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The answer to the age-old-cp question

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When is it time to quit clubbing/partying and at what age??

Well I'm 31 and should have quit a long time ago. For some, this may not be true, but for me this life brings nothing but headaches. The reprocussions of the things I do seem to affect me more than others. I know its my own fault, but the fact remains that the life I've been leading is not the life a 31yr old accountant should be leading. I love everyone I've met and always have a good time but God has recently told me its not for me. I hope I can stick to my guns on this but all I can see is TTFN.........................

:( :( :(

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Originally posted by stiffler

When is it time to quit clubbing/partying and at what age??

Well I'm 31 and should have quit a long time ago. For some, this may not be true, but for me this life brings nothing but headaches. The reprocussions of the things I do seem to affect me more than others. I know its my own fault, but the fact remains that the life I've been leading is not the life a 31yr old accountant should be leading. I love everyone I've met and always have a good time but God has recently told me its not for me. I hope I can stick to my guns on this but all I can see is TTFN.........................

:( :( :(

There is no rite time to quit anything that you enjoy if it is not detrimental to you in some way. Moderation is they key to everything. If you still enjoy going why not limit yourself to 1 time a month?

just my opnion.

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22 and getting tired of the scene.....I wish I could go back to the days when I knew absoultely nothing about music, promoting, etc. Before i knew owners, bouncers, promoters, bartenders, DJs and etc.

Too much competition, too many places to go, too many parties, not enough days in the week.


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Originally posted by stiffler

When is it time to quit clubbing/partying and at what age??

Well I'm 31 and should have quit a long time ago. For some, this may not be true, but for me this life brings nothing but headaches. The reprocussions of the things I do seem to affect me more than others. I know its my own fault, but the fact remains that the life I've been leading is not the life a 31yr old accountant should be leading. I love everyone I've met and always have a good time but God has recently told me its not for me. I hope I can stick to my guns on this but all I can see is TTFN.........................

:( :( :(

Stiff I am 31 also and I go out all the time too. You just have to get yourself to calm down a little but still have a good time. Go out whenever you want but don't get all messed up evey time you out!! Enjoy yourself as much as you can now cuz one day you will be too old to go out and have fun!! :D Remember you only live once so do it all before it's too late and you regret it. Your only young for so long!!:D

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

sticky maybe its sopmething about the age. kind feel tired of it myself. tired of the endless nights, spending tons of cash the attitudes and everything that goes along with it .

see im 25 and get my ups and downs so i go out hard then i rest for a few months i rested most of tis summer i went down the shore like 3 times where last yri was down evey weekend so im on the way of getting back in mode

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27 here and I definately can't party like I used to. The long nights, early mornings keep me recovering for days. I like to go out, but Id like to be home before the sun comes up. I can't stand the thought of wasting a Saturday or Sunday sleeping. And most times I can't do that anyway. So I feel like crap until I can get some sleep.

When do we start the knitting club?

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i think everyone goes through ups and downs. im not saying i am ready to give up going out. i think id just prefer to spend my time more with someone doing other things. my last single friend is getting married and someties it makes u think. All your friends dont go out because they cant get sitters or their wife is pregnant this or that. Sometimes just makes you think to trade in the dancin shoes and look towards settling down ( well for me again lol )

As far as getting to old to go out i dont know about that. My parents retired and are not even 55 and i think they have more fun than i do just they are out in clubs and bars or getting mangled like alot of us do.

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I am going to try and reply to everyone here:

Beleive me, I have calmed down a lot and just when I think things are under control something happens that puts me behind the 8-ball.(my fault of course) Its just that I don't think I was meant to be doing what I've been doing. My life is filled with so many responsibilities that I should not take time out to do the things most of us do. Most of my freinds are a lot younger than me with few responsibilities and plenty of time to correct mistakes. My time is very limited and when I fuck something up it affects everyone around me. I cannot go on this way no more, so I feel it is time to throw in the towel. I'm sure I'll be around here and there, just not as often. i have to take care of myself. There are so many things I want to do with my life and my mind is all screwed up. For now, I am going to clear my head, tackel one thing at a time and move foward.

feeling down on myself right now people, sorry:(

Had a great night friday into saturday but major catastrophy on sunday caused me to feel this way. Some of us can do it, and some of us just can't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I know what your saying Stiff.............I've had a few friends go through what you seemingly are going through. Basically I hung out with an older crowd from the time I was 18-22, the people I hung out with were 26-31. Many of them went through a somewhat similar time, some more gracefully than other.

What you have to remember is this is not a "lifestyle" I don't care what anyone says, it's something you do in your free time to relax, hang out, and meet people. You job, your family and your close friends, those are your life. Those are what you should focus your energies on..............take partying and going out with a grain of salt.

I agree with you though, I seriously doubt, that at 31 I'll be going out anywhere near the way I did when I was 21, or even now. There's nothing wrong with cutting back on your partying habit. Hell when I was 20 I hibernated from Labor Day all the way through till my 21st birthday in April, I swear I didn't go out once, and you know what, it felt great. I focused on school, work, my family, and going to the gym, and when I finally went out again those 8 months later, I had a fuckin' blast. This whole clubbing scene tends to make people disenchanted over time, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

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Originally posted by ou812

I know what your saying Stiff.............I've had a few friends go through what you seemingly are going through. Basically I hung out with an older crowd from the time I was 18-22, the people I hung out with were 26-31. Many of them went through a somewhat similar time, some more gracefully than other.

What you have to remember is this is not a "lifestyle" I don't care what anyone says, it's something you do in your free time to relax, hang out, and meet people. You job, your family and your close friends, those are your life. Those are what you should focus your energies on..............take partying and going out with a grain of salt.

I agree with you though, I seriously doubt, that at 31 I'll be going out anywhere near the way I did when I was 21, or even now. There's nothing wrong with cutting back on your partying habit. Hell when I was 20 I hibernated from Labor Day all the way through till my 21st birthday in April, I swear I didn't go out once, and you know what, it felt great. I focused on school, work, my family, and going to the gym, and when I finally went out again those 8 months later, I had a fuckin' blast. This whole clubbing scene tends to make people disenchanted over time, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

Well said, I agree 100% :)

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Originally posted by cmb1975

27 here and I definately can't party like I used to. The long nights, early mornings keep me recovering for days. I like to go out, but Id like to be home before the sun comes up. I can't stand the thought of wasting a Saturday or Sunday sleeping. And most times I can't do that anyway. So I feel like crap until I can get some sleep.

When do we start the knitting club?

See thats what scares me. I am 32 and still party the way i did when i was younger. i go out until like 2 or 3 in the morning and jump up 3 hrs later uot of bed full of energy. Mon and tues rolls around i get a "good nights" sleep and im dead to the world the next day dont want to get up dont want to do anything.

knitting club hmmm ill pass but woodworking shop sounds like a good idea or jacuzzi club ( maybe next yr when i get one in my yard )

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Everything happens for a reason and if your weren't meant to do it you probably would not have.

Don't think there is a certain age to stop or slow down that is up to the individual. I think since you are realizing you are ready to explore new things, focus, and put more energy on differennt areas of your life is excellent and an incredible growing experience. You shouldn't be feeling down :)

Personally I have a better time out when I haven't gone out in awhile and take some T time and I know when it is needed as well. Just follow your heart and gut instincts

I do enjoy going out a lot and hope that when I am wearing depends and dentures my husband (or younger buck) and I go out just as much.

Clears my head from all the responsiblities and hard times I am faced with, kind of like I am in a different world.....just my opinion

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I appreciate all the feedback, and one thing I do know is that it is time to throw in the towel. At my age, I am not where I wanna be in life or should be for that matter. Problem here is that when I was younger I was leading a responsible adult life party free. I was in a long term relationship with a younger girl who felt I spent too much time working/schooling and so forth and not enough time living life. After that relationship ended i did a complete 360 and now I'm older and doing what I should have been doing when I was youger. I just need time to cath up on my life and straighten out the messes I've created.

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Originally posted by tizzah508

Everything happens for a reason and if your weren't meant to do it you probably would not have.

Don't think there is a certain age to stop or slow down that is up to the individual. I think since you are realizing you are ready to explore new things, focus, and put more energy on differennt areas of your life is excellent and an incredible growing experience. You shouldn't be feeling down :)

Personally I have a better time out when I haven't gone out in awhile and take some T time and I know when it is needed as well. Just follow your heart and gut instincts

I do enjoy going out a lot and hope that when I am wearing depends and dentures my husband (or younger buck) and I go out just as much.

Clears my head from all the responsiblities and hard times I am faced with, kind of like I am in a different world.....just my opinion

I'm glad you responded to this. Enjoyed hanging out with you the other night just wish you showed up to the afterhours(unless you did and I don't remember...lol)

I just think its time for me to act my age. That doesn't mean I won't go out entirely, just not the way I do. I have a pretty dam good life, great job and an even better family that loves me. I just want to lead a better life, one that suits me. And find someone special to share my life with. I just don't think I'll find someone out there especially not as fucked up as I get sometimes. Its fun and all, but enough is enough. I can't get anymore honest than I've been on this thread. Don't know what else to say other than I think I've learned an important lesson recently and I plan on taking that lesson and making the best of it..........................................Got myself in check, lets see how things go from here!

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Originally posted by stiffler

I am going to try and reply to everyone here:

Beleive me, I have calmed down a lot and just when I think things are under control something happens that puts me behind the 8-ball.(my fault of course) Its just that I don't think I was meant to be doing what I've been doing. My life is filled with so many responsibilities that I should not take time out to do the things most of us do. Most of my freinds are a lot younger than me with few responsibilities and plenty of time to correct mistakes. My time is very limited and when I fuck something up it affects everyone around me. I cannot go on this way no more, so I feel it is time to throw in the towel. I'm sure I'll be around here and there, just not as often. i have to take care of myself. There are so many things I want to do with my life and my mind is all screwed up. For now, I am going to clear my head, tackel one thing at a time and move foward.

feeling down on myself right now people, sorry:(

Had a great night friday into saturday but major catastrophy on sunday caused me to feel this way. Some of us can do it, and some of us just can't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that! You know, I'm only 24 and I feel the way you do sometimes. Especially after a long weekend of "partying". I get that guilty depressed feeling. I totally feel you though. Sometimes you just know and feel that there are so many other important things to be doing. And you are right, there is nothing wrong with the way you are feeling. It's natural. I suggest, take it easy for a while. That's what I'm doing. The summer drained me. It was my first summer with a shore house and it was alot crazier than I expected. It's ok to have a good time, once in a while. you know!:)

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Originally posted by djchoopa

I'll be 25 in January and I still like to party every weekend. There is nothing wrong with that. The thing that makes me feel like an old man ... are those afterhours. I just can't hang for those hours.

Me too! Maybe an hour or too, but that's it. It takes a toll on your bod after a while!:(

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Just turned 30, loving life, just not the actual number 30 itself (it comes with more responsibilities ya know). I still have a few years left that I can lie about my age anyway, plus I have a few more "closing parties" left in me. I'll admit, my tolerance for the drama and the crowds is a lot lesssssss than what it use to be. I love the music now more than ever, you just wont find me walking out of the Factory or Twilo on Sunday mornings anymore. Bring on Crobar though, looking forward to that!

As long as you have your priorities in order, I dont see anything wrong being 30 and going out from time to time. I have a lot of friends that are 25 and a lot of friends that are 35, some go out more often than others. We all go out a hell of a lot less than we use to, well except for one of my friends... can't blame him though, he gets more ass than a toilet seat.

Times change, people change but the story remains the same... as long as you're having a good time and you're not hurting anyone, who cares? If you look good and feel good (enough to go to work the next morning), than so be it! Shots all around..............

Just dont be that old person in the club that everyone looks at and says, damn that guy is old! Soon enough you get married and you turn in your vip cards for Home Depot credit cards.

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Just turned 30, loving life, just not the actual number 30 itself (it comes with more responsibilities ya know). I still have a few years left that I can lie about my age anyway, plus I have a few more "closing parties" left in me. I'll admit, my tolerance for the drama and the crowds is a lot lesssssss than what it use to be. I love the music now more than ever, you just wont find me walking out of the Factory or Twilo on Sunday mornings anymore. Bring on Crobar though, looking forward to that!

As long as you have your priorities in order, I dont see anything wrong being 30 and going out from time to time. I have a lot of friends that are 25 and a lot of friends that are 35, some go out more often than others. We all go out a hell of a lot less than we use to, well except for one of my friends... can't blame him though, he gets more ass than a toilet seat.

Times change, people change but the story remains the same... as long as you're having a good time and you're not hurting anyone, who cares? If you look good and feel good (enough to go to work the next morning), than so be it! Shots all around..............

Just dont be that old person in the club that everyone looks at and says, damn that guy is old! Soon enough you get married and you turn in your vip cards for Home Depot credit cards.

Well said, but it just doesn't work for me anymore. Or I just don't work it the right way anymore. Who knows??????????Just not happy with the way my life has turned out. I use to be and still can be so much more and my head just isn't where it use to be. My problem is that I have so many open issues that needs closure. And I am not getting satisfaction out of what I've been doing. To me going out and partying has become a way to forget about my responsibilities, and when all is said and done the responsibilities are still there and the problems got worse.Thats not the way it is suppose to be and I know it. Just now is the time to do something about it. I am not putting the scene down, as a matter of fact I love it. And like you said I to love the music even more now than ever. Its really the drugs that fuck things up. And I am the poster child for why people shouldn't do drugs. Beleive me when I tell you nothing good comes out of it. Eventually it all catches up to you and tears your life apart. I just wish I came to this conclusion a long time ago......................................................................................................................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Nice to see you too, unfortunately didn't make it to after hours, the face was hurting and woke up early to see Harry Potter with the bro

Anyway, don't be so hard on yourself. You did nothing wrong or are doing nothing wrong everything happens for a reason, and if you enjoy going out than don't worry sooo much and go out, b/c if you stop you are going to get more down. Maybe try going out less or drinking/partying less, spending more Stiffler time try some new things on the weekends and just take this new journey slowly

Get a good book and just relax

Trust me you are not alone I feel the same way at times (a lot of times) especially with the settling down thing, but when it is meant to be it will happen, going out looking will make it harder

If you ever or anyone else for that matter want to go and try different things on the weekend drop me a line, always willing to spice it up


wanna laugh.....picture my brace face :) works for me

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