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Attn: DKNYbabe & Mystify....

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:laugh: hype I was going to Post an ATTN to you just now!!!!! :D

I watched it last night with incredulous...... I won't lie -- I was expecting it to be a little more juicy.....

I love how they didn't even mention the whole Tori/Kelly and Jessie missing thing....... :blank:

What was your opinion of it??????

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shit i just saw that you missed it :laugh:

I'm still a little out of it after driving back to school half asleep ;)

They basically talked about how they were all so young, and stardom hit them hard, how Screech/Dustin Diamond was always left out bc everyone loved Zack and Slater but not him....

How after they left the show, it was hard for some of them to make the transition into "adult roles"

It'll definitely be on again some time soon though.............

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Originally posted by mystify82281

:laugh: hype I was going to Post an ATTN to you just now!!!!! :D

I watched it last night with incredulous...... I won't lie -- I was expecting it to be a little more juicy.....

I love how they didn't even mention the whole Tori/Kelly and Jessie missing thing....... :blank:

What was your opinion of it??????

...YES THEY DID!....don't u remember.....jessie and kelly left for the last 10 episodes.....to do better things...and came back for the graduation episode..and then the reunion stuff......

......maybe MY name should be in the thread topic:tongue:

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missy --- yes your name should have been included..... you're also a zack/saved by the bell junkie!!!!

were you at all disappointed in it?!?? the commercials made it look so juicy, but most of the stuff was kinda .......... BORING!

ohhhhhhhhhhh i'm getting into my zack morris craze again.... i forgot how damn cute he is!!!! :drool:

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Originally posted by misk

...YES THEY DID!....don't u remember.....jessie and kelly left for the last 10 episodes.....to do better things...and came back for the graduation episode..and then the reunion stuff......

......maybe MY name should be in the thread topic:tongue:

Once again, Kelly was out cuz she was to busy filiming son-in-law and jessie was out on medical leave.

You are rite Misk, i should have put your name in there as well

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Originally posted by hunnie818

Ok you can add my name to the dork list too...

I watched it also...and your right girl...Zack is still a hottie!

I would go see screech do stand-up!!!!! :tongue:

Count me in for Screech's stand up comedy!!!!!!!!!!!! :tongue:

Question -- Do you like Zack blonde or dark haired?!?!?!!?!

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Originally posted by mystify82281

Count me in for Screech's stand up comedy!!!!!!!!!!!! :tongue:

Question -- Do you like Zack blonde or dark haired?!?!?!!?!

I prefer dark hair in general...but he looks good both ways...did you see when they showed that pick of him w/ the spiked hair and the frosted tips w/ the gotee???? MMMMMMMMMMMM

Yummy...i'll take him like that minus the gotee...i hate facial pubes....lol Oh and w/ his shirt off !!!!:D

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Originally posted by hunnie818

I prefer dark hair in general...but he looks good both ways...did you see when they showed that pick of him w/ the spiked hair and the frosted tips w/ the gotee???? MMMMMMMMMMMM

Yummy...i'll take him like that minus the gotee...i hate facial pubes....lol Oh and w/ his shirt off !!!!:D

..why stop at the shirt!??!?.....i want my man NAAAAKED!!!!

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I only saw 20 minutes of it, but it's so funny you started this thread b/c me and mystify were talking about how you HAD to watch this yesterday on the phone...I was gonig to post to both your attentions...haha, great minds think alike...

I want an I love Zack Morris T-Shirt too:D

we should all make a CP trip to go see Screech do stand up;)

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