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Cloned Babies 'will Be Born Within Weeks'

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On Thursday, a scientist

who belongs to a group that believes life on

earth was created by extraterrestrials. Brigitte

Boisselier, head of a company called Clonaid,

said a cloned baby girl is expected to be

born this month.

In a telephone interview, Boisselier said

the cloned baby will be delivered by Caesarean

section from an American woman in her 30s.

She declined to say where or when the birth

will take place, but ruled out Christmas Day.

She also said four more clone births are due

by the end of February.

Taken from Yahoo news:

(Read the entire story)



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I think it is sick and demented that a human life has become a science project... This kid will never lead a normal life... And they will use her as a scientific Guinnie Pig and run test on her left and right...


This is not my opinion... This is fucking fact... It is just against all moral laws... I dont know how they allow this shit to happen...

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Im all for cloning and the experimentation that goes along with it.

You have to understand that this is a step into humankinds evolution through science AND religion.

Im certain that the folks created will become (Heros) of this planet...they will live like kings and queens....if your going to be angry...be angry at yourself for not participating in the necessary steps to heal the worlds sick...not because other people are doing everything it takes to get the job done.

You just have to be open minded into aceepting the possibilities of these "bazarre" acts....sure this is strange....but thats because we dont know anything and or little about it....

Put it this was....bloodletting with leaches used to be commonly accepted throughout the world as medical practice....this is just another step in medicine that soon will be considered normal and practicle...just like getting a hose stuck up your rear and getting your insides cleaned out......just have to have an open mind...


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Originally posted by elementx

I think it is sick and demented that a human life has become a science project... This kid will never lead a normal life... And they will use her as a scientific Guinnie Pig and run test on her left and right...


This is not my opinion... This is fucking fact... It is just against all moral laws... I dont know how they allow this shit to happen...

I agree............. :calp2:

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I ask you this... where does morality exist in the world today?

There are happy notions on how things should be...

We all should be friends, of equal health and wealth.

But what should be and what actually is has and always will be two seperate things....

With our illusions off we are all greedy lustful savages that will claw at anything if our standards are disturbed.

To deny that dark truth is to remain ignorant.

But to run with every aspect of yourself with full control....those are the foundations of evolution.

i supposed the point that im coming to is that raging against the posibility of something such as cloning with vulgarity and a vague concept of how thigs should be seems logicly foolish in every aspect....but I could be wrong....


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Originally posted by gothzane

Im all for cloning and the experimentation that goes along with it.

You have to understand that this is a step into humankinds evolution through science AND religion.

Im certain that the folks created will become (Heros) of this planet...they will live like kings and queens....if your going to be angry...be angry at yourself for not participating in the necessary steps to heal the worlds sick...not because other people are doing everything it takes to get the job done.

You just have to be open minded into aceepting the possibilities of these "bazarre" acts....sure this is strange....but thats because we dont know anything and or little about it....

Put it this was....bloodletting with leaches used to be commonly accepted throughout the world as medical practice....this is just another step in medicine that soon will be considered normal and practicle...just like getting a hose stuck up your rear and getting your insides cleaned out......just have to have an open mind...


I am sure there are many other ways for them to find cures for the sick... They can cloan cells and such that can be used... Why cloan a whole human... What you are saying it is ok to use a human life and run test upon test upon test upon test until they find cures for diseases... Weather the baby was created by hand or by ( the natural way of 2 humans ) it is still human and does not deserve it... I am sorry I cannot have an open mind to it... No need to bash how I feel... We all have our thoughts and minds... I just think it is wrong...

I mean what is next... You will be able to go to your local hospital and say... Hey I want a baby that I know will be smart... Is sure not to have birth defects... One who will be great in sports... Etc... Etc... And I don't think I am going away from what is going on here... There are enough sick people in the world that will do this because they have " The Money "

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Originally posted by gothzane

I ask you this... where does morality exist in the world today?

There are happy notions on how things should be...

We all should be friends, of equal health and wealth.

But what should be and what actually is has and always will be two seperate things....

With our illusions off we are all greedy lustful savages that will claw at anything if our standards are disturbed.

To deny that dark truth is to remain ignorant.

But to run with every aspect of yourself with full control....those are the foundations of evolution.

i supposed the point that im coming to is that raging against the posibility of something such as cloning with vulgarity and a vague concept of how thigs should be seems logicly foolish in every aspect....but I could be wrong....


You make your points... Which is understood... And I respect it 100%. The world today is beyond fucked up... But that does not make this right...

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How about the same family that says

"I want my son to be born...without the genetic defect that I have."

For instance a family thats prone to heart failure or infant death syndrome.

I understand and accept your valid points...but to go along with you I would have to accept "natural order" and have faith in religion.

Sadly my lifes experiences has removed that veil of ignorance from my eyes....its up to us as people to set things right with the world.....but that...is just my opinion.

There is evil in every good and good in every evil.


There is no "whats right" left in this world anymore...as we can do is decide between the lesser evil..and try to sugar coat it as best we can so the turth of it is easier to swallow.

We can stand out ground with our disagreements....but how do we move from there?

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cloning humans should be banned. when did we get the idea that we can take nature and God's work into our hands to create life on our own? this is seriously pushing the limits, and i hope that this so-called experiment fails....people should not be treated as lab rats or be subjected to frankenstein like tests...

on a side note, i believe that cloning humans has happened much longer than we think, only now they have decided to release this to the public...why would they have cloned sheep and not cloned humans?

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People took gods work into their own hands when they realized god was slacking off...and that they could freely experiment without being burned at the stake by the holy inquisition.

humans are the most complex organisms on this earth....

the nervous system for example is quite frangile and complex...

why sheep? possibly because their close to our genetic code...possibly because if you mess up...well at least you have dinner and a nice sweater....if you mess up on a person....theres alot more questions and complaints.


Originally posted by sassa

cloning humans should be banned. when did we get the idea that we can take nature and God's work into our hands to create life on our own? this is seriously pushing the limits, and i hope that this so-called experiment fails....people should not be treated as lab rats or be subjected to frankenstein like tests...

on a side note, i believe that cloning humans has happened much longer than we think, only now they have decided to release this to the public...why would they have cloned sheep and not cloned humans?

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Listen...Going against what you call "nature" is part

of nature too kids! That's what WE do and

that is OUR NATURE.

Like it or not this is coming..

and I am more than willing to embrase it!

Besides it's all part of

a bigger picture for us



(BTW: In case you forgot..

there are test tube babies living

perfectly healthy lives as well..

do you remember what that

debate was like back then?

same exact thing)


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whether it is future or science or whatever you'd like to call it, you are still messing with something that we are not sure of the consequences.

i think it's wrong to play with genetics in this way...i'm sorry, but if someone is meant to be born a certain way, then there should be nothing anyone can do about it...does this mean to say that people who are born mentally retarded or with physical difficulties deserve to be treated any less as a human being as someone who is deemed "perfect" by society? this is bullshit.

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Originally posted by sassa

whether it is future or science or whatever you'd like to call it, you are still messing with something that we are not sure of the consequences.

i think it's wrong to play with genetics in this way...i'm sorry, but if someone is meant to be born a certain way, then there should be nothing anyone can do about it...does this mean to say that people who are born mentally retarded or with physical difficulties deserve to be treated any less as a human being as someone who is deemed "perfect" by society? this is bullshit.

Well that's fine..

but you are thinking in extremes.

I doubt this will become a sci-fi

movie where some dark Nazi

empire clones perfect children to take over

the world....

It's just a step into eradicating

genetic illnesses for ever(And THAT

had been going on for centuries)

I don't see this as a DOOMS DAY

thing...I think it's a natural evolution

of what we are going to be capable

of doing with genetics..

I don't see it as AGAINST

nature at all ..I see it as completely

NATURAL. (It's unavoidable.)

I think people

in general are just scared of what

they don't understand.

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Originally posted by mugwump

Well that's fine..

but you are thinking in extremes.

I doubt this will becaome a sci-fi

movie where some dark natzi

empire clones perfect children to take over

the world....

It's just a step into eradicating

genetic illnesses for ever(And THAT

had been going on for centuries)

I don't see this as a DOOMS DAY

thing...I think it's a natural evolution

of what we are going to be capable

of doing with genetics..

I don't see it as AGAINST

nature at all ..I see it as completely

NATURAL. (It's unavoidable.)

I think people

in general are just scared of what

they don't understand.

you may not see it another way, and i do like what you said, BUT, considering the time we live in and the power of the stuff that goes on behind the scenes that us normal people will never find out about, i think it's safe to try to look at it from all angles...i am 10000% sure that this could be used for the wrong reasons...and this is what i am afraid of. sure, we are told that this will eliminate genetic deficiencies and what not....but then again...are you a whole person if those aspects of you are taken away...i'm sorry i'm just not buying into all this.

i believe it will be abused in the future, if not now. i don't agree with it and think it should not even be done. but that's only my opinion, for i am sure other people will find excuses and ways to make this happen.

I only hope no one gets hurt in the process.


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Originally posted by sassa

I only hope no one gets hurt in the process.

I agree with that...

And like with any form

of medicine or Scientific

discovery it must be approached


But I don't agree with thinking

that all scientific break troughs

will be abused..

If that where true Test tube

babies would already have been grown

in a lab to create a mutant army...

I wouldn't jump to any overly

dark conclusions with this

after all..we ARE making life here

not creating bilogical weapons

I am more concerned

with issues regarding


this matter..

I think in the end it should

be allowed to be used ion

special occasions (infertility..

long history of cancer and damaged

genes like suicide..insanity..

etc..) But other than that

I have no more concerns..

Look up the info

on how the very


baby born is doing..

she's fine! and so are we in

that dept) ;)

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Originally posted by mugwump

I agree with that...

And like with any form

of medicine or Scientific

discovery it must be approached


But I don't agree with thinking

that all scientific break troughs

will be abused..

If that where true Test tube

babies would already have been grown

in a lab to create a mutant army...

I wouldn't jump to any overly

dark conclusions with this

after all..we ARE making life here

not creating bilogical weapons

I am more concerned

with issues regarding


this matter..

I think in the end it should

be allowed to be used ion

special occasions (infertility..

long history of cancer and damaged

genes like suicide..insanity..

etc..) But other than that

I have no more concerns..

Look up the info

on how the very


baby born is doing..

she's fine! and so are we in

that dept) ;)

ok....you bring up a good point regarding overpopulation....when there are so many orphans, dislocated from their parents either through death, war, drugs, etc....and who need love and support...and who will be expected to become members of society.....don't you think people should be more concerned with who is here already rather than what kind of humans we can make in the future...i dunno...you have some good points, but i still feel very uneasy about this topic...cloning is just going too far, in my opinion....

sorry to beat a dead horse.

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Originally posted by gothzane

....if you mess up on a person....theres alot more questions and complaints.


of course, unless noone's told about it, and they just dispose of the body. i wouldn't be surprised if it's been tried before, they fucked it up and never told anyone about it, kinda like in that alien movie where they have a room full of fucked up ripley clones.


these people are dumb to start annoucing shit like that even before the baby is born, i'd wait until the baby is at least a year old before announcing, in case something goes wrong.

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