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HEY Is Oakenfold running from one club to another NYE?

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That fucker.

Unless exit (or rather Exit 2) has changed its name again, he is booked for both places. Remember when he was going to play Tunnel and LL the same night?

He came to DC and pulled that shit once. He played at Buzz from fucking 12-2. 12-2! And then raced to this smaller place to play a 2:30-4:30 set and charge another 50$.

He has real balls.


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Originally posted by starshaped

Funkyfresh is right,can't see the problem myself.

You should be more worried about them charging $125+ for Tiesto & Oakie,wtf are all these 'packages' about? I just can't get my head round the concept of having a buffet lunch and then seeing Tiesto :laugh:

i can't bet my head round the concept of wanting to see tiesto period ;):tongue:

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OK, well what I don't like is not that a great DJ would try to maximize his earning potential, it is the way the situation is delivered and what it represents for the scene.

Let's say you pay an enormous amount to go see Oakie, and he comes on at a non prime hour so that he can run somewhere else to make more $. Doesn't that kind of kill the enjoyment of it? I didn't fall in love with the underground dance scene to feel like I am watching a movie, I did because the entire night would be a an experience created by that DJ which is almost personal.

I don't think it is a way to treat fans with any kind of respect and that is the fundamental reason I am preturbed by it. I guess I singled out Oakie because he is such an easy target and b/c he has done this to me before and I was really disappointed when he did, but honestly nothing sucked worse than seeing him look at his watch like 5 times at Buzz and start packing his shit at 1:45.

Maybe I'm too sensitive!

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Originally posted by starshaped

Funkyfresh is right,can't see the problem myself.

You should be more worried about them charging $125+ for Tiesto & Oakie,wtf are all these 'packages' about? I just can't get my head round the concept of having a buffet lunch and then seeing Tiesto :laugh:

OMFG!!!You have me on the floor rollong my ass off!!!That shit is so funny!!!!

There's like 3 deals,WTF??Gold,silver,platinum?? C'mon,Tiesto's about to play Solar Stone, umm,please pass the stuffing??!!!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Originally posted by bassboy

OK, well what I don't like is not that a great DJ would try to maximize his earning potential, it is the way the situation is delivered and what it represents for the scene.

Let's say you pay an enormous amount to go see Oakie, and he comes on at a non prime hour so that he can run somewhere else to make more $. Doesn't that kind of kill the enjoyment of it? I didn't fall in love with the underground dance scene to feel like I am watching a movie, I did because the entire night would be a an experience created by that DJ which is almost personal.

I don't think it is a way to treat fans with any kind of respect and that is the fundamental reason I am preturbed by it. I guess I singled out Oakie because he is such an easy target and b/c he has done this to me before and I was really disappointed when he did, but honestly nothing sucked worse than seeing him look at his watch like 5 times at Buzz and start packing his shit at 1:45.

Maybe I'm too sensitive!

I really dont see it a problam being at 2 venues in one night. He is giving his fans a chance so they can see him. Some people probably dont like CAPITALE and people dont like EXIT. He sharing his New Year with 2 venues and 2 crowds. I dont see that being a problam.

Last year he was at LA for NYE and then went to Vegas. Ask any dj im sure they would like to play @ 2 venues in one night.

Thats just my "OPNINION"

Victor Soto

Victor Soto

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oakenfold had become the cheeziest fucker around. just alone with his 2 hr sets...thast disgusting. theer is no experience to be had anymore with him. how many times in teh past yr thats i've seen constantly puttin down a track and walking away to bs with his crew or some bimbo whos hangin in the booth...comes back ...points to soem schmuck in the crowd....puts down another track and walks away again. what a joke! anyway....whats capitale all about? what kind of crwod goes there? peace

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Originally posted by diezel56

how many times in teh past yr thats i've seen constantly puttin down a track and walking away to bs with his crew or some bimbo whos hangin in the booth...comes back ...points to soem schmuck in the crowd....puts down another track and walks away again. what a joke!

:rofl: :rofl: "points to some schmuck in the crowd" bwahahahhaha and you KNOW that just makes that dude's night alllll worth it!!!

Starshaped - Did I mention lately that you're excellent? Cause I nearly died laughing at your post!

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Originally posted by vsoto212

He sharing his New Year with 2 venues and 2 crowds. I dont see that being a problam.

The only problem is that its the SAME person throwing these 3 events...so he's a greey bastard thats gonna be making triple the amount of money....and PERSONALLY this guy & his so-called "CLUBS/PARTIES" SUCK!

ESTATE,EXIT and CAPITALE is all Run by that David M guy...

Do NOT waist YOUR Time & Money at ANY of these PARTIES....

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