definition, development of your mind thru experience can lead to maturity.

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Originally posted by codica3

Well.. if you learn from experiences then your mind develops as well as your psyche.. you take in the good, bad and neutral and continue to live your life based on what you have learned from your experiences.

mature - (adj.)

1a. Having reached full natural growth or development

b. Having reached a desired or final condition; ripe

2. Of, relating to, or characteristic of full development, either mental or physical

3a. Suitable or intended for adults

b. Composed of adults

4. Worked out fully by the mind; considered

5. Having reached the limit of its time; due

6. No longer subject to great expansion or development.

Go figure. According to this definition, development of your mind thru experience can lead to maturity.

Ok, so let's can "immaturity"

In that case...life experiences makes a person "mature" mentally & emotionally..in where they grow in learning and dealing with new emotions and different sitautions.

So what's the debate over your question? Isn't it obvious that experiences help you 'mature' and not just being of age?!?!



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Originally posted by iliana

Ok, so let's can "immaturity"

In that case...life experiences makes a person "mature" mentally & emotionally..in where they grow in learning and dealing with new emotions and different sitautions.

So what's the debate over your question? Isn't it obvious that experiences help you 'mature' and not just being of age?!?!



Well there are some who argue that age = maturity. No one has really chosen that side so there is no debate on this thread as of right now. I'm simply supporting my claim. There are ways to support the other claim as well. I was curious as to which most people thought. Besides, it must not have been obvious to you if you were debating with me about whether experience even constitutes grounds for claiming someone is mature. No one is necessarily right or wrong here so nothing can be an obvious answer, it's a matter of opinion, that's why I wanted to pose the question.

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. . . I think what some are missing here . . and it seems odd to me that this term hasn't been used yet . . but what I think peeps are missing is the whole idea of 'savvyness' . . . You can have many experiences, very quickly at an early age . . and yeah, you may be better equipped from it to survive at say 20 years old than most of your peers . . . but you still aren't savvy . . . I am a firm believer in that trait appearing ONLY after the passage of time, regardless of the number of experiences . . . Its like, you need to experience yourself moving through the world in time and in turn feeling the world move by itself in order to comprehend certain stuff . . and that only comes through the passage of time . .

. . errr . . I'm not making any sense . . .

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Originally posted by codica3

Well there are some who argue that age = maturity. No one has really chosen that side so there is no debate on this thread as of right now. I'm simply supporting my claim. There are ways to support the other claim as well. I was curious as to which most people thought. Besides, it must not have been obvious to you if you were debating with me about whether experience even constitutes grounds for claiming someone is mature. No one is necessarily right or wrong here so nothing can be an obvious answer, it's a matter of opinion, that's why I wanted to pose the question.

You stated :

"But the counter argument could be that in order for you to gain that experience in your life, you'd have to be older, etc.. etc.."

You were introducing a debate and asking people's opinion.

It's not a matter of opinion to state that a 12-year old child that has hard difficult times and occurences is ahead of the game on maturity over a sheltered over-protected 20 year old.

And as that child grows older, they may surpass the twenty-year old in life lessons OR vice-versa.

This has nothing to do with a matter of opinion.

I'd like to hear more of the age= maturity side becuase I don't know where the 'opinion' factor comes in.



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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . I think what some are missing here . . and it seems odd to me that this term hasn't been used yet . . but what I think peeps are missing is the whole idea of 'savvyness' . . . You can have many experiences, very quickly at an early age . . and yeah, you may be better equipped from it to survive at say 20 years old than most of your peers . . . but you still aren't savvy . . . I am a firm believer in that trait appearing ONLY after the passage of time, regardless of the number of experiences . . . Its like, you need to experience yourself moving through the world in time and in turn feeling the world move by itself in order to comprehend certain stuff . . and that only comes through the passage of time . .

. . errr . . I'm not making any sense . . .

--i think savy can be coined with wisdom..that definitely comes with time..but for some people their capacity (intelligence) on reflecting on their experience and learning a life lesson has nothing to do with age.



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Originally posted by iliana

You stated :

"But the counter argument could be that in order for you to gain that experience in your life, you'd have to be older, etc.. etc.."

You were introducing a debate and asking people's opinion.

It's not a matter of opinion to state that a 12-year old child that has hard difficult times and occurences is ahead of the game on maturity over a sheltered over-protected 20 year old.

And as that child grows older, they may surpass the twenty-year old in life lessons OR vice-versa.

This has nothing to do with a matter of opinion.

I'd like to hear more of the age= maturity side becuase I don't know where the 'opinion' factor comes in.



I would also like to hear more the age = maturity argument. I still think it's a matter of opinion though as to what actually constitutes maturity. I have my belief and others have theirs. That would make it an opinion.

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