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The story of limelight..Thanksgiving eve.

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So Me,Hunnie818 and JP18 head into the city and get there around 12 park and start scarfing down ripped fuels vodka and everclear. It was so fucking cold and we couldn't find a place to drink. So we went into some fucking convenience store and pretended that we where brothers and sisters shopping for our thanksgiving dinner while we drank are drinks for about 20 min left and found some local bar to drink in and take a piss (thanks for the beers jp) Finally we head to Limelight and we get inline. I forgot my ticket at the car so i darted down the block jumped over some garbage pales and a bum stopped for another piss and got back in time. (Ever see "Run Lola Run"? Thats what i was like lol.

Limelight (estate)

Fucking crazy as hell inside. the stair case heading in was all glass with bright white lights inside of it..very fucking cool. There was all fake grass with weird blue lights on the wall very trippy. The bathrooms where all redesigned and unisex very hard to explain but very weird. The place is like a maze of rooms and the main dance floor was nuts al night. The lights on the main floor where reason enough to go. They move down very close to you on and the colors change so erratically it feels like your tripping. The dj booth is stretched out and very obscure looking. It looks so strange like something you would see when your on acid. The whole club is like shit you would see on drugs.Very fucking cool. Hunnie and I lost JP18 looked after the pills bumps and massive amounts of alcohol. Hunnie knew people that worked the vip room so we chilled there for a while . Then back downstairs to look for jp18 with no luck. We ended up laying on the dirty stage floor till the club closed. ...Still no jp18.. SO we head outside the bright daytime light making us cringe like a deer walking in front of a trucks headlights..Head to the lot where my car is parked to find that the lot was closed!!!!!!!!! we just stared at the gate hunnie pressed a button on the door and another gate almost came crashing down on our heads!!!! At this point we where both delirious stumbling down the street laughing like lunatics. hunnie wanted to just get a hotel but i wanted to just get a blanket and sleep with the nice bums. When i was about to give up hope we realized that we where on the wrong block and the lot was still open got in the car and got the fuck home!!!!!

I got about 2 hours of sleep before thanksgiving dinner....People where all talking to me and shit.. I think my conversations with my family where like this:

Anthony how is work whats new blah bla?

Me: Ughhh ...Out late..very tierd,,,,...talk later

All and all the night was an experience that will not be forgotten and was fun. Just not perfect but then again what night is

Pictures taken from http://www.dtourism.com





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Not to mention that when we first got there Lock16 gave me a "substance" that knocked me into the "rabbit hole"....

Notallthere played nurse to me while i was in my semi-coma...and rather then giving me a handful of "sugar"...he gived me napkin full of salt, which I not knowingly throw into my mouth and end up spitting out all over the floor! He then proceeds to feed me nasty sweet energy drinks that led to my going to the wierd ass bathroom praying to the porcelian god and slipping into a limelight bathroom stall abyss....

But being a true warrior i snap out of it where notallthere and i wander around the trippy staircases and make our way to hidden rooms through bathrooms into the room where a gay guy asks me....pointing to notallthere...Is that yours?? while licking his lips...

Ha ha

Notallthere...the fairies LOVED you! After numerous drinks/shots conversation, dancing, and wandering ....we decide to sprall out flat backed on the stage and look at the ceiling lights while all the other tripped out partyers frollic and dance around us hypnotized by danny's sick beats....

Once again on our 189th wind...we manage to spring from our humble stage position and rock to the beat once more while standing next to and observing the two "feminine" men re-enacting the madonna vogue video in front of us.....

Stumbling into the light hysterical, delerious and weary ..after walking the streets searching for the car like lost foregniers....we finally come to the vehicle to find jp18 IS NOT THERE! thats a whole other story that he can tell!

All in All...i had a fantastic time and would'nt trade it for any different experience I might've had!:D

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Yeah, How about we all just forget about the part where JP got too whacked and was wondering around lost for hours.

I blame that on myself, alcohol, lock16 (thanks) and the weird dude with the hat.

I still had a great time and made it home for Thanksgiving Diner.

End Of Story.

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Originally posted by jp18

Yeah, How about we all just forget about the part where JP got too whacked and was wondering around lost for hours.

I blame that on myself, alcohol, lock16 (thanks) and the weird dude with the hat.

I still had a great time and made it home for Thanksgiving Diner.

End Of Story.

the weird dude with the hat? LOL that struck me funny.

Poor thing, wandering around all by your lonesome. I think I would have bugged out.:blank:

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Originally posted by xrapturex

the weird dude with the hat? LOL that struck me funny.

Poor thing, wandering around all by your lonesome. I think I would have bugged out.:blank:

I dont know the kid, but he contributed to me being a mess.

bugged out? Why? I had blast...Shit happens...Besides even when Im out with people I dont speak that much. I just enjoy the music and the scenary.

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Originally posted by jp18

I dont know the kid, but he contributed to me being a mess.

bugged out? Why? I had blast...Shit happens...Besides even when Im out with people I dont speak that much. I just enjoy the music and the scenary.

I hate being lost from the crowd I came with. It pisses me off.

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Originally posted by hunnie818

Not to mention that when we first got there Lock16 gave me a "substance" that knocked me into the "rabbit hole"....

if you are going to tell a story, tell it right......

Jp grabbed Me as I was walking by hm in the bathroom area (good eyes man), told me he was with Hunnie and notallthere...

so miss Hunnie some walking out of the stall, and gives me a big hug and looks at me and says

"how mangled are you??'

"not too bad" I tell her...

"pills??' she asks, and I am like "nope, I like to EAT on Thanksgiving"

needless to say, she drags me in one of the stalls, and Jp decides to be a JOKESTER and knock on the door, so in a hurry, I dump a small amount on her hand......

after we walk out and realize it was not a bouncer, hunnie proceeds to grab me again (5 seconds after we walk out the 1st time), and says" that was not enough, give me some more", so we walk back in a stall, and THAT is why she went that rabbit hole.....


JP, I felt bad for you, they disappeared, I would've flipped, although you made friends with the kid with the hat... WHO WAS HE??????


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Originally posted by lock16

if you are going to tell a story, tell it right......

Jp grabbed Me as I was walking by hm in the bathroom area (good eyes man), told me he was with Hunnie and notallthere...

so miss Hunnie some walking out of the stall, and gives me a big hug and looks at me and says

"how mangled are you??'

"not too bad" I tell her...

"pills??' she asks, and I am like "nope, I like to EAT on Thanksgiving"

needless to say, she drags me in one of the stalls, and Jp decides to be a JOKESTER and knock on the door, so in a hurry, I dump a small amount on her hand......

after we walk out and realize it was not a bouncer, hunnie proceeds to grab me again (5 seconds after we walk out the 1st time), and says" that was not enough, give me some more", so we walk back in a stall, and THAT is why she went that rabbit hole.....


JP, I felt bad for you, they disappeared, I would've flipped, although you made friends with the kid with the hat... WHO WAS HE??????


the truth comes out lol

sooooo hunnie asked for another bump hmmmm...

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Originally posted by notallthere

the truth comes out lol

sooooo hunnie asked for another bump hmmmm...

Oh, you didn't know???? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :laugh: :laugh:

Back to back bro.... I am nobody's dad, they ask, I ASSUME they can handle it....

key word: ASSUME..................

See you soon man

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Originally posted by lock16

Oh, you didn't know???? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :laugh: :laugh:

Back to back bro.... I am nobody's dad, they ask, I ASSUME they can handle it....

key word: ASSUME..................

See you soon man

First off...i never said it was your fault...i definately should've know better

second of all i didnt go back for 2nds...the first one was like a 1/4 of a bump cause jp18 scared the hell out of us...the 2nd one counts as one!

either way...i was twisted...NEVER AGAIN!

lock my darling...deko tomorrow??

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Originally posted by hunnie818

First off...i never said it was your fault...i definately should've know better

I never said you acussed me, I was just let everyone else know...

second of all i didnt go back for 2nds...the first one was like a 1/4 of a bump cause jp18 scared the hell out of us...the 2nd one counts as one!

OBVIOUSLY, the 1st was bigger than you thought, b/c the 2nd (yes they were 2 good sized ones, considering it was pure) knocked you on your ass, sorry.... you are much more fun when you are perky, no offense, and no, I don't know how I dance in that state either, but I do, and I do well.....

either way...i was twisted...NEVER AGAIN!

nevr again??? until the next time at least, right??? LMAO

lock my darling...deko tomorrow??

I think I might be there.... girl I know having her b-day there, so You might just see me........ hopefully....

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