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liqidtouch CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You are now the biggest fucking homo on the board. What the fuck is your problem. Who the fuck cares about Irag and the war. DOnkeyland is not used for that type of discussion. YOure a fucking idiot, dont try and make it look like you at all intelligent. i can just picture it now. Unlike the donkeys who cant get enough of the mirrors. (In college I actually felt very uncomfortable in my frat room because there was only one mirror in the bathroom. So what does Donkeyboy do. He drives to wallmart, buys 30 mirrors and mirrors the room completely. It was a girls heaven. I was everywhere, they could see me from all angles.) Now back to liqiddouche. You on the other hand are probably a fat turd. Sitting at your computer with your candy, ice cream, and I bet because your a fairy you probably have some pink cotton candy too. Get a fucking hold of your self. Your pathetic. Clean yourslelf up you fat fuck. YOure a disgrace to donkeyland.



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so u think you know?

1st off

theres not a touch of fat on me bro-

i been in aswome shape since high school-

as for thinking im intelligent?

yea ok

obviously i am intelligent because all that crap you wrote doesnt make and sence or have anything to do with wha i left behide for the readers-

if u dont care about it then so what..

whats all this nonsence post for then-

whats a matter?

do i make you feel inferior? with all that i can accomplish?

with all that i am?

this is a funny one

thanks for the laugh-

looks like you are good for something after all.


and me gay? dont think so son-

never was in any position to question my sence of manhood or sexuality

bye the way


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Originally posted by liqidtouch

obviously i am intelligent because all that crap you wrote doesnt make any sence or have anything to do with wha i left behide for the readers-

and me gay? dont think so son-

never was in any position to question my sence of manhood or sexuality

a few things boy wonder..

1. sense, not sence.

2. "what" actually has a "t" at the end of it.

3. behide is not a word. maybe behind?

4. again, it's sense.

5. don't ever question what donkeyboy or anyone in the donkeys or guido voltron tell you. what we say is the law. that's it.

now run along.

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I went to school with Donkeyboy...it is true about the mirrors...but he got that from me....I had my room set up like an upscale lounge....bitches could not handle themselves when they walked by my room and heard deep thumping noises, blasting horns and vocals that were singing "This is how it feels to FUCK on Cocaine".......The lights and lasers turned an ordinary college room into a miniture "Space...South Beach"....I brought the club scene, guido scene and style scene to our college....No one was sporting a tag with the letters D&G on it before I got there....Women could not handle themselves...

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Vixenfox...Good looks on Donkeyboy's spelling...Way to "spell check" the board....you can be Donkeyspellchecker.....However I should have also mentioned that although Donkeyboy and I went to one of the best liberal arts colleges in the counrty...he smoked pot weed every night......not to mention the massive amount of serotonin that he lost coupled with the vision problems he developed from staring directly into light bulbs while completely messed up...It is no wonder why he has difficulty spelling.....

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Originally posted by NJstacked

Vixenfox...Good looks on Donkeyboy's spelling...Way to "spell check" the board....you can be Donkeyspellchecker.....However I should have also mentioned that although Donkeyboy and I went to one of the best liberal arts colleges in the counrty...he smoked pot weed every night......not to mention the massive amount of serotonin that he lost coupled with the vision problems he developed from staring directly into light bulbs while completely messed up...It is no wonder why he has difficulty spelling.....

Seriously Vixon what did you win the speeling B contest so you have to brag........

Well tell me did I spell cunt right??????

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Originally posted by NJstacked

Vixenfox...Good looks on Donkeyboy's spelling...Way to "spell check" the board....you can be Donkeyspellchecker.....However I should have also mentioned that although Donkeyboy and I went to one of the best liberal arts colleges in the counrty...he smoked pot weed every night......not to mention the massive amount of serotonin that he lost coupled with the vision problems he developed from staring directly into light bulbs while completely messed up...It is no wonder why he has difficulty spelling.....

LoL donkeyspellchecker it is. I'm all over that :aright: tell donkeyboy to watch those lights, vision damage is no good :nono:

Badass- yeah, you got it right, good job :aright:

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