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Avb Was Off The Wall Last Night!

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So first, around 12:30, I turn onto 18th street and drive by roxy, seeing barely any line. I asked myself, "Is AVB really playing tonight? Where is everybody?" Then finally after 20 minutes of finding parking, I got two tickets on the corner of roxy for a meesley 25 bucks compared to exit's rip off price of special events for 40-60 bucks! You couldn't beat the price man.

Headin into the club, pre-AVB, I was amused by the chants I heard on the platform as people said, "asshole, asshole", "we want Armin, we want Armin." In addition to the middle fingers that rose pointing directly towards Joe Lodi the resident DJ. That couldn't be any funnier. Behind the scenes of chanting, this little guy who sort of looked liked AVB came out, tricking the audience so that every body went crazy. Haha that was hilarious, I later on saw that little guy mackin to two girls on the dance floor (good man).

Finally, the boss came out and everyone just went crazy. Starting out with a slow but very danceable mix, he had the crowd in his hands immediately (what was the name of that song by the way?). During his set, he entertained his true fans by becoming part of the crowd: dancing, clapping and going crazy for each climatic moment. It was just amazing.

Surpisingly, on the main dance floor, as everyone has said in previous postings, the dance floor was perfectly situated with enough room to move to the beat. Unfortunately, during some moments of his performance it seemed that the crowd didn't seem as excited as they could be (did anyone notice that on the main dance floor, not the platform?).

Unfortunately, I couldn't stay for his entire set, but I was there till 5:20 or so. The moment of the night, other then this one 40 year old lady trying to grab my ass and some whale trying to dance with me (why do I always get the fat chicks?) was when AVB played summer calling. I've never heard that remix spun before, it was incredible. I wasn't on the dance floor, I was standing on the railing near the bar, and I said to myself, "HOLY SHIT, this is the sickest remix of summer calling that I've ever heard."

All and all, even though security was ridiculous (seeming that there was more NYPD then people). After last night, I've declared AVB my favorite trance master of the moment. His friendly personality and dedication to his true fans couldn't be any better. Can't wait to see him again in NYC. (In addition to Ferry Corsten on the 27th!!)

If anyone has any pictures or clips of the night, I would be grateful for them, my stupid ass forgot my camera so I couldn't take any shots. E-mail me at flowjoe16@aol.com. Thanks guys.

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