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Rare Occasion: Bus Starts an FU!!

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An official FU to all the male fuckin scum out there who have no respect for women.....

I myself joke about it, post stupid shit, and even make people sometimes believe I am a pig... but never cross the line

But I think any of the women I am friends with will attest to the fact that I am a gentleman when it comes to how I treat women....

I am very on edge today and ready to explode...

Yes Hunnie... my test levels were high already this week, and got even higher after a phonecall from my sister last night...

On the way home I get a very upset phonecall from my sister at college....

Her ex boyfriend, who has not clue what is going to happen to him... called her up and left her a nice message in his drunken state....

Calling her a whore, scumbag, slut and wished that she were dead.... threatening her with physical harm.... probably a last resort to get her back after she finally saw the light...

His wording was much more colorful on the message... and it left her fearstricken, locked in her dorm room last night...

I am disgusted that any man could ever talk to a woman as he did, let alone a 21yrd angel like my sister.. who stuck with this illiterate fuck, without a high school diploma, repeatedly failing his GED's, unemployed ass, who needed her to pay his car payments due to his inability to manage/earn money......

She never said a bad thing about him.. even after he was caught cheating on her...

All of this to be re-paid by his drunken message last night...

I apologize for my short temper today... no harm meant....

This kid just dug his own grave though...

There are only a few things which are sacred to me... and one of those things is my family, especially my younger sister... who I would cut a limb off for if it would in any way help her.... and spending a lengthy period of time behind bars, just to assure her safety, is not even question in my mind.....

The 22yr old He-Bitch just happens to live right here in town where I work... and pretends to lift with his 140lb skin/bone body at the gym I used to workout at...

I am going to temporarily workout in town here in hopes that I might accidently bump into this hump and have the opportunity to fully educate this waste of flesh on family, respect, and how to treat a woman...

I just want to vent one more thought... to any of you spineless men who may be reading this... I find it pathetic and very disturbing that any of you can look at yourself in the mirror, and actually be content with what you see, when you digress your anger and inner frustrations out on a woman...

You all are not worth the air you breathe... And I personally would like to offer out a hearty FU for the pussies that you are....

Real tough guys... picking on the women that worship the ground you walk on, and tend to your every need... just becuase of some latent homosexual issue, or your inability to deal with your own personal shortcomings....

God have mercy on ya... the punishment for such behavior will be quite painful I am sure...

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note to boyfriend if this shall reach him in time:............save paper and hug a tree, hug that tree hard fella, we have already sent many like you packing away and living in the woods huggin those tree's, so run away now while you have a chance!!!!!!

we have not yet located the tree hugger group b/c they have ran far into the woods, too far that me and the bus can not fit our meaty heads through tight little cracks and shrubs to find out were you all have ran too, we have just heard the cry from the edge of the highway into the woods of young folkers like you crying "this is my happy place" "this is my happy place" as the sounds of acorns drop on your shivering bodies...................

so hold on tight tree huggers cause me and the bus will be out to save you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by osb


hey look who it is, my vote for meathead of the month!!!!

what?? it wasn't me!!!! i promise!!!! it's not mine it's my friends he left it in my car.................

ha ha ha, hey wasup bad boy watcha gonna do???........so what's the deal for tonight do you have some tasty di phi e chicks, or any horny softball players from the ol stompin ground for me????, come on mr.DJ i need some bait before you lure me in!!!!!

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Originally posted by osb

I amy need you and the boys to come "talk" to my Sigma Chi promoters. Decent crwod last week, promoters came up a bit short in their obligations to me, if you know what i mean!!!!

AHHH, I SEEE, i got the digits and you got mine, i'll try to stop in tonight and put these young jedi's in thier place and hand out backhands to the young fellas............you hear dondeisel26, your brothas are frontin and puttin a bad name out their for ya........

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hey bus,

If you need a partner to take a ride to this whoopass convention thats about to happen let me know. I hate blatent disrespect to women too, as you saw in Dj's this summer. Besides I need to practice these UFC moves on someone... why not this little shit that talks that way to yourr sis.:bigfinge:

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yo riggs bro. i couldnt agree more. there's a ahuge difference between joking and what these pussies do to women. I have a sister who's 20 so I can definitely relate and she knows that if i ever caught wind of some asshole treating her in any disrespectful way, that kid would be in the hospital before the wind died down.

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Just an update on the situation....

the little waste of flesh decided to call her again.....

in the middle of his lashing out, my sister told him to expect a visit from me...


She has recieved three apologies on her voicemail already...

I have way to much to lose, running a business... I would not want to risk anything just to vent on this kid...

unless I really thought she was in danger, then it would be no question...


I have his home address, phone number and know what time he lifts at the gym in town...

I will have some words with him soon....

A simple apology to my sister, again... from my cell phone while I am holding him by the throat, and a promise never to contact her again will do just fine...

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

An official FU to all the male fuckin scum out there who have no respect for women.....

Real tough guys... picking on the women that worship the ground you walk on, and tend to your every need... just becuase of some latent homosexual issue, or your inability to deal with your own personal shortcomings....

Break his f'n neck! Some guys just dont get it and never will... I put these guys into the same class as the assholes who grab and feel women in clubs because they think they can!

Hey Bus, whatever happened to that loser that you were supposed to slap around at Metro?


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