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Time To GO

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Yo Double,

I dont have any sympathy for ya bro. I dont know everyone on this board very well, but everyone that I have met seems like a good person and made me feel very welcome on the board, and it has gone past that to when we are out in the clubs. Everyone introducing the new people and including them in on the social events. Nice little family we have goin here.

Everyone busts chops, and its all in a joking manner. I have ta tell you though. That post you put out to JPDD18 was just blatently rude and cold hearted. Only to be outdone by the shot taken against Solargirl by another individual for her surgeries. Like I said before. I have not known either one of these girls for very long, but they definately do not deserve treatment like that. Cauze I know they would never do that to someone else.

Peace bro. I think an apology would be the stand up thing to do.


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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

Yo Double,

I dont have any sympathy for ya bro. I dont know everyone on this board very well, but everyone that I have met seems like a good person and made me feel very welcome on the board, and it has gone past that to when we are out in the clubs. Everyone introducing the new people and including them in on the social events. Nice little family we have goin here.

Everyone busts chops, and its all in a joking manner. I have ta tell you though. That post you put out to JPDD18 was just blatently rude and cold hearted. Only to be outdone by the shot taken against Solargirl by another individual for her surgeries. Like I said before. I have not known either one of these girls for very long, but they definately do not deserve treatment like that. Cauze I know they would never do that to someone else.

Peace bro. I think an apology would be the stand up thing to do.


as far as i see it. i just dont like certian personality types i see is all.

where jen goes she has the right to her opinion. She can talk behind my back and slam me all she wants then slam me on here while she PMs me and tels me to call her she has something to tell me. I dont need shit like that. I had nothing against jennifer until she decides to slam me and needs to make herself look good or whatever. There are ALOT of nice people on here. i just said certian things bother me is all

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

as far as i see it. i just dont like certian personality types i see is all.

where jen goes she has the right to her opinion. She can talk behind my back and slam me all she wants then slam me on here while she PMs me and tels me to call her she has something to tell me. I dont need shit like that. I had nothing against jennifer until she decides to slam me and needs to make herself look good or whatever. There are ALOT of nice people on here. i just said certian things bother me is all

1) I DO NOT need to slam you to make myself look better. You make youself look like a fool w/ out my help. if you haven't realized that yet open you eyes you idiot!!!

2) If I told you to call me it was becuase there was something I thought you really needed to know. Fuck you if I was still trying to be a friend and you can't accept that. Open you eyes fool!!

3) I am probably one of the nicest people in the world but you really wouldn't know that cuz you fuck-up your chance. Oh well!!

Shortbus - thanks for sticking up for me!! You are a sweatheart and a true gentleman. ;)

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Originally posted by jpdd810

1) I DO NOT need to slam you to make myself look better. You make youself look like a fool w/ out my help. if you haven't realized that yet open you eyes you idiot!!!

2) If I told you to call me it was becuase there was something I thought you really needed to know. Fuck you if I was still trying to be a friend and you can't accept that. Open you eyes fool!!

3) I am probably one of the nicest people in the world but you really wouldn't know that cuz you fuck-up your chance. Oh well!!

Shortbus - thanks for sticking up for me!! You are a sweatheart and a true gentleman. ;)

you know what jen grow up

if yu and some otehrs think i look like fool for whatever thats fine

believe me you dont think u make a fool of your self more often than not

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

you know what jen grow up

if yu and some otehrs think i look like fool for whatever thats fine

believe me you dont think u make a fool of your self more often than not

Hey if I'm makking a fool out of myself whrn I'm our having a good time who the fuck cares? Isn't that the point of going out?? Have some drinks with friends and have a good time??!! I never made a fool out of myself sweatheart especially not in front of you or any of the people on here. So if you know of a time please feel free to let me in on it. I hope you don't consider getting drunk at deko and having a good time with all my friends making a fool out of myself. If that's the case evryone on here is a fool!!!!

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Originally posted by jpdd810

Hey if I'm makking a fool out of myself whrn I'm our having a good time who the fuck cares? Isn't that the point of going out?? Have some drinks with friends and have a good time??!! I never made a fool out of myself sweatheart especially not in front of you or any of the people on here. So if you know of a time please feel free to let me in on it. I hope you don't consider getting drunk at deko and having a good time with all my friends making a fool out of myself. If that's the case evryone on here is a fool!!!!

you know what jen you are absolutly right. i am a fool . See the reason is because when a very close friend of mine made a comment that his opinion was you act like a slut i should have kept my mouth shut. not because i think you are but i guess i shouldnt have defended you to the point where he and i arent talking. i am also a fool for even getting into this on a friggin message board this is just too childish for me.

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

you know what jen you are absolutly right. i am a fool . See the reason is because when a very close friend of mine made a comment that his opinion was you act like a slut i should have kept my mouth shut. not because i think you are but i guess i shouldnt have defended you to the point where he and i arent talking. i am also a fool for even getting into this on a friggin message board this is just too childish for me.

Now why did your friend say I was acting like a slut? Because of what? Now let me refresh your memory here. You told him and others you were seeing me. So your friend saw me talking to others guys and flirting he said I was a slut. Well let me inform your friend cause I know your one and only friend is on here, I WAS NEVER YOUR GIRLFRIEND NOR WAS I SEEING YOU!! I did what ever I wanted to cause I could!!! I now know for a fact that you have done the same thing to another cp woman and she had to stop you in your tracks. You need to stop trying so hard my dear!!!

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