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investment banking

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I gotta say, this is one interesting thread we got here. I just felt the need to air my view on the issue, so guys, just bear with me.

There has been all kinds of views and opinions regarding the opportunities available, preferential notions, good school/courses to make it, "happy-go-lucky views...etc.... They were all right and deserving of their strong opinionated views. Here's my take on this...

First off, regarding one of the members who stated that being a 'white kid' has proven to be a stunt in development and goal achievement prospects.....To some extent, the equal opportunity endeavor was designed to level the playing field for all concerned parties. Notwithstanding, no one can argue that the logic behind it has been in some cases been missused. Thats intolerable. But what you failed to address was: In corporate America (as quoted by USA Today poll...three or so weeks ago), the top jobs are still controlled by white males. By the way, incase you didnt know, to advance, conquer and RULE the I-Banking industry, its not about know-how or in this case, how driven and ambitious you are,...nope. In every industry known to man today...there's always a "background puppet artist". What I mean, sometimes, the most invisible player is the most dominant concert director than you would ever imagine. In I-Banking,..just like most major entities, the Board of Directors call the shots! You could be the most innovative and creative being on the planet, but without the boards' endorsement,..you dont stand a chance..(kinda proves the who-you-know-agenda)......see the next post (CP has a quirky server)....

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But, at what point do we really appreciate the fact that, its almost impossible to make everyone a 'success' in life. Whats success?...being rich? being assertive? being 'the Boss of Bosses'? having the biggest house in the neighborhood? having your family take the most exclusive vacations in exclusive domains? having the most expensive set of rims? having the most impressive IPOs? ...etc...what is success?

Just becoz, life dealt you lemons, doesnt mean you have to drink lemonade all your life....improvise and make do,..thats what life is all about. So what the nerdy geeks and lucky MoFos made a bundle during the dot com era ! They made their lucky break, doesnt make 'em bad..just a little opportunistic. Believe me, if you were one of 'em, you would be singing a different tune. BTW, they didnt get lucky, they were innovative and God, they deserve every single goody that they got.

Like one CP members sig,....(in summary)...dont hate someone's dream come true just coz you couldnt achieve one !! That was well said...couldnt have said it better...

(continued in the next post)....

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I come from a big family (2 boys & 4 girls)....but the fact that my parents had the odds stacked up against 'em, they had resilience and that, my fellow CP buddies,...that makes a whole world of difference. My dad was an economist....met my mom when he was doing his graduate studies. My mom was a social studies student at a nearby college. They met on some weird circumstances...(I'm not gonna go into details) but in todays standards, she would have ended up a homemaker (whatever the fuck that means)....they were not s'pposed to be together, both their families strongly objected to it...but, you gotta admire the human spirit..LOL...proof?..here I am.. WTF am I talking 'bout?...well, dont blame societal changes for your shortcomings...no way you can prove you would be a "better" person..or as many would put it..."richer" person if life if society had gone the 'right' way.

(continued)..next post....(sorry,..didnt mean to ramble...)

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I tried to read alot of these posts but people started talking about micro/macro economics etc. I work for Morgan Stanley for 3 years as a FA and by the time you add up all the hours and time spent its not worth it. It takes about 5-10 years to build a business as an FA. The guys who are there 20 years dont know anything more than I do. As far as investment banking that area is going to continue to shrink. There was a big boom in the 1990s and that basically has fizzled away. I would say to anyone new don't get involved in this industry because its not worth it.

To be honest my company there are alot of sales managers who couldn't even make it as a broker. So I have some SCHMO telling me what to do and he could barely even open up an account.

Thats my two cents.

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To wrap this up, I'm glad that I got to read and listen to your views, I may not neccesarilly agree with it, but all in all, its great to hear views from the other side of the fence.

Boy, Am I glad I took science (physics) to be my choice of career.! phew, atleast in my field, .."its what you CAN do that matters" unlike the business industry .."who u know-or-who you are-related-to,or whos'-dick-you-r-suckin-or-what-color-on-ya-skin is..."

But I luv being alive and healthy the most, best consolation present today.....

just ma opinion....dont make it rite :D

Luv y'all CP guys...and gals....:)

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Originally posted by Xtreem

I tried to read alot of these posts but people started talking about micro/macro economics etc. I work for Morgan Stanley for 3 years as a FA and by the time you add up all the hours and time spent its not worth it. It takes about 5-10 years to build a business as an FA. The guys who are there 20 years dont know anything more than I do. As far as investment banking that area is going to continue to shrink. There was a big boom in the 1990s and that basically has fizzled away. I would say to anyone new don't get involved in this industry because its not worth it.

To be honest my company there are alot of sales managers who couldn't even make it as a broker. So I have some SCHMO telling me what to do and he could barely even open up an account.

Thats my two cents.

Dont give up on hope.....MAKE your dreams come true...just make sure..its to your liking....dont follow..LEAD..... the pieces to the puzzle will come eventually.....Good luck kid.....

Just remember...its not how much you want it....its, how BAD you want it...happy hunting bud.

just ma opinion....dont make it rite :D

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i understand that a lot of people might say that the number of hours put in is tooo much, but im sure everyone who goes into that field has an idea of how hard they will be working. some might say its worth it, so might say it's not.

for me its plain and simple. I am interested in that field. I don't care for 18 hour days, i don't care for the competition. i believe that i can handle all that, so i might as well go for it.

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Originally posted by mbenzml

i understand that a lot of people might say that the number of hours put in is tooo much, but im sure everyone who goes into that field has an idea of how hard they will be working. some might say its worth it, so might say it's not.

trust me. you don't know how bad it is before until you get in.

you think studying all night is hard? doesn't even compare.

dont worry about fuckin up in your freshman year. i fucked around like there was no tomorrow. i didn't get my shit together until junior year. granted, i caught the tail end of the economic boom but i think you will too since you are outta school in what... 2006? should be good.

magellan, thanks for that personal anecdote. cheers. :afro:

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Originally posted by kitty19

trust me. you don't know how bad it is before until you get in.

you think studying all night is hard? doesn't even compare.

magellan, thanks for that personal anecdote. cheers. :afro:

Awwww...thanks kitty19...nice of you to say that hun. Be good gal...hope to chat with you soon.

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Originally posted by kitty19

trust me. you don't know how bad it is before until you get in.

you think studying all night is hard? doesn't even compare.

dont worry about fuckin up in your freshman year. i fucked around like there was no tomorrow. i didn't get my shit together until junior year. granted, i caught the tail end of the economic boom but i think you will too since you are outta school in what... 2006? should be good.

magellan, thanks for that personal anecdote. cheers. :afro:

thanx, i guess im gonna have to see it for myself


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Ok here's the deal, Best advice I can give is this learn to feel ,taste , touch a deal an investment deal or M&A deal. I breifly read some of the replys to your questions, yes it is true it's not what you know but who you know. I belive that because your a freshmen you might not be able to take a credit course yet but the most important thing to know is under-writing ,the only way your going to learn this is by feeling a deal ,tasting and touching a deal. Why doesn't the M1 reconcile with line 21 ? why doesn't the balance sheet line up with schedule L ? every thing else is second nature. Read books on accounting , find out the tricks Corporate accounts use to show profit or for that matter hide it. This is is what it's all about.

Also decide this

When a banker wakes up in the morning he/she is there to do one thing .

Bankers don't fix cars , don't build houses and dont cook meals ,

they make money and as long as they did that they did what they got up to do that day.

Now ask your self this are you willing to do this every day?

Do you like riding roller-coasters, this business is all about high's and low's everyone works long hour's and do you know why ? Because their still trying to do what they got up in the morning


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Just read some of the other replys to this thread. The one's who have experienced lay off's are those who were coasting. Real bankers don't get laid-off. Real bankers bring in the business. Dot -com guys were coasters. Real originators who bring in business don't coast they earn. I know this sounds like a harsh statement but it's true and I can back it up so come on you Stern kid's, Ivy grads it's lunch time if you want.

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Originally posted by xkingchangox

Ok here's the deal, Best advice I can give is this learn to feel ,taste , touch a deal an investment deal or M&A deal. I breifly read some of the replys to your questions, yes it is true it's not what you know but who you know. I belive that because your a freshmen you might not be able to take a credit course yet but the most important thing to know is under-writing ,the only way your going to learn this is by feeling a deal ,tasting and touching a deal. Why doesn't the M1 reconcile with line 21 ? why doesn't the balance sheet line up with schedule L ? every thing else is second nature. Read books on accounting , find out the tricks Corporate accounts use to show profit or for that matter hide it. This is is what it's all about.

Also decide this

When a banker wakes up in the morning he/she is there to do one thing .

Bankers don't fix cars , don't build houses and dont cook meals ,

they make money and as long as they did that they did what they got up to do that day.

Now ask your self this are you willing to do this every day?

Do you like riding roller-coasters, this business is all about high's and low's everyone works long hour's and do you know why ? Because their still trying to do what they got up in the morning


i was born to make money :aright:

boiler room: "people come to this firm for one reason, and one reason only, to become filthy rich" "vacation time? if you want vacation time, go teach third grade public school."

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