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Bathroom Etiquette

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I was in the bathroom today and walked up to a urinal, and started to do my duty. Then some guy comes up to the urinal next to me, and all of a sudden he started talking to me! There's nothing worse than a mid-stream conversation in a bathroom. There's just something unsettling about talking to another guy while your unit is exposed. It's just not right.

So there I am. He's standing there, talking to me while I take a piss. The worst part of it is that I know he was trying to sneak a peak, then again when I'm standing next to him, who can blame him. Anyway, I'm way too insecure to be talking to another guy while he's holding his lizard. What did he have to say that couldn't wait until we were washing our hands to tell me? More of the same old bullshit: "Hey, how's it going.." "It's cold outside.." "My wife's due in September." You know, all the filler stuff people say to help them forget their miserable lives.

After the incident, I rushed home and scrubbed myself with steel wool and turpentine. I didn't want any warts or anything (you never can be too careful if you talk to another guy while he's holding his lizard).

While I'm at it, I must say, looking at a guy's monkey while he's taking a leak should be universal grounds for kicking someone's ass. Any cases of assault taken to court for the matter should be immediately dismissed. If you take a peak, you get your ass kicked. That's just something you don't do. Also, I'd just like to say that sitting down to pee makes you less of a man.

People have had my foot planted up their asses for talking to me mid-stream.

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faggot asses like that guy are exactly the reason i started hittin the stalls. even worse though are people that come in the bathroom blabbin away on their cell while you're trying to concentrate. these fuckers should be forced to bob for that cell in a bowl full of yellows and browns for pulling a stunt like that. the only exception is if you're calling in a bet at the last minute.

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Theres a guy at the place I work at, well he really likes me (and im not gay) and when ever I go in the BR I have to resort to using the stall b/c last time I used to urnal after I walked out he said under his breath "italian sausage" and then he thanked me. :blown::knife::finger::bigfinge::puke::chop::biggun::punch:

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Originally posted by lalaman

Theres a guy at the place I work at, well he really likes me (and im not gay) and when ever I go in the BR I have to resort to using the stall b/c last time I used to urnal after I walked out he said under his breath "italian sausage" and then he thanked me. :blown::knife::finger::bigfinge::puke::chop::biggun::punch:

jesus christ. where do you work? i'll be sure to meet this scumbag in the bathroom tomorrow with a meat hook and hang him by his asshole on the big handicapped stall door.

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Originally posted by lalaman

Theres a guy at the place I work at, well he really likes me (and im not gay) and when ever I go in the BR I have to resort to using the stall b/c last time I used to urnal after I walked out he said under his breath "italian sausage" and then he thanked me. :blown::knife::finger::bigfinge::puke::chop::biggun::punch:

So much hostility...admit it..you liked it!!!:eek::hat:

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