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smoking ban announced...wooo holla

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Originally posted by dgmodel

thats not was i was saying... i say i dont mind it... i have no beef with it... its just part of life.. its like taking the subway and complaining about the homeless or the beggers... just deal with it...

I know you weren't complaining that was directed to the thread starter.


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Originally posted by rocketfuel76

#1 I understand the point that you don't want to smell, like a chimney, and its gross, but its legal, so get over it!! If you don't want to smell like a cigarette stay home with a bottle of Glade air freshener with your face out the window. The jackasses, such as myself started when we were young and are addicted now to something that is sold LEGALLY. Perhaps you should lobby to make it illegal, and then your rambling may actually have a point.

and so the stupidity begins...

Whose fault is it that you started (and then got addicted) in the first place? There are plenty of things that are legal to do yourself that you can't do to others against their will.

- it's legal to drive yet we have strict emissions laws to prevent pollution

- it's legal to play loud music in your headphones but not at 2am in your apartment when your neighbors are trying to sleep

- it's legal to stab yourself in the eye with a fork but you can't go doing that to other bar patrons

need more examples? I'd love to see some COMMON SENSE used rather than selfish kicking and screaming.

#2 Maybe I don't want to be in a bar with drunk jackasses like yourself, because your annoying when you're drunk, and I DON"T Drink so SINCE I don't drink, we should ban drinking because your rude remarks, your stepping on my feet, and your bad breath are annoying. Theres nothing like a slobbering smoke free troll to turn me on, esp when he makes rude comments and spills his drink on me. So lets ban drinking even if its legal.

WTF are you even talking about? Same shit applies to drunken smoking people too. But last time I checked, YOUR drinking didn't send me home smelling, with burning eyes and lungs. RESPECT PERSONAL SPACE.

From experience: (Sometimes) Smokers are better tippers, get rid of them and you lose half your bussiness.

That's total bullshit. There are no facts anywhere to back that statement up. Some people are cheap, some ar addicted) in the first place? There are plenty of things that are legal to do yourself that you can't do to others against their will.

- it's legal to drive yet we have strict emissions laws to prevent pollution

- it's legal to play loud music in your headphones but not at 2am in your apartment when your neighbors are trying to sleep

- it's legal to stab yourself in the eye with a fork but you can't go doing that to other bar patrons

need more examples? I'd love to see some COMMON SENSE used rather than selfish kicking and screaming.

#2 Maybe I don't want to be in a bar with drunk jackasses like yourself, because your annoying when you're drunk, and I DON"T Drink so SINCE I don't drink, we should ban drinking because your rude remarks, your stepping on my feet, and your bad breath are annoying. Theres nothing like a slobbering smoke free troll to turn me on, esp when he makes rude comments and spills his drink on me. So lets ban drinking even if its legal.

WTF are you even talking about? Same shit applies to drunken smoking people too. But last time I checked, YOUR drinking didn't send me home smelling, with burning eyes and lungs. RESPECT PERSONAL SPACE.

From experience: (Sometimes) Smokers are better tippers, get rid of them and you lose half your bussiness.

That's total bullshit. There are no facts anywhere to back that statement up. Some people are cheap, some are not.

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its an opinion...i could care less if they ban it or not cause its not stopping me from going out..unlike smokers who would stay in and rot in their houses cause they cant light up a stoge...by the way maybe it may be a good thing so u retards quit smoking...and if u want me to stay home cause of people smoking cigarettes then why dont u stay home if drunk people annoy u because clubs and bars will not stop serving alcohol anytime soon....and ill be the first one to get pissed at someone being annoyingly drunk...i hate that shit more than anyone...fuck all u smokin bitches...ill piss on ur cigarettes and put them out...and whats all the bullshit about tipping??...who the fuck are u callin me ignorant...u dont even know me so stick to the facts

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#1 Its my own fault never denied that

#2 Its legal to drive correct, not legal to pollute

#3 Its not legal, thats what noise pollution tickets are for

#4 Last time I checked stabbing someone in the eye isn't legal

I am not kicking and screaming, actually I have read many posts on this and haven't replied, and because of people like you, this is why I have refrained.

And Actually Drinking did effect me: when drunk asshole followed me home as I was walking home from a bar, and when he wouldn't take no as an answer I called the cops, well guess what the drunk bastard broke into the house an hour later and stabbed my friend and I and nearly murdered us......

Thank you.

And as far as the last comment I said sometimes. I have worked in bars and found that most drinkers are social smokers too. I never claimed to have a PHD in the matter.

-No hard feelings, I am just making my view known :)

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Originally posted by joecrack13

its an opinion...i could care less if they ban it or not cause its not stopping me from going out..unlike smokers who would stay in and rot in their houses cause they cant light up a stoge...by the way maybe it may be a good thing so u retards quit smoking...and if u want me to stay home cause of people smoking cigarettes then why dont u stay home if drunk people annoy u because clubs and bars will not stop serving alcohol anytime soon....and ill be the first one to get pissed at someone being annoyingly drunk...i hate that shit more than anyone...fuck all u smokin bitches...ill piss on ur cigarettes and put them out...and whats all the bullshit about tipping??...who the fuck are u callin me ignorant...u dont even know me so stick to the facts

accept your opinion. But look at how you are talking down to people who smoke,to me thats not sticking to the facts that is being slanderous/mean to someone just for a habit that they have. YEs then that is ignorant, its the same thing, you don't know me, so just because I smoke makes me a dumb annoying bitch... IGNORANCE at its best

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I agree with resturants and things like that but i an avid "when I drink i must smoke or i actually get annoyed" dont know what to do? I mean, like people like beer, so many enjoy a cigarette with it as well. Do you really think that bars and clubs will be in this or could the clubs somehow get around it? Do we the people at this point have any say in this law getting passed?

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Originally posted by rocketfuel76

#1 Its my own fault never denied that

You were using addiction as an excuse to oppose the law: "The jackasses, such as myself started when we were young and are addicted now to something that is sold LEGALLY."

#2 Its legal to drive correct, not legal to pollute

And you're repeating my point for what reason? This is why they are banning smoking indoors, because it is considered air pollution.

#3 Its not legal, thats what noise pollution tickets are for

exactly. you're getting it now!

#4 Last time I checked stabbing someone in the eye isn't legal

right again!

I am not kicking and screaming, actually I have read many posts on this and haven't replied, and because of people like you, this is why I have refrained.

you mean smart people who use common sense?

And as far as the last comment I said sometimes. I have worked in bars and found that most drinkers are social smokers too.

No, most drinkers are not social smokers. Maybe like 20-30%.

No hard feelings either...just trying to keep it real:D

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understand you. But you can't compare. These are totally different issues, polluting has always been illegal, you don't find Quick Check selling buckets of toxic waste. It wasn't like someone said its okay to dump nuclear waste and sold it, and then they're like okay well you can only dump your waste in certain areas. Intangible issues such as the previous are easy to solve, smoking involves human beings, therefore you enter a whole other realm. I find it an oxymorone that the government is trying to ban something, that they themselves made legal. My only point to you, and Im sure you understand this already, is look behind the "real deal". If they think cigarettes are so bad and they should be banned, then why doesn't the government stop production of them completely? LEts get real, they don't care about you, or your health, they care about $, and getting money, if they didn't then this wouldn't even be an issue. Im not blaming anyone for my addiction....

If you look at it from an Ethical view lets put it this way:

Kants ethics ask:

Would you want to someone to do something to you that you wouldn't want done to yourself?

No, I wouldn't want someone to sell cigarettes to me and make me physically addicted and then push me away from society.

You can use the same to argue your point/

#2 Don't use human beings as a means to an ends treat them with respect.

Well I believe the cigarette companies failed miserably in this area. The same government that used Philip MOrris to back their dinner party, now wants nothing to do with them.

I know you're probably a smart person, and I understand your point, I just believe that this is ethically not motivated correctly from the start.

And if their Ethical Maxim is to get people to stop smoking, I believe they are doing it the wrong way, and therefore failing.

And llovesd seems to be that 20-30%


Please do not refer to me as stupid, that is one thing I am not, I appreciate it.

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ugh i hate people who argue for the sake of arguing, it's like no one actually gives a shit but they want to be right so they have an argument on here where no one is going to come to any conclusions because they are really only arguing for the opportunity to be right... :laugh:

i am a social smoker, when i drink i like to smoke... i think there should be smoking places and nonsmoking places, workers should know this before they choose to work in a place & patrons who dont smoke can stay in nonsmoking places.

also, in westchester there is already a no smoking policy in restaurants and so many places get around it. you can smoke at the bar or after a certain time. . .

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Originally posted by rocketfuel76

But you can't compare. These are totally different issues, polluting has always been illegal, you don't find Quick Check selling buckets of toxic waste. It wasn't like someone said its okay to dump nuclear waste and sold it, and then they're like okay well you can only dump your waste in certain areas.

No, polluting hasn't always been illegal. Up until the mid 1900's there were almost no restrictions on what can be buried, dumped into the ocean, or spewed into the air. It's only when people started to discover the negative toll on the environment that the gov't started to outlaw and regulate these things.

Would you want to someone to do something to you that you wouldn't want done to yourself?

No, I wouldn't want someone to sell cigarettes to me and make me physically addicted and then push me away from society.

Exactly, just like I don't smoke, I don't want someone forcing me to against my will.

And I thought you weren't blaming anyone for your addiction. No one has been selling addictive cigarettes to you. You've been buying them on your own free will. You knew all the bad things before you even started but chose to ignore them.

Well I believe the cigarette companies failed miserably in this area. The same government that used Philip MOrris to back their dinner party, now wants nothing to do with them.

And who could blame them? Have you seen how much $$$ cig companies are losing in lawsuits these days? But fear not, your gov't will be there so long as they can keep collecting taxes.

And if their Ethical Maxim is to get people to stop smoking, I believe they are doing it the wrong way, and therefore failing.

In this case (NYC smoking ban) this has nothing to do with getting people to quit smoking. Specifically, this is about protecting the health of employees in smoking establishments. Regardless of the benefits non-smoking patrons receive from the ban.


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Originally posted by somebitch

ugh i hate people who argue for the sake of arguing, it's like no one actually gives a shit but they want to be right so they have an argument on here where no one is going to come to any conclusions because they are really only arguing for the opportunity to be right... :laugh:

c'mon now I would expect you of all people to understand. Why is OK that there's so much bullshit noise on this board but when there's some light debate everyone starts shitting their pants. I don't ever argue for the sake of arguing but when I feel that people are blatantly wrong I might point it out to them. A little education never hurt anyone.


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Originally posted by brooklynkid

c'mon now I would expect you of all people to understand. Why is OK that there's so much bullshit noise on this board but when there's some light debate everyone starts shitting their pants. I don't ever argue for the sake of arguing but when I feel that people are blatantly wrong I might point it out to them. A little education never hurt anyone.


we are stating opinions, there is no right/wrong so it is pointless to argue... people arent gonna suddenly say OH HES RIGHT!! SMOKING SHOULD BE BANNED. is that what you want? people have already said they understand your point just disagree...
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Oribe able to support all of them on your salary :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

:aright: I totally agree with this 100%. Let people do what they are gonna do.. If it bothers you so much then don't go to places like bars and restaurants that allow smoking. I am not an everyday smoker but I tend to chain smoke in bars and clubs and i do want to quit so hopefully if they do happen to enforce this, it could be a positive thing..But then on the other hand I might be like fuck you and light up a cigarette where i'm not supposed to and get arrested:laugh:

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Originally posted by somebitch

we are stating opinions, there is no right/wrong so it is pointless to argue... people arent gonna suddenly say OH HES RIGHT!! SMOKING SHOULD BE BANNED. is that what you want? people have already said they understand your point just disagree...

yeah and you make it seem as if someone is holding a gun to your head and making you read this "debate". There are plenty of other mindless threads of people posting smilies to read.

I don't expect anyone to say "OH HES RIGHT!! SMOKING SHOULD BE BANNED". Why would I? I was just trying to explaining the reasoning behing the passing of a law that will affect everyone around here. Please don't try to police this board.


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Originally posted by brooklynkid

yeah and you make it seem as if someone is holding a gun to your head and making you read this "debate". There are plenty of other mindless threads of people posting smilies to read.

I don't expect anyone to say "OH HES RIGHT!! SMOKING SHOULD BE BANNED". Why would I? I was just trying to explaining the reasoning behing the passing of a law that will affect everyone around here. Please don't try to police this board.


:laugh: we understand their point of view and respect it, we are simply stating that we disagree. i do not need your reasoning to understand why the law is being passed. i think everyone understands. you dont have to be a goddamned genius to understand, so stop acting like we are some kind of idiots that cant grasp simple concepts.

i personally dont give a shit. i dont need to have a debate about why there is a debate & you dont either, lets just let it rest..

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