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Danny Howells at Vinyl (arc) REview

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WEll i just got back from Howells, and it was a fucking blast on Hubert Street yet again. It wasnt crowded at all, i was dancing all night long like a jedi. For all you that were there Hope u had fun, I saw some good looking ladies up in there. "How u Doin'"

Joe D

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definitely a great night. howells showed his talent by using other peoples records since his were apparently lost. I am glad that he didn't lose his cd book, because 6am, he rocked the Deep Dish/ Howells compilation with the eminem sample.:eek: :eek: Definitely filled the floor with that and there was a rediculous tech set after that. Sick time, I left around 7am. Nice seeing everyone last night:)

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OMG last night was insane...to all those people that said arc is dying, this is calling you out because last night the place had tons of friendly people groovin to the beats all night long. The vibe was IN-CRED-IBLE, there was def electricity in the air...got there alittle before 12 and there were a bunch of groups chillen around the speaker stacks, on the stairs, etc...i was hangin out by one of the poles just closing my eyes and listening, i opened them to a flood of people rushing in...got to meet SOOOOO many Arc board people that i cannot even begin to list everyone because i'll leave someone out by mistake, but it felt like i knew everyone at the place last night. Like we had a house party amongst good friends, there was really that feeling to it. Also met a couple of clubplanet people, and they were all really chill and enjoying themselves. I could not stop moving all night, despite the airlines messing up and leaving his records in Belgium, he decided that wasnt going to stop this party from rolling...borrowed a bunch from bill patrick and also had some cds too.

Best moments of the night were definitely Cody getting dannys 'danny claus' hat, we were all calling for it and he took it off and brushed it off and handed it to her. I told her we'd better not see it on ebay this weekend, lol

and: "my daddy likes breaks!!!!!!" if you were there you know what i mean. IN-SANE!!!! also played the deep dish record with "nobody listens to techno" dubbed on it, drove everyone to a frenzy. (he dropped this at baktun a few weeks ago also and blew up the place with it).

some of the diehard danny fans complained that he plays alittle too much techno these days but i was really feeling the set.....didnt hear any vocals until like 6 or 7 am.

omg...now i'm at work and im seriously beat....left the club to come straight here and working until 9pm, blah!

it was worth it though.....


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Originally posted by reddog4063

and: "my daddy likes breaks!!!!!!" if you were there you know what i mean. IN-SANE!!!! also played the deep dish record with "nobody listens to techno" dubbed on it, drove everyone to a frenzy. (he dropped this at baktun a few weeks ago also and blew up the place with it).

I coulkd have sworn it went: "Danny likes breaks!!". I am pretty damn sure that kid is not Danny's.

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Danny MUTHAFUCKIN' Howells!

:D :D

I'm so glad I was convinced to go last nite.. one of my best nites out with Danny.. not necessarily musically.. but the vibe was incredible! I think it's cause I haven't seen him in a few months.. after last nite, I was asking myself: now why the hell do I NOT come EVERY month? Starting in the New Year when Danny comes back in February, just remind me about his last set of 2002.. that should be enough to get my lazy ass out to hear him every month like I should be! cwm35.gif

Got there at like 2am.. place had a decent amount of people there but it got more full throughout the nite. Danny was playing some house and one of my friends comes up to me and tells me that his record case got lost en route (not to NY, to his last gig) and they couldn't find them so he was spinning CDs and borrowed vinyls.. I was like: OH NO! :eek: Did my ears deceive me or was Danny dropping a couple TRIBAL beats here and there, early on. :bounce: Started off very nicely. Got a little harder and a little techier later in the nite and stayed with tech (for the most part) for the next 2-3 hours or so. I'm not such a fan of tech, wish Danny would drop more of his house, but I was still moving.. even though it's tech, when Danny drops it, it's almost impossible not to still move. Stuck in our little spot right in front of the booth last nite.. Danny communicates with the crowd like no other DJ I've ever seen before. :clap:

Got my early Christmas present! Haha.. so happy.. that was my goal of the nite.. to get Danny's santa hat. Mission accomplished, Merry Christmas Cody! :bday:

That breaks song that Joe (reddog) is talking about.. good as hell!! The little baby that did the sample was there in the booth, so cute. Veeeeeeery nice song.. does anyone know when that was put together? I'm a big fan. yes.gif

His breaks set came on a little after 7am.. wasn't long at all and definitely wasn't strong.. but when we spoke to him at the end of the nite he said it was because all his breaks are on vinyl and since his record case was lost he didn't have any breaks on CD. So February Danny promised a breaks special. drool.gif

Very nice nite.. great seeing everyone.. met reddog (yay! I made it!) and kiko (nice meeting you) last nite. Saw the some of the usuals along with the occasional ones: hotcheme (so good to see you hun!), phuturephunk (very nice to be out on the dance floor with you again!), az-tec, roha, snoozi, bigpoppanils (dammit you left early!), Mr. "Retired" roninmess (ohh please), teklord (thanks for everything Yarin).. AND..

*drumroll please*

Mr. MUTHAFUCKIN' TUNNELBANDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :party: Great seeing you hun!! Haven't seen you since like July at the hellhole!! Nice meeting your girlie. Hope you guys had a good time, LOL.. Danny Howells is one of the LAST places I'd ever think I'd see you. Glad you came out!! Too bad we couldn't have a beer together. Heh.

(sorry if I forgot anyone, it's been a long nite, and that sleep didn't help very much)

Good nite.. Danny = :heart: Woot woot! :D

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are you guys suprise that danny boy would fu*k your minds into insanity with his incredible tracks, again? i was not there last night, but have seen danny spin at arc numerous times, and every time i was amazed by him spinning. hell, i don't know why i clicked on this thread, because i knew everybody was going to say he was great, and that you all had the time of your lives. of course you did, danny would never settle for anything less. i hopfully i'll be there next month, because it has been quite a long time since i had my mind fu*ked by danny.:D:spin:

it's amazing to realize that this former psychiatric nurse in england can be such an amazing performer. thank God for digweed who opened the door for danny.

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hey, were you the dude in the arcade taking close-ups of bill patrick? if so, i was the guy who asked you if you knew where ashley was. :)


Originally posted by pod

I had a blast myself. Don't know if I met anyone from this board, but I had fun nonetheless. I was the guy with the camera BTW in case any of you saw me...

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Originally posted by codica3

Yeah, he's taking a month off.. but when he returns in February.. prepare yourself..


i had my record box in the car. offered to hook him up with 70some breaks rekkkids but he graciously declined
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Originally posted by jayp

i had my record box in the car. offered to hook him up with 70some breaks rekkkids but he graciously declined

Yeah someone had told me that people were offering him breaks records so I was hoping he was gonna drop some better ones.. aww man.. your breaks records would have been some good shit to hear too last nite.

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Originally posted by reddog4063

i humbly accept this esteemed position within the dance community.

hehe :D

PS- i expect to see you at tronic tomorrow night for christian smith!!!!!

LOL. Good.. now if things go right I won't miss another Danny nite unless I'm dying. :aright:

P.S. Sorry, no can do, Ms Cody doesn't do Sunday nite - Wednesday nite. :tongue:

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Last night was rediculous!!!!! This was my first night out since October and it was a ton of fun. The crown was a little thin but that just meant plenty of space to run around. The man lost all his Vinyl but managed to bang out an awesome set. A little too much tech, but the last hour was phenominal. He ran out of breaks and played some weird ass 80s breaks.

Robin was going nuts to the enimem remix... you finally pointed it out the second time. good stuff

Cody - good thing you listened to me, mad fun!

Saw a bunch of people ihaven't seen since summer. At the end of the set we talked to Danny for a while and he promised a 4 hour break set in February.

"Danny(or my daddy) likes Breaks" was awesome. Especially since the vocal came from a little kid which was chilling in the DJ booth, not live of course. hehe. He did wonders with that voice.

I'm dead tired now, can't wait till next weekend.

Wassup to all the CP heads who were there, u know who you are. Sorry I missed a few of you. lata! :D

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Originally posted by reddog4063

hey, were you the dude in the arcade taking close-ups of bill patrick? if so, i was the guy who asked you if you knew where ashley was. :)


Hehe, yeah, that's me, just up from sleazy south beach doing some work for

.cooljunkie. ... did ya find her OK? :)

I must say though...Arc has by far the friendliest crowd I've experienced so far in New York. The few times I've shot up here in NYC, I've been given the evil eye at best by people in a club...but Arc's crowd was tops! Everyone was in good spirits the whole night..I spent probably 2 hours just meeting various people and talking it up...

I may be staying up here on an extended assignment of sorts, will let ya know...

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