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For whoever went to platinum last night

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Originally posted by roque1

damn that was the first time i havent gone since september. I guess it was because i wasnt there j/k

what happened last night?:confused:

i dunno...it was half empty(maybe cuz of the rain) and the normal friday energy was completely missing...oh well, hopefully it was a fluke thing

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Originally posted by ysolt

FINALS, guys! i missed it to study... funny thing is, i ended up playing "Text Twist" on Yahoo (i am the procrastinating queen!) and going to bed early! hehehe. glad i didn't miss much though.

YOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Yeah I went to the bars last night, trying to get shit done but not really. I've got a project due tommorow afternoon and like 4-5 finals i need to pass. gluck!

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Originally posted by teklord310

YOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Yeah I went to the bars last night, trying to get shit done but not really. I've got a project due tommorow afternoon and like 4-5 finals i need to pass. gluck!

Can't wait until it's all over!!! Let's all go out and celebrate our upcoming winter freedome. :D

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Originally posted by pipdaddy

i was having fun until prime decided to start kicking people out....dumbass...


i cant help ur friend let me....u pointed to him....so i threw him out...what u want me to do....u tell me to throw out :direct: this guy...so i :roll: out the door....:finger:

and to clarify things..im not djing next week either....just so people know....DAVIS G is the Resident DJ, and he brings in the Guest dj's he choices...I am just the promoter...

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Originally posted by djprime

and to clarify things..im not djing next week either....just so people know....DAVIS G is the Resident DJ, and he brings in the Guest dj's he choices...I am just the promoter...

Let's clarify things completely. I have nothing to do with the guest DJ's. I think because of the guest DJ's the party has become confusing. It was never intended to be a trendy party with ultra new music. It was always intended to be a college party for college people. Plus, my music has always gone to pleasing the ladies. Over the last few weeks guest DJ's like Johnny FX, Anthony Acid and John Michaels have all spun through playing house sets that gave people a taste of music that was never part of the format. This pleased a small group of people who like that style of music but ended up sending the wrong message to everyone about the night. The trendy party is Saturday at Platinum. Friday is all about getting drunk and having fun. The party is never about "The DJ" it's about the people who go out and don't mentally track play lists, listen for beat matching or care what the hottest song is right now. They come out to have fun. They want to dance to Michael Jackson’s "Billy Gene" and make request like Dark Beat and Witch Doctor. They want to be able to shout out their friends over the microphone and pound $1 shots without worrying about looking cool. The night isn't about being cool; it's about doing whatever to have fun. The party is not about "One" person; it's about a group of people. From MC Showboat to the Bartenders, from the promoters to the owners to all the different people who gather on Friday night, everyone contributes to the party. And just for the record, this party started in the summer. While everyone was down the shore we were putting 200-300 people into Platinum every Friday and Saturday night, all without one word on Club Planet. Last year when I was in the wave lounge at Platinum other DJ's like Denny Tsettos, Eddie Baez, Teo T., Anthony Acid and Mark Amatucci were in the main room. These guys blow me away as DJ's but the Platinum crowd liked my style better. So now everyone is waiting for this Friday party to flop, but it won't. Its success stems from last year and this past summer and its base numbers are stable. Even with finals and rain we still did 400 heads this Friday. The format works so save your "Theories" for Saturday.

p.s. - Prime is spinning this Friday

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I completely understand what you are sayin about the friday night deal but everyone i talk to wishes the beats could go on all night....i used to go every saturday last year and the music was sick---this year we switched it up to fridays....don't get me wrong, Friday's are a blast -but the sudden music changes kill the mood. One minute we're all jammin' out and then i hear "Just gimme the light!" and reggae is on.

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Originally posted by addicted2drums

I completely understand what you are sayin about the friday night deal but everyone i talk to wishes the beats could go on all night....i used to go every saturday last year and the music was sick---this year we switched it up to fridays....don't get me wrong, Friday's are a blast -but the sudden music changes kill the mood. One minute we're all jammin' out and then i hear "Just gimme the light!" and reggae is on.

Is there a solution to this problem? I recall last year, the lounge had "hip hop" and the other side had "house." Could this be a possible solution? At least this way, you can make everyone happy... The "college party" is still there, as well as those lookin' to shake it to kick-ass beats. :D

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Originally posted by ysolt

Is there a solution to this problem? I recall last year, the lounge had "hip hop" and the other side had "house." Could this be a possible solution? At least this way, you can make everyone happy... The "college party" is still there, as well as those lookin' to shake it to kick-ass beats. :D

Great solution! :clap:

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Originally posted by davisg

Friday is all about getting drunk and having fun.

well 2 things

first davisG does a great job he just forgot to mention about how many naked chicks there are LOL.

secondly the solution to the problem is realize there is no problem.

i just think you guys need to drink a lil more is all

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the party is great and its gettting even better. there is no problem here. I like the occasional change in music. I think we have gotten a mix of both the hip hop lovers and the peeps who like the new house music. Personnally i come out to the dance floor when i like the music. If gimme the light comes on i'll take trip over to Ben at the wave bar to fuel me up.:pint:

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The bottom line is Platinum on friday is a hot party. The girls allways out number the guys, there are always mad heads on the dance floor and there are always mad heads at the bar. There are no fights, you can breathe, and you dont have 9 million muscle heads with their shirs off sweating on you and scratching you with their shaved arm stubble. This IS a PARTY, an all out dinking party where everyone has a good time thats why fridays are always mobbed. You dont have to take my word fro it go check it out yourself. Dont get it twisted the place is off the meter!!

P.S. Bartenders christmas party at club XS in seaside Tuesday Dec. 17th biggest party every year. Send me a message if you need tix. $10 tickets before $20 at the door. For more info e-mail me at drinkdocta@aol.com

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