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What the hell should I do on NYE?


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I was going to say, my new year celebration will probably be this friday 27 at Maze...if things go the way I expect them to...I will still be recuperating on January 2nd...that takes care of new year's eve, I guess...new year's here at the beach is pretty busy, traffic is nuts, people everywhere...not very comfortable...unless you get reservations at a nice place ($$$) you have to basicly blend into a sea of tourists, curious and passerbys...which might be fun for your guests, I suggest you ask them...that way you'll surely find something perfect for the ocation.

whatever you do, enjoy!!!

Funk :cool:

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Originally posted by demo909

The new Sky Bar (same as the one in NYC) will be openning on New Years. I'll be dropn' some nice tunes if you care to come by. Tixs are VIP only, but I can hook a brotha up:D

p.s. shroomy....here kitty kitty.......??? get it?

Is the Sky Bar the same as LA? Is it in a hotel? Whats up with the music and crowd?

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Thanks for the offer Kooky... and it was great finally meeting you the other night.

But there is no way I am dealing with the zoo that Space is sure to be when I have another couple to be responsible for.

It was bad enough just keeping track of the two of us for deep dish.

The Sky Bar sounds very interesting.... have to find out details, Ill PM you Craig, thanks.

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Sky Bar is going to be located in the Shore Club Hotel which was just taken over by Ian Shrieger and the Delano....as for the music, I'll be playing some deep house, dub, tech-house and some tribal on New Years. It's definately going to be the something different from the normal run of the mill music that been played OUT in Miami right now.

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Originally posted by demo909

Sky Bar is going to be located in the Shore Club Hotel which was just taken over by Ian Shrieger and the Delano....as for the music, I'll be playing some deep house, dub, tech-house and some tribal on New Years. It's definately going to be the something different from the normal run of the mill music that been played OUT in Miami right now.

OH SHIT............................... I was going to stay home.....but this sounds right up my alley - plus I have heard ya spin Demo and I liked what I heard (a lot in fact..........) hmmmmmmmm

I stayed at the W hotel in Chicago (Ian Shrieger owned establisment) - I will say, that place rocked..........same as the Hudson in NYC.............


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Originally posted by demo909

Sky Bar is going to be located in the Shore Club Hotel which was just taken over by Ian Shrieger and the Delano....as for the music, I'll be playing some deep house, dub, tech-house and some tribal on New Years. It's definately going to be the something different from the normal run of the mill music that been played OUT in Miami right now.

:confused: The Shore Club is on Collins and 19th??..this party sounds appealing.

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Shore Club is a great place to meet up for drinks and see some hot chicks. And now that there will be some decent music up in there, could become an all night thing. I was there last weekend for a little, place is still under construction. Most of the crowd in there though is the pretentious folk. The like to hang there first and then head over to Mynt. Either way it's good eye candy. I'll be there in 2003 to check it out.

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Originally posted by lolahotass

I stayed at the W hotel in Chicago (Ian Shrieger owned establisment) - I will say, that place rocked..........same as the Hudson in NYC.............


FYI - I'm certain that Ian does not own the "W", but yes, the Hudson is one of his. I've stayed at all but Morgans. Schrager (proper spelling) hotels include:

Royalton - NYC

Morgans- NYC

Hudson - NYC (rooms Suck)

Paramount - NYC (rooms Suck ASS)

Delano - MB

Mondrian - LA

Clift - SF

St Martins - UK

Sanderson - UK

And yes, most of his hotels rock. My favorite is the Royalton.

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Originally posted by chaos33

Shore Club is a great place to meet up for drinks and see some hot chicks. And now that there will be some decent music up in there, could become an all night thing. I was there last weekend for a little, place is still under construction. Most of the crowd in there though is the pretentious folk. The like to hang there first and then head over to Mynt. Either way it's good eye candy. I'll be there in 2003 to check it out.

oh yes, then I had been there... it's a very nice place. That's where Nobu is and Bobby DeNiro has a shack or house in the back I believe.

Then, is there a NYE comp guestlist for this???:confused::D

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I think it's all a matter of preference..

would you want to...

A. sit, stand & stare @ the stars while you socialize to a nice glass of wine overlooking the ocean after a nice dinner??

B. move & shake a bit, socialize & have a few drinks while not even thinking about going over the edge??

C. "dance like you've never danced", get piss drunk (responsibily), laugh your @ss off & make out with your partner?? all this while it seems like you and 4,000 other people have blasted off the grounds of the earth, shot right outta Space & you just don't give a F@*k!!

Don't know about you guys, but I'll take C... ;)

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by biznation00

I think it's all a matter of preference..

would you want to...

A. sit, stand & stare @ the stars while you socialize to a nice glass of wine overlooking the ocean after a nice dinner??

B. move & shake a bit, socialize & have a few drinks while not even thinking about going over the edge??

C. "dance like you've never danced", get piss drunk (responsibily), laugh your @ss off & make out with your partner?? all this while it seems like you and 4,000 other people have blasted off the grounds of the earth, shot right outta Space & you just don't give a F@*k!!

Don't know about you guys, but I'll take C... ;)

Hmmmmmm....now that you put it that way, its a toss up. I guess it will all depend on my choice of company for the night. :D

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C sounds great but I am just trying to avoid

D. Have the time of your life until some shithead security guard starts fucking with you or literally pushes you out of the way so he can get closer to the chick with the big tits, then have some guido asshole try and start a fight after your girl refuses to dance with him, then spend an hour looking for your friends who disappered trying to find a place to sit, then freekout because your tripping and thought you turned into a


but of course Ill be there for afterhours :)

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everyone go to centro fly....its the best deal...35 bucks in advance, 40 at the door.....one hour open bar....but who needs alcohol neway...bring in the new year with "other" stuff. Its def gonna be a crowd. and thats all you really want on new years...mad people rubbing up on you and making you feel all cozy inside...plus you wont hafta spend a million and get all pipmed out....wear your velour to after hours people.....centor-fly is gonna b off the hook 4 after hours cuz they got an extended liscence....so all the degenerates will head there when it starts to get liite out. good times.

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