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Which method of murder do you prefer???

Stabbing someone death :knife:

Blowing their brains out :blown:

Beating them to death :punch:

Running them over w/ your car :tank:

Chopping them up w/ a chainsaw :chainsaw:

Digging their heart out with a spoon

lighting them on fire :flame:

stabbing them in a vein with a needle and pumping an oxygen bubble into thier bloodstream causing it to go to the their brain and have an anurism (my personal favorite, very painful)

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see now it all depends

easy to get away with is sicking them with a needle causing a heart attack always works.

personal favorite is chainging them down and slicing them with a very sharp razor to leave nice clean cuts that will bleed and pouring salt all overe the entier sliced body to add some excitement until they bleed to death. of coarse with all the DNZ shit this will certianly lead you to a life behind bars.

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I am not one to recommend violence but a couple of weeks back I had and oppurtunity to beat up a friend. Nothing feels better then hearing someones face squish beneath your knuckles. Now the respect I get is tremendous and we are best friends again!

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hunnie all but the last leave WAAAAAY too much around for the investigating officers.

the needle one is good always been a favorite. still mild implications. However to me i thnk to get away with it a nice hot shot in the vein with some high grade street corner pharmicuticals (sp) and leave everything beind. whos going to dispute an overdose. Everyone will say well they didnt do drugs. because most families dont know people do drugs LOL

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what i would do is knock someone out which ever way. then take them to a beach and bury them in the sand with there heads out of the sand. then when the tide comes up they drown it would be slow and they could watch the whole thing happen right in front of them.


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Originally posted by hunnie818

Which method of murder do you prefer???

Stabbing someone death :knife:

Blowing their brains out :blown:

Beating them to death :punch:

Running them over w/ your car :tank:

Chopping them up w/ a chainsaw :chainsaw:

Digging their heart out with a spoon

lighting them on fire :flame:

stabbing them in a vein with a needle and pumping an oxygen bubble into thier bloodstream causing it to go to the their brain and have an anurism (my personal favorite, very painful)


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Originally posted by hunnie818

Which method of murder do you prefer???

Stabbing someone death

Blowing their brains out

Beating them to death

Running them over w/ your car

Chopping them up w/ a chainsaw

Digging their heart out with a spoon

lighting them on fire

stabbing them in a vein with a needle and pumping an oxygen bubble into thier bloodstream causing it to go to the their brain and have an anurism (my personal favorite, very painful)

You're a sicko psycho but you're never boring, thats a good thing! Where does all this anger come from girl? Need to have someone wacked? Personally, I loved when Tony Soprano beat the shit out of Ralphie and choked him out. Thats a hell of a way to go! Cement shoes is another option, although I'd throw the fucker into the water while he was still alive (more suffering, drowning is a hell of a way to go). In another Soprano's episode, burying the fucker alive was a nice touch but it backfired when the Russian clocked Christopher and Paulie with the shovel. Another form of recreational murder was featured in Goodfellas when they were going to feed that fucker to the lions. I think the shark tank would be much more fun to watch though. My favorite form of painful recreation would have to be splitting someone's head by crushing it in a vice, similar to the way they did it in Casino. You can see the look on their face as the pain sets in.

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my personal fav is

tieing ones hands behinde them with a 7 inch bar at the elbows

making the arms stick out straight-

from the wrist ropes they are hung

full body weight is on the sholders and wrists in an opposite position.

with a somewhat sharp object slice the skin along the bottom of the ribcage-

stick ur hand inside as they will remain alive for this...

grab the liver and one kidney and pull slightly until they are dislogged from what binds them-

rech downward into the intestine and start to remove them-

all this and they will still stay alive


take a rubber glove with pins going out of it and once again

caress the inner domain of the body

dont forget to kiss them before they lose consiousness..

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piss in their mouth til sores form on their lips, cheeks, etc causing mass infections. then put a sheet of acid on their tongue and roll them up in a wet carpet and leave them out in the middle of the dessert with a pitcher of water 2" in front of their face. sit and watch from your air conditioned car to figure out if the hysteria or gangrene eating away at their face puts them into the obituaries first.

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Originally posted by hunnie818

Which method of murder do you prefer???

Stabbing someone death :knife:

Blowing their brains out :blown:

Beating them to death :punch:

Running them over w/ your car :tank:

Chopping them up w/ a chainsaw :chainsaw:

Digging their heart out with a spoon

lighting them on fire :flame:

stabbing them in a vein with a needle and pumping an oxygen bubble into thier bloodstream causing it to go to the their brain and have an anurism (my personal favorite, very painful)


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